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9878 | 03-15-2017 03:17 PM | |
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1170 | 10-07-2016 05:24 PM |
02:58 AM
1 Kudo
Thanks Predrag, that's what I thought. is an option for our smaller files...
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08:27 PM
2 Kudos
Running the following code: hadoop jar /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/phoenix- org.apache.phoenix.mapreduce.CsvBulkLoadTool
-z <Zookeeper nodes>:2181:/hbase-unsecure
-d $'\t'
--table <DB>.<TBL>
--input /data/product/inbound/<FNAME>.TXT is there any way to skip the first line of the input file - is there a parameter on the CsvBulkLoadTool that would allow a skip row? Specifically like what Hive gives you with 'tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1")'. Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache Phoenix
11:54 AM
4 Kudos
There is also HPL/SQL. It was incorporated into the Hive 2.0 release (Feb 16th) and thus will be automatically included in the next release of HDP that includes Hive 2.0. It can be very easily added to an existing HDP install as well. It is an implementation of stored procs, control flow logic, temporary variables, error checking, on-the-fly SQL syntax conversion to HiveQL, RDBMS SQL syntax compatibility, etc. It brings almost all the functionality of DB2, SQL Server, Oracle stored procs and SQL syntax into Hive. An added bonus is that you can mix & match the syntax of SQL Server T-SQL, Oracle PLSQL and DB2. It is slick. For example - here is a sample script that runs in HPL/SQL (for real): create procedure spLoadSalesFact (LoadMonth char(10))
SET plhql.onerror = seterror;
print 'Beginning execution...';
print '*' || LoadMonth || '*';
/* Fail if invalid Input Parameter
set LoadMonth = Upper(LoadMonth);
if (LoadMonth not in ('LAST', 'CURRENT'))
print 'Bad Input Paramter';
/* Load Prior Month */
IF (LoadMonth = 'LAST')
print 'Inserting Last Month''s Data...';
insert into table saleslineitem
select * from saleslineitem
where TransactionDate >= '2011-06-01'
and transactionDate < '2011-07-01';
if SQLCODE <> 0
/* Load Current Month */
ELSE IF (LoadMonth = 'CURRENT')
print 'Inserting Current month''s data...';
insert into table saleslineitem
select * from saleslineitem
where TransactionDate >= '2011-07-01'
and transactionDate < '2011-08-01';
if SQLCODE <> 0
PRINT 'Execution Completed...';
/* Stored Proc invocation */
-- CALL spLoadSalesFact ('GARBAGE');
-- CALL spLoadSalesFact ('LAST');
CALL spLoadSalesFact ('CURRENT');
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11:40 AM
2 Kudos
I agree with Scott. Bringing data from Hadoop into Access is no big deal. We had an Access database use ODBC to retrieve data from Hadoop with effective results (fast enough). BUT if you try to send data from Access into Hadoop - painfully slow. Row by Row. Sending it off to Sql Server requires very little code in Access, and then you have a durable store of your data. Sending it from SQL Server to Hadoop is effective and fast. Here's a simple sample of a Sqoop script to send data from SQL Server to Hadoop. It reads table Customer from SQL Server DB SQLTestDB and copies it into Hadoop database TestDB tablename Customer. It overwrites any existing data in the Hive table. It also uses 1 mapper. sqoop import --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://<IP Address>:1433;database=SQLTestDB" \
--username root \
--password hadoop \
--table Customer \
--hive-import --hive-overwrite \
--hive-table TestDB.Customer \
-m 1
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04:48 PM
Thanks Carter!
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09:38 PM
Will do. I will send DDL and show partitions data in an email as-is. The difficulty lies in that I can't show you you how the partition was created with the bad data - the person who did it is no longer available.
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09:14 PM
No error message - It just silently does not drop the partition. Checked Hive logs - no underlying messages. Plus I've confirmed there are no security issues either. When it does drop a partition you get a positive message - something to the effect of 'PARTITION XXXXX dropped successfully'
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08:58 PM
Cleaning up some bad partitions, created in error. We currently have an external table with a Hive Partition that I am unable to drop via Alter statement. The Partition has control characters (%0D - what was a Carriage Return) in the partition name field. The table is External and is called <tableName>. It's partitioned by fiscal_year and erp. show partitions <tableName>;
... The underlying files in HDFS were deleted long ago and no longer exist. I have tried the following commands without success: ALTER TABLE <tableName> DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION(fiscal_year='2014%0D', erp='ae_na%0D%0D');
ALTER TABLE <tableName> DROP PARTITION(fiscal_year='2014%0D', erp='ae_na%0D%0D');
ALTER TABLE <tableName> DROP PARTITION(fiscal_year>'2014'); Is there a way to drop this partition, or do I have to copy the data out, rebuild the table and move the data back in? Thanks in advance.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
08:30 PM
1 Kudo
Yes it can do Inserts, but it turns out that they're RBAR updates. We may try SIMBA drivers to see if they improve the performance (allow batching) but we are in the meantime moving ahead with Inserts via Access -> SQL Server -> Hive via Sqoop.
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07:47 PM
1 Kudo
Here is an update on this task: ODBC read from Hive -> Access works fine (not a surprise). ODBC from Access to Hive runs as RBAR - one row at a time. This is sub-optimal in the RDBMS world, but REALLY crummy in the Hadoop world. This means 1 Hive session per row updated. We were getting about 150 rows updated every 10 minutes. When sending data form Access to Hive, we will be implementing using Access -> SQL Server -> Sqoop into Hive. We may try out Simba drivers in the future - more for curiosity - to see if they perform better with updates - or have the ability to batch updates into Hive. Thanks Neeraj and Birender!
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