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2461 | 10-20-2016 07:44 PM | |
7561 | 10-16-2016 03:14 PM | |
2807 | 05-11-2016 02:16 PM | |
2148 | 09-29-2015 08:27 PM |
04:26 PM
2 Kudos
There are multiple options: 1. You can use apache tika (using a programming language like Java) to read the xlxs and load into hive. 2. If its a single xls sheet, then you can use pig's CSVExcelStorage() and insert into hive table using HCatStorer() 3. Convert to a delimited CSV and load it.
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08:27 PM
Thanks @Kuldeep Kulkarni
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08:04 PM
1 Kudo
Does hiveserver2 JDBC calls support TLSv1.2 ? We are having external applications configured to use TLS1.2 for stronger security.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
04:43 PM
If you are using EC2, then make sure your OS has the properly defined hostnames. You can updated it using hostnamectl or set it on the sysconfig/network files based on your OS version. Then to fix your hostnames in your server/agent, follow: Restart Ambari Server and Agent and you should be good !
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04:32 PM
1 Kudo
You don't to STORE the relationship into 'F'. Just issue the store command. Also, please describe 'E' and see the list of column name that you are storing into the hive table. Make sure the column names align and mentioned in lower case in your relationship. If you don't see the field name in the relationship, then you can define one as follows: F = FOREACH E GENERATE (chararray)$0 as (col1:chararray), (chararray)$1 as (col2:chararray), .... etc... and STORE F INTO 'journey_pig' using HCatStorer(); Hope this helps! Thanks!
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05:52 PM
Thank you very much @zblanco. It worked perfectly fine. Also thank you very much for the reference API.
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04:00 PM
we are using Ambari alerts Rest API to poll for components health. We would like to filter out the ones which are in Maintenance mode. Any idea what how we can get that. The REST API call throws all the services that are critical- http://<ambari host>:8080/api/v1/clusters/tech_hdp/alerts?Alert/state=CRITICAL
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
03:07 AM
Thanks Deepesh. I'm working with a customer where they have coded the existing Informatica Workflows (BDE) with TRIM on Decimal value in prod. When we are trying to migrate HDP and run them on Hive 0.14, it started erroring out in lower environment. We stated Hive is working as intended to, but wanted to check if there are any workarounds. Thanks!
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11:08 PM
I'm working on a scenario where a good number of queries uses TRIM(DECIMAL VALUE) in Hive 0.11 (Pivotal 1.0). After migration to HDP 2.2 (Hive 0.14), the queries started failing with error "Trim Takes only STRING/CHAR/VARCHAR types. Found Decimal". If I tried to run the same query as TRIM(STRING(DECIMAL VALUE)), it runs fine in Hive 0.14. Due to the volume of queries that should under go this casting change, is it possible to set this Implicit casting at a global level (say SET). Are there any workaround to trim decimal values in Hive 0.14 (which was supported in 0.11). Thank you!
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
04:13 PM
I faced similar issues and asked the same questions: Not received any response yet, but we can reach out to Engg team.
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