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7564 | 08-24-2016 09:13 PM |
04:44 PM
3 Kudos
Do we have any experience on typical disk usage rations for each of the repositories (Flow file, content, and provenance)? E.g. if Content requires 200 GB of storage, the provenance and flow file would require 20 GB (for typical flows)? Trying to use this information to decide how best to slice of a NiFi server which has 12 local drives. E.g. 8 drives allocated for Content, 2 for flow file, and 2 for provenance. Appreciate any thoughts!
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:34 AM
1 Kudo
Very helpful guys. Appreciated!
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09:19 PM
2 Kudos
Customer has "Cluster A" (20 node standard Hadoop cluster: HDFS, YARN, Hive, etc. but no HBase). Customer is adding "Cluster B" (6 nodes dedicated for HBase use). Cluster A and Cluster B are on neighoring racks in the same datacenter, same VLAN, etc. Is it technically safe/possible to install the RegionServers in "Cluster B", but point them to the HDFS instance in "Cluster A"? If this is possible, what compromises would we make in terms of HBase performance? Certain SCANs would be more slow as the RegionServers loaded remote HFiles into memory? Writes would be more slow due to no DataNode service running in Cluster B with HBase servers? Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Apache HBase
05:07 PM
2 Kudos
Found additional information in the article by @mclark here:
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08:13 PM
1 Kudo
@Artem Ervits - this question has not yet been completely answered.
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02:33 AM
1 Kudo
Thank you Pardeep. This helps me understand how to see Table level statistics. Do you have a solution for Column level stats also?
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08:52 PM
1 Kudo
What is the best way to access the Flume metrics data via REST API which is shown in the Ambari Flume service page (image attached).
Tried to access this information via the standard Ambari REST API, however it only gave me high level information about the Flume service: curl --user admin:admin http://sandbox234:8080/api/v1/clusters/Sandbox/services/FLUME curl --user admin:admin http://sandbox234:8080/api/v1/clusters/Sandbox/hosts/ Should this information be available via the Ambari Metrics REST API instead? Thank you
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Flume
04:52 PM
1 Kudo
Does anyone have experience using how Pig can handle error Tuples during the LOAD function? E.g. if we LOAD 10 lines which are comma delimited using PigStorage(',') yet the 9th line of the input data is Pipe delimited. What controls do we have on how these tuples are parsed and which Variable (relation) they are assigned to? Ideally, I'd like to have one Relation/Variable loaded with the successful rows and some other relation holding the rows which were not parsed properly.
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- Labels:
Apache Pig
03:30 PM
Great point @Guilherme Braccialli ! I'll investigate and offer this to the customer.
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12:41 AM
2 Kudos
We have a customer who wants to enable HBase to use multiple WAL Codecs at the same time. Is this possible? E.g. Phoenix configuration instructions ask the user to update the value for hbase.regionserver.wal.codec. However, the customer also wants to use the NGData HBase/Solr Indexer which also requires a custom value for h.r.wal.code. Can HBase RegionServer configuration accommodate two WAL codecs in parallel?
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
Apache Phoenix