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1452 | 11-03-2023 12:17 AM | |
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06:00 AM
1 Kudo
@hegdemahendra As far as your issue goes, it would probably be useful to collect a series of thread dumps (at least spaced 5 minutes apart). Then you would be looking for any threads related to the stopping of components to see if they are progressing or hung. Is it stuck on stopping a specific processor or processor class? Do any of the processors that are being stopped have active threads showing for them? Thank you, Matt
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12:41 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @hegdemahendra I am also facing same issue With FetchDistributedMapCache. How can i check the size of the flowfile we are reading, for me also it is set to 1Mb but the data we are saving in cache should not be 1Mb as we are barely saving 100characters in the flowfile payload. How can we check the data size we are trying to get from cache? Thanks Akash
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02:25 AM
1 Kudo
Hello Experts, I was using "ConsumeAzureEventHub" processor with nifi 1.16.3 and when I configure 'Storage Container Name' field to store consumer group state, processor was automatically creating the container (if not present) in the storage account when processor was started. But in Nifi 1.25, I am seeing a different behavior where it does not auto create the container on processor start, instead just it show container does not exist error. Is this is the expected behaviour in 1.25? if so what is the solution? should we separately create the container before hand and then use in processor? Thanks, Mahendra
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
04:32 AM
1 Kudo
Hello Experts, We have 2 node nifi cluster running on k8 cluster. We want to distribute the incoming http request on specific port to be load balanced across both nodes equally (round robin), do we have anyway in kubernetes for this? Tried headless service & ClusterIP but did not work as expected. Is there any other way to achieve this without external load balancers like AWS ELB etc. Thanks Mahendra
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:52 PM
@hegdemahendra The FlowFile connection back pressure thresholds are soft limits. Once one of the configured back pressure thresholds on reached or exceeded, NiFi will not allow the processor feeding that connection to get scheduled to execute again. So in your case no back pressure is being applied, so the ConsumeAzureEventHub processor is being allowed to scheduled to execute. During a single execution it is consuming more events then the threshold settings. What is the batch size set to in your ConsumeAzureEventHub processor? Please help our community thrive. If you found any of the suggestions/solutions provided helped you with solving your issue or answering your question, please take a moment to login and click "Accept as Solution" on one or more of them that helped. Thank you, Matt
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10:18 PM
1 Kudo
@araujo @bbende @MattWho - do you have any suggestions?
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07:54 AM
Hello @Mais - Were you able to deserialise and consume both key & value ? In my case I am able to get deserialised value but dont see key anywehere!
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11:24 PM
1 Kudo
What an explanation ! Cleared my doubts. Thank you so much @MattWho .
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02:01 PM
1 Kudo
Hello @hegdemahendra Always very helpful if you include the exact version of Apache NiFI, Cloudera HDF, or Cloudera CFM being used. My guess here would be one or both of the following: You have multiple FlowFiles all pointing at the same content claims queued in connections within your dataflow(s) on the canvas. As long as a FlowFile exists on the canvas it will exist in flowfile_repository. Users should avoid leaving FlowFiles queued in connection on NiFi. Some users tend to allow FlowFile to accumulate at stopped processor components rather then auto-terminate them. Even if a FlowFile does not have any content its FlowFile attributes/metadata still consume disk space. You are extracting content from your FlowFiles into FlowFile attributes resulting in large FlowFile attribute/metadata being stored in the flowfile_repository. Dataflow designers should avoid extracting large amounts flowfile content in to the FlowFile's attributes. Instead try to build dataflows and utilize components that read content from the FlowFile's content instead of from FlowFile attributes. Please help our community thrive. If you found any of the suggestions/solutions provided helped you with solving your issue or answering your question, please take a moment to login and click "Accept as Solution" on one or more of them that helped. Thank you, Matt
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01:46 AM
1 Kudo
Not possible, there is a reason for that if we allow to add a property to set an initial offset, every time that processor was stopped and started we would again start at that configured offset, with console consumer, you only pass the initial offset on the first execution then subsequent executions use the last stored offset in Kafka, which is not the case here with the processor. Thus only two options are "earliest" or "latest". Thank you
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