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Title | Views | Posted |
2471 | 03-11-2018 12:01 AM | |
1508 | 01-03-2017 10:48 PM | |
1901 | 12-20-2016 11:11 PM | |
3707 | 09-03-2016 01:57 AM | |
1416 | 09-02-2016 04:55 PM |
06:01 PM
As the last ERROR showed you, the effective hbase-site.xml seems to not be on the classpath. The zookeeper ensemble was redacted. Please make sure the quorum is the one used by hbase.
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02:05 PM
1 Kudo
Please take a look at hbase-shell//src/test/ruby/hbase/table_test.rb for sample syntax where x is column family: @test_table._scan_internal(FILTER => "SingleColumnValueFilter('x', 'a', >=, 'binary:\x82', true, true)", COLUMNS => 'x:a, x:b'
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01:25 PM
Hive using MR-over-hbase-snapshots would be a viable solution. Perform a snapshot in hbase, then use hive to directly read from the underlying HFiles.
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01:22 PM
1 Kudo
You can use SingleColumnValueFilter on 'column1' Meanwhile, specify all the columns you want to retrieve using COLUMNS.
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03:51 PM
bq. Hbase created the columns based on alphabetical order When you query hbase, you observe alphabetical order because that's what hbase stores internally. Do you observe fewer than 10 rows after importing the sample data ?
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03:47 PM
18414 was the region server process. Was it still running ?
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02:18 PM
When I tried 'hbase' command within shell (HDP 2.5), I got: hbase(main):001:0> hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.ImportTsv
NoMethodError: undefined method `hbase' for #<Object:0x415d88de>
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02:13 PM
hbase.csv should be placed on hdfs.
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01:21 PM
1 Kudo
Disabled replication would still hold on to the WAL files because,
it guarantees to not lose data between disable and enable. You can execute
remove_peer, which frees up the WAL files eligible for deletion. When
you re-add replication peer again, the replication would start from the
current status, versus if you re-enable a peer, it will continue from where
it left off.
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01:16 PM
2 Kudos
There are currently two services which may keep the
files in the archive directory. First is a TTL process, which ensures that the
WAL files are kept at least for 10 min. This is controlled by hbase.master.logcleaner.ttl configuration property in master. The other one is replication.
If you had replication setup before, the replication processes will hang on to
the WAL files until they are replicated. Even if you disabled the
replication, the files are still referenced. You can look at the logs of master from classes (LogCleaner,
TimeToLiveLogCleaner, ReplicationLogCleaner) to see whether any exception was thrown.
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