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3541 | 12-03-2018 02:26 PM | |
2480 | 10-16-2018 01:37 PM | |
3786 | 10-03-2018 06:34 PM | |
2550 | 09-05-2018 07:44 PM | |
1940 | 09-05-2018 07:31 PM |
02:49 PM
Both of the above answers are correct. Just to provide a full picture of what is happening... GetFile picks up the file from directory and brings it into NiFI's content_repository, which as milind pointed out is by default located under {nifi_install_dir}/content_repository. This directory is not meant to be used by the user, it is for NiFi's internal purposes. The FlowFile is then transferred to LogAttribute which logs information, and I assume if that is the end of your flow then you must have marked the success relationship on LogAttribute as auto-terminated. At this point the flow file is removed from NiFi and the content in the content repository will eventually be removed. NiFi is not meant to be a storage system where you bring data in and then leave it there, your flow would have to send the data somewhere after GetFile.
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01:20 PM
4 Kudos
Yes NiFi supports LDAP authentication. It is described in the admin guide here:
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01:23 PM
@Shishir Saxena Unfortunately I can't think of too many good work arounds using out of the box functionality, but I guess it depends what you are doing with the Avro after ExecuteSQL, are you landing it in HDFS? or are you converting it to some other format and doing something else?
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09:24 PM
4 Kudos
Hello, The GetHBase processor was created to be a source processor that incrementally extracts data from an HBase table, trying to use the timestamps of the cells to find new data. Unfortunately because of that it does not support incoming FlowFiles triggering it, which means it can't be used with HandleHttpRequest/Response. We had a similar request to what you would like to do and created this JIRA ticket: If we implemented that ScanHBase processor as described in the ticket, then you could have a flow like HandleHttpRequest -> ScanHBase -> HandleHttpResponse
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03:36 PM
2 Kudos
Looks like the Twitter API puts hash tags into the following JSON: "entities":
{ "hashtags":[],
} You could use EvaluteJsonPath to extract the value of the hashtags into FlowFile attributes, and then use RouteOnAttribute to route the ones matching your tag to a PutFile processor. This blog shows an example of extracting values from the Twitter JSON and making routing decisions:
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05:08 PM
1 Kudo
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05:00 PM
Actually, was just reading this: One of the rows says: DEC , DECIMAL , NUMBER , NUMERIC oracle.sql.NUMBER java.math.BigDecimal So if that is true then Oracle is returning BigDecimal for your NUMBER columns, and then NiFi's code is turning BigDecimal and BigInteger into Strings. Based on this, it looks like there may be a way to represent BigDecimal in Avro: We should look into using the decimal logical type in NiFi.
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04:42 PM
I'm wondering if it is related to the oracle driver... the code in NiFi that I linked to above shows how we convert the fields to Avro. It starts by get the value from the ResultSet like this: final Object value = rs.getObject(i); Then it checks what type value is, in the case of a number it does this: else if (value instanceof Number || value instanceof Boolean) {
rec.put(i - 1, value);
} So if the Oracle driver returns any sub-class of Number, then that is what is given to Avro. I think a good test would be to write a simple Java program using JDBC and the same driver you are using with NiFI, and query your table and see what getObject(i) returns from the ResultSet for your number columns. If it doesn't return Numbers then that is the problem, if it does then something else is happening after that.
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08:07 PM
3 Kudos
It should be retaining other types besides strings... What types are your columns that are being converted to strings? It looks like it should be retaining BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, ARRAY, BLOB, CLOB, byte, number, and boolean. Big Integer and Big Decimal are converted to strings because Avro doesn't have a numeric type that supports them. For reference the code that performs the conversion is here:
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02:23 PM
1 Kudo
NiFi processors have their own transaction concept called a session. Each processor starts a session, performs one or more operations, and then commits or rolls back the session. You can see the general idea in the AbstractProcessor that many processors extends from:
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