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4508 | 06-25-2018 04:01 PM | |
7335 | 05-09-2018 05:36 PM | |
2624 | 03-16-2018 04:11 PM | |
7960 | 05-18-2017 12:42 PM | |
6770 | 03-28-2017 06:42 PM |
04:11 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @Dominique De Vito, Yes it does. If you then click on the action 'Update' It will show you what was updated. In this example below. Users was empty and now it has the user HTTP. Hope this is what you were looking for.
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10:50 PM
Can you have multiple nested groups? Say you have some nested groups in ou=groups and ou=groups2 If you set the base to have ou=groups,dc=test,dc=com;ou=groups2,dc=test,dc=test,dc=com will it pick up the hierarchy levels for each ou?
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10:50 PM
This may not work depending on your version because of this bug Should be fixed in HDP 2.6.1.
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12:42 PM
Hi @Qi Wang, Yes, it should be fixed in the next maintenance release. In the meantime, please use the workaround provided. Thanks,
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12:42 PM
Hi @Nicola Marangoni, You may want to take this up on another thread as AD implementation does work out of the box. Make sure you use the AD option. Some things to check. 1. Does your server trust the AD SSL certificate being presented to allow for ldaps. 2. To troubleshoot use port 389 and tcpdump the request and response. 3. ldapsearch is your friend to confirm all parameters.
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12:42 PM
5 Kudos
Hi @Qi Wang There is an issue with ldap and atlas settings where the ldap settings can get truncated at commas. You can tcpdump port 389 to verify. Possible solution is Basically, escape every comma in the LDAP auth config page, but, it works now. Here are the relevant parameters I have set: atlas.authentication.method.ldap.base.dn=cn=users\,cn=accounts\,dc=field\,dc=hortonworks\,dc=com atlas.authentication.method.ldap.bind.dn=uid=ldapconnect\,cn=users\,cn=accounts\,dc=field\,dc=hortonworks\,dc=com atlas.authentication.method.ldap.bind.password=password atlas.authentication.method.ldap.default.role=ROLE_USER atlas.authentication.method.ldap.groupRoleAttribute=cn atlas.authentication.method.ldap.groupSearchBase=cn=groups\,cn=accounts\,dc=field\,dc=hortonworks\,dc=com atlas.authentication.method.ldap.groupSearchFilter=(member=uid{0}\,cn=users\,cn=accounts\,dc=field\,dc=hortonworks\,dc=com)atlas.authentication.method.ldap.referral=ignore atlas.authentication.method.ldap.type=ldap atlas.authentication.method.ldap.url=ldap://ldapserver.local:389 atlas.authentication.method.ldap.user.searchfilter=(uid={0}) atlas.authentication.method.ldap.userDNpattern=uid={0}\,cn=users\,cn=accounts\,dc=field\,dc=hortonworks\,dc=com
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04:44 PM
Hi @Kent Baxley, Looks like the doc is missing the plan for backing up the VERSION file.
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05:44 PM
2 Kudos Attached are scripts you can use for ORACLE, PSQL, and MYSQL for deleting users. Directions to how these scripts work are included in the script. Good practice is to make sure to backup your db before attempting to use and test these scripts.
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06:42 PM
Hi @Deepak Sharma, If you are using HDP version 2.5 there is a bug when using wire encryption with hive and trying to access with knox in a kerberized cluster. See . You will see in the knox kerberos debug log that knox is trying to authenticate using spengo keytab with HTTPS instead of HTTP. To resolve this issue downgrade the httpclient jar to httpclient-4.5.1.jar .on knox.
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09:11 PM
@badr bakkou This would probably be best answered if you submitted as a new question. Provide the gateway.log & gateway-audit.log outputs, topology, and lastly the configuration string you are using with its associated output. Best regards, David
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