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10:41 AM
Oh! @Daniel ! you are wright with this "blue" detail!!!! I though for the interpreter binding , spark should be "white"! Please see this fantastic screen! thanks a lot ! and keep helping newbies of newbies as me. !scversion3.png
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10:08 AM
Thanks @Daniel, I have already took @jay notice into account. I have no more paste the code since yesterday but type it by hand. What i have done now is create a new notebook file type %spark - press enter - type print(sc.version)- press enter , run it and I have a "prefix not found" display. I have tried to open the log file from /var/log/zeppelin/ (as you can see on the picture)scversion2.pngscversion1.pnglogfile.png
I have also retstart spark interpreter again but still have the same "prefix not found" error.
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09:59 AM
Thanks @jay. I have already noticed my error.
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09:33 AM
Also facing the same problem with sc.version or print(sc.version)
scversion.png I have just install the sandbox on my laptop to do the "hello world" case. I can I know if it is kerberized?
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09:19 AM
localrepo.pngHi @Daniel The %sh whoami works well. It returns zeppelin. the problem I have is with %spark as said to @Bernhard. I don't know what is happening this morning but not able to see the directoty hdp as you can see. Yesterday I could 😞 The proble is resolved, The ssh port was not correct so please see the result of the command on the pic "localrepo"
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08:54 AM
Hi @Bernhard, Excuse me not to have respected what you said before concerning the fisrt line. the interpreter %jdbc(hive) and %sql are working well because the "show tables" display the result expected. The problem i have is with %spark(respecting the first line) and I have errors as you can see on the joined picture. In the interpreter binding, I have selected spark and save sparkproblem.png
sparkconfiguration.png I joined also the spark interpreter configuration
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02:59 PM
Hi @Bernhard, I have tried both but facing the same problem. Maybe jar files missing in my spark interpreter? sqlnotwork.pngsqlcontexttest.png
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02:47 PM
Hi @Jay, I checked but no extra line before "%spark" I manually write but still facing the problemhicecontextdisplay-2.png
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02:12 PM
Hi, I am facing a strange behaviour in sparK; I am following the tutotial (lab 4 -spark analysis) but when executing the command the script is returned as you can see on the picture(red rectangle) I have tables in My hive database default. I checked the jar files in my spark interpreter and found jar files as you can see on picture sparkjarfiles.png (Are some jar files missing please? Any suggestion?hivedisplay.pnghicecontextdisplay.png
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Spark
Apache Zeppelin
12:56 PM
really helpful @Ash! Thanks a lot !
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