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3701 | 02-07-2019 02:28 PM |
02:04 PM
@Jonathan Sneep That worked! I've edited the json a little. I removed the id and guid from it, but that was no problem. There's some more stuff that probably doesn't have to be in there. I'll try out some more stuff and report back here.
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11:30 AM
I've added the service. Not sure if it just didn't work or that it was followed by a different issue.
curl -iv -u myaccount -H "Content-Type: application/json"-X POST https://servername:6081/gateway/ui/ranger/service/public/v2/api/policy -d '{ "policyName": "Test: testfile", "service": "OPS_hadoop", "resourceName": "/data/test2", "description": "Added automatically via the Ranger REST API", "repositoryName": "OPS_hadoop", "repositoryType": "hdfs", "isEnabled": "true", "isRecursive": "false", "isAuditEnabled": "true", "permMapList": [{ "groupList": ["developers"], "permList": ["Read", "Write", "Execute"] }] }' (In my code repositoryName and service are the same BTW). I got a different error now. {"statusCode":1,"msgDesc":"(0) Validation failure: error code[3025], reason[Invalid resources specified. hdfs policy must specify values for the following resources: [path] ], field[policy resources], subfield[missing mandatory], type[semantically incorrect] "}
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07:43 AM
I'm trying to roll out new Ranger policies for HDFS with the REST API, but I keep running into errors. We use the Ranger REST API via a Knox gateway, but all that has been proven to work. I was able to use the Ranger REST API to get info about existing policies via the REST API. I use this command to create a simple policy: curl -iv -u myaccount -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://servername:6081/gateway/ui/ranger/service/public/v2/api/policy -d '{ "policyName": "Test: testfile", "resourceName": "/data/test2", "description": "Added automatically via the Ranger REST API", "repositoryName": "ourrepository", "repositoryType": "hdfs", "isEnabled": "true", "isRecursive": "false", "isAuditEnabled": "true", "permMapList": [{ "groupList": ["developers"], "permList": ["Read", "Write", "Execute"] }] }' And this is the message that I get: {"statusCode":1,"msgDesc":"(0) Validation failure: error code[3002], reason[Internal error: missing field[service name]], field[service name], subfield[null], type[missing] "} Any idea what's wrong with my JSON?
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- Labels:
Apache Ranger
09:12 AM
@Felix Albani Thanks for that answer. Looks like I stand for an interesting choice: Change hive.server2.enable.doAs=true and run Hive on HDFS as HiveServer2 process. But then I can restrict access to columns to users in Hive, without them getting access to the HDFS files. So the choice of Hive permissions I make will be much more important. Keep hive.server2.enable.doAs=false and I will not be able to do column based access in Hive. But be in the comfort that if someone gets access to Hive table without the HDFS access, they still can not get to the data. I'll have to think about this.
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01:23 PM
I have a couple of external Hive tables of which I need to gain a group of users access to only the non sensitive columns with Ranger (HDP 2.6.3). But during some tests with a testuser I found that he can only access these non sensitive columns if he has access to the path on HDFS. The HDFS path is secured by Ranger as well. I've set the HDFS permissions to no access at all. Needing HDFS access for those users would defeat te purpose of granting access to a selection of columns. Because the HDFS file would contain all the sensitive data as well. Is there a way to protect both the HDFS files and grant access to a selection of columns? Example create table statement: CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE berth_data
(`MUTATION_TYPE` string,
`D_MUTATION` string,
`T_MUTATION` string)
STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'
LOCATION '/data/production/sensitive/berth_data';
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- Labels:
Apache Ranger
08:28 AM
The problem with HDFS path entities in Atlas, is that you can make multiple entities on the same path. And you can tag them differently. So potentially you can make a big mess.
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04:03 PM
It seems these messages only occur on my sandbox environment. On my customers HDP 2.6.3 environment I haven't seen any ATLAS-500-00-007 errors yet.
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03:33 PM
1 Kudo
I've documented all Atlas REST API call types I've got working here: I'm still finding new things out, like how to use the v2/entity/bulk API. You will find my working example in the comments.
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10:16 AM
On a HDP 2.6.3 sandbox I'm creating a couple of HDFS path entities in bulk. This is the JSON file I've used: {
"entities": [
"typeName": "hdfs_path",
"attributes": {
"path": "/user/dmaster/electionresults",
"qualifiedName": "hdfs://",
"name": "/user/dmaster/electionresults"
"classification": [],
"status": "ACTIVE"
"typeName": "hdfs_path",
"attributes": {
"path": "/user/dmaster/nyse",
"qualifiedName": "hdfs://",
"name": "/user/dmaster/nyse"
"classification": [],
"status": "ACTIVE"
"typeName": "hdfs_path",
"attributes": {
"path": "/user/dmaster/lca",
"qualifiedName": "hdfs://",
"name": "/user/dmaster/lca"
"classification": [],
"status": "ACTIVE"
"referredEntities": {}
And this is the Atlas REST API call I've ran: curl -X POST -d @atlas_create_entities_bulk.json -u holger_gov:holger_gov -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' This resulted after a while in this error: {"errorCode":"ATLAS-500-00-007","errorMessage":"Failed to notify for change CREATE"} The HDFS path entities have been created (quite quickly I saw) and they seem okay. Should I be worried about this error message? Here are the details on the created entities, retrieved with a /v2/search/dsl API call: {
"typeName": "hdfs_path",
"attributes": {
"owner": null,
"qualifiedName": "hdfs://",
"name": "/user/dmaster/electionresults",
"description": null
"guid": "b81c8a22-0346-4261-8cb7-1b0be91ee134",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"displayText": "/user/dmaster/electionresults",
"classificationNames": []
"typeName": "hdfs_path",
"attributes": {
"owner": null,
"qualifiedName": "hdfs://",
"name": "/user/dmaster/nyse",
"description": null
"guid": "26b81bb8-4dcb-48d0-b0d4-37df38fff1b2",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"displayText": "/user/dmaster/nyse",
"classificationNames": []
"typeName": "hdfs_path",
"attributes": {
"owner": null,
"qualifiedName": "hdfs://",
"name": "/user/dmaster/lca",
"description": null
"guid": "e4789fba-67ef-4195-bc3f-afb1623985f8",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"displayText": "/user/dmaster/lca",
"classificationNames": []
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- Labels:
Apache Atlas
12:23 PM
@Aditya Sirna, I've voted up your answer. Is that what you mean, or is there something else I can do to vote it as best answer?
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