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2280 | 03-02-2018 01:19 AM | |
3704 | 03-02-2018 01:04 AM | |
2472 | 08-02-2017 05:40 PM | |
2442 | 07-17-2017 05:35 PM | |
1798 | 07-10-2017 02:49 PM |
03:59 PM
@Ganesan Vetri Did you use the --skipTrash option when you deleted the files? If you don't specify that option, things get moved into a trash can so the space is not immediately freed.
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03:24 PM
@Colin Cunningham
I found that information on the Azure Marketplace page where you deploy the Sandbox. We need to update the tutorial appropriately.
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12:30 AM
1 Kudo
@Colin Cunningham It looks like the tutorial has you ssh into port 22. However, the Azure setup page has the following: ssh into the VM by going to http://<hostname/ipaddress>:4200 and
log in with the credentials provided during the setup of offering. Here is the screenshot from my setup: You should also be able to use the web ssh client via the GUI to connect to the shell.
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03:01 PM
1 Kudo
@Paul Hernandez @jwhitmore John is correct. The sandbox does not expose 50010 by default via Docker which is used internally for both Virtualbox and VMware based sandboxes. If you had a port forwarding rule to Virtualbox, the Docker instance running in that VM still has not exposed that port.
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10:11 PM
@Wael Horchani You can try setting riskfactor to a float. I've seen a newer version of the tutorial that uses float for that table definition.
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08:41 PM
1 Kudo
@Maziar Tasbihi Which VM software are you using with Vagrant? Have you checked to see if the ports have been properly forwarded? If the ports are not forwarded to the VM, then you won't be able to access them from the host machine.
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06:50 PM
@Wael Horchani Earlier in the tutorial, you created the finalresults table using: %spark
hiveContext.sql("create table finalresults( driverid String, occurance bigint,totmiles bigint,riskfactor double) stored as orc").toDF()
As you can see, riskfactor is a double and the error you are getting is a conversion error from double to long. You can try changing the table or recreating it as a Long instead of Double.
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12:06 AM
4 Kudos
@hitaay HDF 2.0.1 ships with NiFi 1.0.0. HDF 2.1.1 ships with NiFi 1.1.0. You can see the list of all new features across HDF via the release notes here: For NiFi specific information, the release notes for NiFi 1.1.0 can be found here:
The short list follows: Core Framework Improvements
User Experience Improvements
Updated Versions of Dependencies
New or Improved Processors
New Utility
Security Improvements
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06:38 PM
@Neil Morin Excellent, good to hear. Please accept my answer to help others.
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06:26 PM
@Neil Morin No, that is correct. So you need to connect with WinSCP using port 2222. Virtualbox will forward that port to 22 on the VM.
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