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1320 | 01-05-2016 05:03 PM | |
2061 | 12-31-2015 07:02 PM | |
1908 | 11-04-2015 03:38 PM | |
2338 | 10-19-2015 01:42 AM | |
1527 | 10-15-2015 02:22 PM |
08:03 PM
I also ran into this problem and it was painful to troubleshoot. Is there a JIRA to improve the error message?
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08:51 PM
1 Kudo
I want to port the following SQL statement to Hive from Sybase. What is the best approach to get the below to work in Hive? Hive DML UPDATE syntax doesn't mention support for JOINs or nested SELECT statements.
UPDATE table1
SET table1.column1 = table2.column1,
table1.column10 = table2.column10
FROM table1, table2
WHERE table1.columnID = table2.columnID
After enabling transactional=true on table1 the above produces an error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException ... missing EOF at 'FROM' ...
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01:39 AM
2 Kudos
Below is a sample script with out batching. It would be really nice if someone could figure out how to get Ambari to accept a bulk request for a Service Check, as described here #!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ -e "~/.ambari_login" ]; then
. ~/.ambari_login
cluster_name=$(curl -s -u $LOGIN:$PASSWORD "http://$AMBARI_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters" | python -mjson.tool | perl -ne '/"cluster_name":.*?"(.*?)"/ && print "$1\n"')
if [ -z "$cluster_name" ]; then
echo "Got cluster name: $cluster_name"
running_services=$(curl -s -u $LOGIN:$PASSWORD "http://$AMBARI_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/$cluster_name/services?fields=ServiceInfo/service_name&ServiceInfo/maintenance_state=OFF" | python -mjson.tool | perl -ne '/"service_name":.*?"(.*?)"/ && print "$1\n"')
if [ -z "$running_services" ]; then
echo "Got running services:
for s in $running_services; do
if [ "$s" == "ZOOKEEPER" ]; then
post_body="{\"RequestInfo\":{\"context\":\"$s Service Check\",\"command\":\"${s}_QUORUM_SERVICE_CHECK\"},\"Requests/resource_filters\":[{\"service_name\":\"$s\"}]}"
post_body="{\"RequestInfo\":{\"context\":\"$s Service Check\",\"command\":\"${s}_SERVICE_CHECK\"},\"Requests/resource_filters\":[{\"service_name\":\"$s\"}]}"
curl -s -u $LOGIN:$PASSWORD -H "X-Requested-By:X-Requested-By" -X POST --data "$post_body" "http://$AMBARI_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/$cluster_name/requests"
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05:37 PM
2 Kudos
I'd like Ambari to execute a service check for all installed components that are not in maintenance mode.
I couldn't find such an option in the UI so I tried the REST API. I ran the below command and got back an "Accepted" status, but when I look in Ambari UI for a list of executed background operations I only see a single service check when I expected two service checks.
curl -v -u $LOGIN:$PASSWORD -H "X-Requested-By:X-Requested-By" -X POST "http://$AMBARI_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/$cluster_name/requests" --data '[ {"RequestInfo":{"context":"HIVE Service Check","command":"HIVE_SERVICE_CHECK"},"Requests/resource_filters":[{"service_name":"HIVE"}]}, {"RequestInfo":{"context":"MAPREDUCE2 Service Check","command":"MAPREDUCE2_SERVICE_CHECK"},"Requests/resource_filters":[{"service_name":"MAPREDUCE2"}]} ]'
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07:58 PM
1 Kudo
I stopped a running process in NiFi 0.4.1 to make a configuration change, but I am unable to make an edit or re-start the process. It seem stuck waiting for a thread to finish. How do I debug this situation? I've looked at nifi-app.log, searched for that process name, but did not see anything of value. I ran ps -eLf hoping to see a thread with Solr in the name, but I didn't find that either. Here is a picture showing the lack of a "start" or "edit configuration" options. What else can I do to troubleshoot this problem before restarting the nifi process on this machine?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
Apache Solr
06:34 PM
5 Kudos
You have to decide how many clusters you need for the below tasks which apply to Hadoop applications the same was as they apply to typical Enterprise software: Test upgrade procedures for new versions of existing components Execute performance tests of custom-built applications Allow end-users to perform user acceptance testing Execute integration tests where custom-built applications communicate with third-party software Experiment with new software that is beta quality and may not be ready for usage at all Execute security penetration tests (typically done by an external company) Let application developers modify configuration parameters and restart services on short notice Maintain a mirror image of production environment to be activated in case of natural disaster or unforeseen events Execute regression tests that compare the outputs of new application code with existing code running in production I believe, DEV -> QA -> PROD is a minimum and I have seen larger organizations deploy LAB -> DEV -> QA -> PROD -> DR as separate clusters.
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07:11 PM
That worked!
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06:00 PM
Yes, I changed the identities as specified here. Realm was filled in during the first step of the Enable Kerberos Wizard. The output of from the URL is very long, so I won't post it here. There is no mention of ambari-qa, and realm is a filled in property. Is there anything specific that I should investigate?
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03:25 PM
I am trying to enable Kerberos on an HDP 2.3.2 Sandbox using FreeIPA on a standalone VM. After stopping all of the HDP services the Kerberos wizard has a "prepare" task and that task is failing with this error message:
13 Jan 2016 04:56:25,610 WARN [Server Action Executor Worker 495] ServerActionExecutor:479 - Task #495 failed to complete execution due to thrown exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:Attempted to add a rule for a principal with no realm: ambari-qa
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attempted to add a rule for a principal with no realm: ambari-qa
at org.apache.ambari.server.controller.AuthToLocalBuilder.addRule(
at org.apache.ambari.server.controller.KerberosHelperImpl.addIdentities(
at org.apache.ambari.server.controller.KerberosHelperImpl.setAuthToLocalRules(
at org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.kerberos.PrepareKerberosIdentitiesServerAction.processAuthToLocalRules(
at org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.kerberos.PrepareEnableKerberosServerAction.execute(
at org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.ServerActionExecutor$Worker.execute(
at org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.ServerActionExecutor$
ambari-qa was not mentioned in the CSV file that the wizard generated, but after seeing the above error I created a service for it, but I'm still getting the same error.
Added service "ambari-qa/"
Principal: ambari-qa/
Managed by:
What does the error message mean and what can I do to resolve it?
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
11:04 PM
This shows how to use Google Finance API:
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