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Title | Views | Posted |
2253 | 05-12-2017 10:12 AM | |
4005 | 04-03-2017 11:13 AM | |
1201 | 03-28-2017 05:26 PM | |
2702 | 03-06-2017 12:31 PM | |
150076 | 03-02-2017 08:24 AM |
07:01 AM
3 Kudos
Jiri Novak which release is this ? can you please check if you are hiting this issue RANGER-1631
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11:43 AM
1 Kudo
did you replace the correct password and host in the command?
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06:26 AM
1 Kudo
can you please try following command on your database: GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'rangeradmin'@'localhost' identified by "<rangeradmin_password>" WITH GRANT OPTION; flush privileges; and then restart the ranger Note: another thing it is better to provide root credentials , then at the time of installation it will connect through root and will take care of doing creation of rangeradmin database and configuring it
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06:34 AM
1 Kudo
can you please post the configuration that you gave in ranger usersync config ? did you specify ldap/ldaps protocol and correct port while configuring usersync
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10:11 AM
2 Kudos
Background: when it comes to rely completely on ranger, and if you are specific about configuring authorization for a resource to an end user then you have to create one policy for each resource. There should be a way to configure a policy that provide access to specific resources based on the User who is making call. Soultion: {USER} Support:
{USER} support solves this problem , It allows us to create a policy where we can configure resource as {USER} Eg. /user/{USER} and select user also as {USER}. that means all users will get access of their corresponding home directory. Eg.
resource: /user/{USER} user1 will have access to /user/user1 user2 will have access to /user/user2 Hive:
resource: database:database_{USER} user1 will have access to database database_user1 user2 will have access to database database_user2 resource may contrain {USER} partially or fully. delimiter can be customised also , Steps to configure {USER}: 1) go to ranger admin, and create policy page, there on resource give {USER} as input. 2) in user type {USER} and {USER} will populate , just select it and add the policy more details can be found at
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10:12 AM
2 Kudos
which HDP version are you using because this feature is being supported in latest release only and we can add it something like this in screenshot
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04:32 AM
1 Kudo
can you try this: http://host_name:8080/api/v1/clusters/test_cluster/host_components?HostRoles/stale_configs=true&fields=HostRoles/service_name,HostRoles/state,HostRoles/host_name,HostRoles/stale_configs,&minimal_response=true
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11:53 AM
1 Kudo
@rahul gulati this is how I connect to hive via knox through beeline: beeline --silent=true -u "jdbc:hive2://<knox_host>:8443/;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/usr/hdp/current/knox-server/data/security/keystores/gateway.jks;trustStorePassword=knoxsecret;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/hive;hive.server2.use.SSL=true" -d org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver -n sam -p sam-password and there are few references too:
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11:13 AM
1 Kudo
one more thing did you restart the ldap after adding the user ? , because i am able to use the user the way you added it , just make sure you restart the ldap server after adding new user in user.ldif
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10:52 AM
1 Kudo
rahul gulati , are you able to do ldap search for that user? , this is the issue with user addition , it seems user is not added to the ldap , just run ldap search for this user and confirm if it is added properly and what is the command you are running from knox ? , you need to provide username and password while running it from knox, curl -u steve:steve-password
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