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1388 | 12-08-2016 06:46 AM | |
2391 | 12-08-2016 06:46 AM |
05:15 AM
I tried creating a file with a variable for the below and defining that in file ( However, it invalidates the processor. Is there any other way to parameterize the following? PutHDFS Hadoop Configuration Resources PutHiveQL Database Connection URL Hive Configuration Resources
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
07:15 AM
1 Kudo
If we create HiveConnectionPool controller service outside of any of the process groups, they do not appear in the dropdown of PutHiveQL to be selected, under any of the process groups. The only option is to create a separate HiveConnectionPool controller service within the process group. Is this expected behavior, if so what are the benefits? On another issue, I noticed if we copy the PutHiveQL processor from process group to another, even if the associated HiveConnectionPool controller service is enabled, when the processor is run it throws the below error. 23:56:07 EST
PutHiveQL[id=01581169-e0a4-10e0-eab4-0f04f9d74f16] PutHiveQL[id=01581169-e0a4-10e0-eab4-0f04f9d74f16] failed to process session due to java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache NiFi
06:46 AM
I realized PutHiveQL supports parameterized Hive query and I went for that.
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06:46 AM
1 Kudo
I realized PutHiveQL supports parameterized Hive query and I went for that.
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09:48 PM
Per documentation, the type of each Parameter is to expected to an integer value that represents the JDBC Type. hiveql.args.N.type What are the JDBC numeral type value for the following data types and can you please advise where the corresponding documentation can be found? INTEGER TIMESTAMP DOUBLE LONGVARCHAR
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache NiFi
05:00 PM
1 Kudo
In Hive script, we can set the variable and use in query. Is there a way to achieve the similar behavior with ReplaceTextWithMapping prior to sending to PutHiveQL processor. If it was one query, I could use the ReplaceText, but for multiple queries with different binding arguments, I am wondering if we could do that with ReplaceTextWithMapping processor. hive> set name='Kumar';
hive> set department='IT';
hive> select * from emp where last_name = '{name}' and dept_name = '${department}';
hive> select * from emp where last_name = '{name}';
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache NiFi
08:06 AM
I have the following insert statements: 1insert into temp1 values (test1, test2) 2insert into temp2 values (test3) Expected results: insert into temp1 values (100, 200) insert into temp2 values (300) Essentially, I wanted to replace the first query literals test1, test2 with value 100, 200 respectively and for the second query replace test3 with value 300. Can someone help with the mapping file for the above use case? I tried with the following, but it doesn't have any effect. Search Value (RegEx) Replacement values (1)(.*values.*)(.*test1)(.*,)(.*test2) $2 val1 $4 val2
(2)(.*values.*)(.*test1) $2 val3
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:20 PM
I noticed that those tables were present until I stayed within the hive session. After disconnecting and re-establishing the hive session, I didn't find those tables. Note: The above links seems to correspond to user creating temporary table with syntax "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE". However, my inquiry was related to the tables created automatically by Hive.
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08:40 PM
For Hive table of type TEXTFILE, a temporary table gets automatically created like below (for each table that we create), at the time when you try to do an INSERT. Can you please advise if this is an expected behavior and the temp table should be left untouched? values__tmp__table__1 values__tmp__table__2 values__tmp__table__3 . .
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- Labels:
Apache Hive