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Title | Views | Posted |
1019 | 03-03-2017 06:37 AM | |
23150 | 09-06-2016 03:57 AM | |
3142 | 09-02-2016 01:43 PM | |
2170 | 09-02-2016 06:33 AM |
01:13 PM
Oracle and other proprietary drivers (like DB2, netezza, etc) need to be downloaded and installed by the user to the sqoop/lib directory by the installer. They are not shipped with the product.
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06:38 AM
1 Kudo
Sqoop hook for atlas is not part of the 2.4.0 release.
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06:33 AM
2 Kudos
Teradata connector specific options have to be delineated from the sqoop options with -- So you would add -- --queryband ...
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06:20 AM
you need ojdbc6.jar or ojdbc7.jar (depending on your oracle version) copied to sqoop/lib directory
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09:26 PM
2 Kudos
What should I do for remote cluster RM? Just pick one? Yes. You can use one of the RM endpoints How do we define "hive.metastore.kerberos.principal" and "hive.metastore.uris" for multiple Hive metastore instances? This is currently fixed in 2.5 and we can provide thrift://host1:port,host2:port How do we define for multiple oozie instances? You can use the LB URL
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06:29 PM
1 Kudo
Just to make sure everyone understands - this needs 2.3.4 of Falcon where we specifically added the ability of proxy super users
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11:47 PM
1 Kudo
Since Knox makes requests on behalf of other users, the ability to be configured as a super user that can submit requests on behalf of other users is needed and a REST API support to invoke as other users. These features existed for Oozie but were only added for Falcon in Dal-M20 (2.3.4) or later. In the future versions of Knox, this can be enabled.
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03:43 PM
1 Kudo
Replication works between clusters using Kerberos since Dal (and some additional scenarios using HCat works from Dal-M10
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05:17 PM
Thanks - Can you create a bug on Falcon UI for this - which version of the UI are you using
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05:03 PM
3 Kudos
Oozie with Derby as the DB should not be deployed I had to get into couple of escalations with customers having several GB derby DBs. MySQL is a good choice and Oracle is also supported. On Windows, we support SQLServer. Not sure about Postgresql installations even though it is also supported (and we will support SQLAnywhere going forward) Regarding placement, it is good to have Oozie server separate from other components (HS2 mentioned is good). This is one area we want to explore as part of a reference architecture and any feedback on that would be great. Oozie supports NN and RM HA Oozie HA : It is now supported by Ambari. You need zookeeper conifgured - we have a section describing HA setup - QE has tested Oozie HA with Apache HTTPD w/mod_proxy, but other load balancing solutions (nginx is something that I also configured before the mod_proxy configuration for QE). As part of rolling upgrade, we did fix a bunch of issues with Oozie HA configuration (client now does a client side retry of hosts, sharelib purge is disabled and RU orchestration handles the server shutdown/restart handling)
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