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1477 | 09-07-2017 06:24 PM | |
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4984 | 12-15-2016 06:16 PM |
01:53 PM
Thanks @clukasik. Is there any performance difference in choosing client deploy-mode over the cluster mode.If I use the default client deploy mode, I get the control on where my driver program runs. However, wanted to be sure that it does not cause any performance issue.
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01:36 PM
@Rajkumar Singh : Yes, but here the file resides on the machine where we trigger the spark-submit. So I was looking if there is any way to read it in the driver without actually having to move it to all the workers or even to the HDFS.
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01:33 PM
Thanks for the suggestion @Jitendra Yadav
But, the file being small <~ 500 KB, I was thinking if we need to have that loaded to HDFS. Was looking for some "hack"
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01:26 PM
Hi, One of the spark application depends on a local file for some of its business logics. We can read the file by referring to it as file:///. But for this to work, the copy of the file needs to be on every worker or every worker need to have access to common shared drive as in a NFS mount. Is there any other way of achieving this?
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- Labels:
Apache Spark
02:28 PM
Thanks @clukasik. Got it!!
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02:16 PM
Thanks @clukasik. That solves the problem. I was going an unwanted circle to address this.
++ on the second part of the question, does it make any sense in parallelizing a list before actually storing it to a file? As in the last 2 lines of my code.
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01:21 PM
Hi All, Need recommendation on the best approach for solving the below problem. I have included the code snippet that I have done. I read a hdfs file using a custom input format and in turn get a PairRdd. Now I am interested in operating on the value one at a time and I am not bothered of the key. Is a java list a scalable data structure to hold the values? Please have a look at the code below and suggest alternates. Also does the parallelize at the end of code give any benefit? JavaPairRDD<LongWritable, BytesWritable> fixedFileRdd = getItSomeHow();
List<String>zeroValue = new ArrayList<String>();
Function2<List<String>, Tuple2<LongWritable, BytesWritable>, List<String>> seqOp = new Function2<List<String>, Tuple2<LongWritable,BytesWritable>, List<String>>() {
public List<String> call(List<String> valueList, Tuple2<LongWritable, BytesWritable> eachKeyValue) throws Exception {
valueList.add(doWhatever(new String(eachKeyValue._2.copyBytes())));
private String doWhatever(String string) {
// will be an external utility method call, this is for representational purpose only
return System.currentTimeMillis()+"-"+string;
Function2<List<String>, List<String>, List<String>> combOp = new Function2<List<String>, List<String>, List<String>>() {
public List<String> call(List<String> listOne, List<String> listTwo) throws Exception {
return listOne;
List<String> resultantList = fixedFileRdd.aggregate(zeroValue, seqOp , combOp );
JavaRDD<String> resultantRdd = jsc.parallelize(resultantList);
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- Labels:
Apache Spark
05:19 AM
Got it, added an action first() to make it forcefully trigger. And yes, the reason that you mentioned "spark actions are lazily evaluted" was what stopped me.
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