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02:02 AM
I did not make any changes to the consumer process or the group id. The offset reset option is set to latest. There were also no changes made to the topic on the consumer side at least. The topic which in this case is a name of an Oracle table is generated in kafka when the table is created in Oracle. I am pretty sure there were no changes made in the configuration on goldengate as well. As the team that manages those server have made changes to Goldengate configuration in the past with no disruption to workflows in Nifi. The server on which Goldengate is installed is different from the one that hosts Nifi , Can a network disruption cause this error?
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07:07 AM
Hi All, I got an error while using the ConsumeKafka_0_10 processor . Below is the complete error from nifi-app.log 2018-02-16 11:47:11,465 WARN [Timer-Driven Process Thread-2] o.a.n.p.kafka.pubsub.ConsumeKafka_0_10 ConsumeKafka_0_10[id=b846165f-115a-1161-cadd-815bbb3a45dd] Was interrupted while trying to communicate
with Kafka with lease org.apache.nifi.processors.kafka.pubsub.ConsumerPool$SimpleConsumerLease@6cb8afba. Will roll back session and discard any partially received data. bootstrap.servers = [] key.deserializer = class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer
partition.assignment.strategy = [class org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor] value.deserializer = class org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer The last time I saw this error I restarted the nifi and it was gone but it did not work this time. There hasn't been any change on the kafka side. I'm using nifi 1.4.0 along with kafka_2.11- to consume kafka records , please let me know if any one knows the root cause of this error.
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- Labels:
Apache Kafka
Apache NiFi
07:41 AM
Hi @spdvnz @Raj B , Can you let me know how were you able to grab the failures eventually? I've tried storing the bulletin board messages in hdfs using the REST API but the Json generated from there is very detailed and would require a lot of work before I can use it for monitoring purpose. Would like to know how you guys did it? Here is the link to the actual question
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06:22 AM
Is there any way to increase this window from 5 minutes to lets say an hour or more? ( A common question would be how many records were processed during a 24 hour window etc.)
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07:10 AM
Thanks, can you kindly let me know how can I
change the retention period of these repositories? (from the nifi
properties file I can see these two properties whose unit are the length of
time. nifi.flow.configuration.archive.max.time=30
days nifi.content.repository.archive.max.retention.period=12
hours )
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07:59 AM
I am working on building a monitoring solution for my Nifi workflow (Real time data lake using Golden-gate/ Kafka). Currently I am storing all the Goldgen gate records/flowfiles received from kafka in to a hdfs directory and at the end of the workflow ,in case its ingested successfully in hbase the flowfile is deleted from the directory. So i know that the json format flowfiles left in the Hdfs directory are ones that have failed. Now the issue with finding the reason of the failure is that Nifi's bulletin board shows only the record for last 5/10 mins (not sure of the duration) . I've tried storing the bulletin board messages in hdfs using the REST API but the Json generated from there is very detailed and would require a lot of work before I can use it for monitoring purpose. Has anyone else worked with such type of monitoring? I would also like to know the throughput of the workflow which would include the no of records failed or successfully ingested etc. I know i can get the last-5-min stat from the status history. But if any one else has worked on a similar monitoring task kindly let me know.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
08:00 AM
Hi, The Jira has been marked as "Patch available". Can you kindly let me know how can we 'install' or upgrade our instance of Nifi so that we can access this processor?
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07:59 AM
Can you kindly let me know how can i 'merge' this pull request to our current instance so that we can access the processor?
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07:58 AM
Can you kindly let me know how can i 'merge' this pull request to our current instance so that we can access the processor?
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