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1629 | 10-04-2019 07:24 AM | |
1890 | 12-12-2016 03:07 PM | |
4117 | 12-07-2016 03:41 PM | |
4366 | 07-12-2016 02:49 PM | |
1575 | 03-04-2016 02:35 PM |
03:22 PM
@omar harb This post provides info on resetting the admin password and also provides some background on the decision.
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02:24 PM
@omar harb Log into Ambari as the administrator and from the top menu select Services->HDFS. Then navigate to the right side of the page and you will see a pulldown menu for "Service Actions". The list of available actions for HDFS will be shown in the list. You can perform a Start, Restart, Stop, etc. from this menu. I have uploaded a couple of screen shots showing the actions. screen-shot-2016-06-01-at-101948-am.png screen-shot-2016-06-01-at-102002-am.png
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04:31 PM
Ya @Ravi Mutyala , the temporary tables are only in use for a few minutes. My concern is also about any additional time being spent when writing the table as ORC. Probably have to run a bake off to see how it works in this case.
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02:32 PM
@Greenhorn Techie I used Ambari Blueprints, Node.js and deep-diff to compare the configurations for two different clusters. The blueprints were loaded into Node.js and deep-diff did a nice job of finding the true differences in the JSON objects. The HOSTGROUP definitions in the blueprints created a fair number of red herrings but the other diff objects were dead on. Assuming you can install Node.js, the deep-diff module and extract the blueprints (I know. A big assumption) you can use the following Node.js commands to generate a JSON file with the cluster differences. var myCallback = function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log(err);
console.log("The file was saved.");
var diff = require('deep-diff').diff;
var bpa = require('/path/to/blueprints/blue-print-a.json');
var bpb = require('/path/to/blueprints/blue-print-b.json');
var difference = diff(bpa,bpb);
fs.writeFile('cluster-difference.json', JSON.stringify(difference, null, 99), myCallback);
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02:18 PM
@Benjamin Leonhardi Yes, these are Hive temporary tables. The feature is new'ish and I wanted to know if there are any surprises not mentioned in the language manual. Memory is one of the options for temporary table storage and I want to see if it is possible to fit the tables into memory. The tables are short-lived so I don't think ORC is a realistic choice at the moment but that could change.
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10:06 PM
Assuming compression is enabled of course.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
02:21 PM
1 Kudo
You can take a dump of the MySQL database to a text file using the mysqldump command. You can see further info on the documentation site at
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02:35 PM
1 Kudo
@wayne2chicago The following command appears to be missing from the documents for Oracle use. Execute this command to make Ambari aware of the new driver and database so the configs can be pushed out. I also prefer to copy the ojdbc7.jar file to all the cluster nodes before I issue the command. Just in case. ambari-server setup --jdbc-db=oracle --jdbc-driver=/usr/share/java/ojdbc7.jar
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04:12 PM
3 Kudos
@Ram D. If you have passwordless SSH set up from the Ambari Server to all the hosts with Ambari Agents, you can use a distributed shell, such as pdsh, to issue the command to your hosts and stop the Ambari Agents. Doing so from the Ambari Server console is not an option and I do not believe it will be based on the architecture type that Ambari uses.
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04:39 PM
2 Kudos
The back ticks around the text cause the command to execute and the output is put in place of the command text. So you get the fully qualified hostname of the machine where the command is being executed placed into the command. If you run this snippet from a shell that is not on the Ambari server, you will get an error because the command is being sent to the local machine.
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