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17084 | 03-27-2019 08:07 AM |
03:08 PM
@Felix Albani 1 - I confirm these settings; just to let you know that hadoop.proxyuser.knox.hosts is not set as star "*" but with some hostnames. But I confirm my Knox hostname is there. 2 - For a personal purpose, I actually don't manage hive-site content with Ambari as I am using a particular software that have its own hive-site.xml. As I can see, webhcat settings are not written into this file so I've asked the software editor how I can handle this. 3 - How can I activate debug for HS2, please ? 4 - Can you please tell me more on how tu use this ? When I type this command on my Knox hostname, I have: $ tcpdump -A port 10011
tcpdump: WARNING: SIOCGIFADDR: nflog: No such device
tcpdump: NFLOG link-layer type filtering not implemented
Thank you.
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02:49 PM
@Hernán Fernández Here is result of bellow command: curl -ivk --negotiate -u myuser:mypasswd 'https://my_knox_hostname:9443/gateway/default/hive/?op=LISTSTATUS' * About to connect() to my_knox_hostname port 9443 (#0)
* Trying XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX...
* Connected to my_knox_hostname (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) port 9443 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* skipping SSL peer certificate verification
* SSL connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
* Server certificate:
> GET /gateway/default/hive/?op=LISTSTATUS HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host: my_knox_hostname:9443
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2018 14:41:27 GMT
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2018 14:41:27 GMT
< WWW-Authenticate: BASIC realm="application"
WWW-Authenticate: BASIC realm="application"
< Content-Length: 0
Content-Length: 0
< Server: Jetty(9.2.15.v20160210)
Server: Jetty(9.2.15.v20160210)
* Connection #0 to host my_knox_hostname left intact
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12:56 PM
@Hernán Fernández let me try this and I will come back to you. Thank you.
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12:52 PM
@Felix Albani I don't have any logs on my hive server. My guess is that connection passes Knox gateway but don't go through Hive that asks some credentials that the POST statement don't deliver. Here are my Knox gateway logs when trying to reach my Hive server with mentionned beeline: 2018-05-24 10:32:51,330 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Received request: POST /hive
2018-05-24 10:32:51,382 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Searching from dc=domain,dc=realm where (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(uid=myuser)) scope subtree
2018-05-24 10:32:51,387 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Computed userDn: uid=myuser,ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=realm using ldapSearch for principal: myuser
2018-05-24 10:32:51,441 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Access Granted: true
2018-05-24 10:32:51,442 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Rewrote URL: https://my_knox_hostname:9443/gateway/default/hive, direction: IN via implicit rule: HIVE/hive/inbound to URL: http://my_http_hive_hostname:10011/cliservice
2018-05-24 10:32:51,443 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Dispatch request: POST http://my_http_hive_hostname:10011/cliservice?doAs=myuser
2018-05-24 10:32:51,461 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Dispatch response status: 401
2018-05-24 10:32:51,461 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Inbound response entity content type not provided.
2018-05-24 10:32:51,471 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Received request: POST /hive
2018-05-24 10:32:51,472 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Access Granted: true
2018-05-24 10:32:51,472 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Rewrote URL: https://my_knox_hostname:9443/gateway/default/hive, direction: IN via implicit rule: HIVE/hive/inbound to URL: http://my_http_hive_hostname:10011/cliservice
2018-05-24 10:32:51,473 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Dispatch request: POST http://my_http_hive_hostname:10011/cliservice?doAs=myuser
2018-05-24 10:32:51,488 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Dispatch response status: 401
2018-05-24 10:32:51,488 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Inbound response entity content type not provided.
2018-05-24 10:32:51,524 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Received request: POST /hive
2018-05-24 10:32:51,575 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Searching from dc=domain,dc=realm where (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(uid=myuser)) scope subtree
2018-05-24 10:32:51,579 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Computed userDn: uid=myuser,ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=realm using ldapSearch for principal: myuser
2018-05-24 10:32:51,631 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Access Granted: true
2018-05-24 10:32:51,632 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Rewrote URL: https://my_knox_hostname:9443/gateway/default/hive, direction: IN via implicit rule: HIVE/hive/inbound to URL: http://my_http_hive_hostname:10011/cliservice
2018-05-24 10:32:51,633 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Dispatch request: POST http://my_http_hive_hostname:10011/cliservice?doAs=myuser
2018-05-24 10:32:51,648 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Dispatch response status: 401
2018-05-24 10:32:51,649 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Inbound response entity content type not provided.
2018-05-24 10:32:51,658 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Received request: POST /hive
2018-05-24 10:32:51,659 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Access Granted: true
2018-05-24 10:32:51,660 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Rewrote URL: https://my_knox_hostname:9443/gateway/default/hive, direction: IN via implicit rule: HIVE/hive/inbound to URL: http://my_http_hive_hostname:10011/cliservice
2018-05-24 10:32:51,661 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Dispatch request: POST http://my_http_hive_hostname:10011/cliservice?doAs=myuser
2018-05-24 10:32:51,678 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Dispatch response status: 401
2018-05-24 10:32:51,678 DEBUG hadoop.gateway ( - Inbound response entity content type not provided.
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10:00 AM
Thank you Felix Albani for your answer. I forgot to mention that I get 401 reponse error using a similar beeline: !connect jdbc:hive2://my_knox_hostname:9443/;ssl=true;transportMode=http;httpPath=gateway/default/hive;sslTrustStore=/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts;trustStorePassword=trust_passwd
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02:04 PM
Hi everyone, I am facing an issue that bruns my brain for a couple of days; hope you will help me managing this. I have a Hive Server 2 running in HTTP mode with Kerberos and I can connect well using beeline from another server of my cluster using bellow JDBC URi (after getting a Kerberos ticket with kinit): jdbc:hive2://my_hive_server:10011/;principal=myprincipal/hostname@domain;transportMode=http;httpPath=cliservice The problem comes when I try to connect to this Hive Server through Knox with LDAP user credentials; it gives me response 401 error. I have tried many configurations found on this community site and googling, but without success. Same issue occurs using curl command: curl -iv -k -u myuser:mypasswd -X GET 'https://my_knox_hostname:9443/gateway/default/hive/?op=LISTSTATUS' * Server auth using Basic with user 'myuser' > GET /gateway/default/hive/?op=LISTSTATUS HTTP/1.1 > Authorization: Basic WDExMTExNTpoYWhhaGE= > User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host: my_knox_hostname:9443 > Accept: */*
> < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized < Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2018 07:46:45 GMT
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2018 07:46:45 GMT < Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5v2868pq8l6m1mc3lt5u6l156;Path=/gateway/default;Secure;HttpOnly Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5v2868pq8l6m1mc3lt5u6l156;Path=/gateway/default;Secure;HttpOnly < Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT < Set-Cookie: rememberMe=deleteMe; Path=/gateway/default; Max-Age=0; Expires=Sun, 03-Jun-2018 07:46:45 GMT Set-Cookie: rememberMe=deleteMe; Path=/gateway/default; Max-Age=0; Expires=Sun, 03-Jun-2018 07:46:45 GMT < Server: Jetty(7.6.0.v20120127) Server: Jetty(7.6.0.v20120127) < Content-Length: 69 Content-Length: 69 < Authentication Error: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException * Connection #0 to host my_knox_hostname left intact Some help would be appreciated; thnak you in advance. Regards.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Knox
07:57 AM
Hi Shota, Have you fixed your problem ? I am currently facing same issue. Thx.
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12:45 PM
Hi everyone, I am facing same issue connecting to Hive HTTP through Knox. On Knox gateway logs, I have: access|uri|/gateway/default/hive/?op=LISTSTATUS|success|Response status: 401 @mliem: have you fixed your problem and if so, can you please tell me how ? FYI, connecting directly to Hive HTTP with beeline and same crendentials works fine. Regards.
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06:51 PM
@Constantin Stanca Thank you for your quick answer. As the server I work on is not planned to migrate to RHEL 6.x, can you confirm I can use the rpm version you provided for CentOS 5.x? I guess it is not optimal but is there some known issues using this version with 1.x Hive database? Thank you.
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03:03 PM
Hi, I am looking for Hortonworks ODBC drivers for Hive for RHEL 5.x version, but do not seem to find them. Version 2.1.2 is only for RHEL 6.x. and don't install and old versions are only for Centos 5.x. Can you please help on finding such drivers, please ? Thank you.
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Apache Hive
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