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5470 | 12-19-2017 08:44 PM |
01:04 PM
I agree. HDP 2.6 is very solid. We have thoroughly tested against 200k queries/hr (ootb is about 40k/hr, need to go to local metastore, increase appmaster's, etc. to increase). HDP 2.5.3 was solid too, though technically LLAP was tech preview in that release.
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06:18 AM
@Benjamin Leonhardi , on slide 24 you notate that a small stripe size indicates a memory problem during load. Do you know what memory problem that would be? I have ~ 3500 records on the stripe and was just wondering where I should look. Thanks!
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11:13 PM
yes - it is in advanced hive-interactive-site. Also notice, there is no set-recommended button (blue 3/4 circle arrow). Thanks again Constantin.
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10:18 PM
I should also add everything looks correct, starts correctly and runs well. It just isn't using the io cache. I do have millions of these messages in yarn timeline server log, but from looking at the orc writer code it doesn't look like orc writers uses timeline server: 2017-02-21 00:20:36,581 WARN timeline.EntityGroupFSTimelineStore ( - Error putting entity: dag_1487651061826_0016_921 (TEZ_DAG_ID): 6 Other than that, everything is clean. Thanks again, I appreciate it.
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10:12 PM
Yeah, I thought so too. It was literally blank (see screenshot of first ambari version post enabling interactive query). Also odd was the hive.llap.daemon.vcpus.per.instance, it was a variable rather than the number. This generated a WARN at start ("WARN
conf.HiveConf: HiveConf hive.llap.daemon.vcpus.per.instance expects INT type
value"). So I put 32 in for the vcpu's and I put cache for They saved correctly to hive-site.xml. The third anamoly is I get is a message that says "WARN
conf.HiveConf: HiveConf of name hive.llap.daemon.allow.permanent.fns does not
exist". This comes from ambari and I can remove from hive-site.xml, but ambari will put it back. Everything else was as I would expect. is true. According to Grafana, I have a 12Gb cache, but there isn't anything in it. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it..
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02:36 PM
Update for those out there thinking of answer, (and a cheat sheet for those browsing of good parameters to set - I have tested each individually and have response time down to 630ms and throughput to 40 queries/sec for a 1Tb dataset, but need to get the iocache going to get to the next level and improve throughput (q/sec)): The io cache is created (12Gb), but is never used. I am using OOTB LLAP settings except for below changes, all of which were positive in driving down response time and increasing throughput, except a few were neutral: -increased mem for yarn, llap heap, llap concurrency -disabled CBO (it's adding time to query
during creating and submitting plan portion of query) -set hive.llap.iomemory.mode=cache (OOTB this setting was null) -increased /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn to 4096 -increase metastore heap -increased yarn threads
(yarn.resourcemanager.amlauncher.thread-count) -increased Yarn Resource Manager heartbeat interval ( -set hive.llap.daemon.vcpus.per.instance to 32, previously it is unrecognized
variable (ambari bug) and gave message in ambari startup of "WARN
conf.HiveConf: HiveConf hive.llap.daemon.vcpus.per.instance expects INT type
value" -added additional HS2 instance. -added the 4 hive-conf options (hive.execution.mode, hive.llap.execution.mode,, as additional properties in HS2 custom site. -increased HDFS heap Version of HDP is Version of Hive is
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07:21 AM
1 Kudo
I've setup LLAP and it is working fine, but it is not using the IO
Cache. I've set the below in both the CLI and HS2, but Grafana shows no
cache used (and HDFS name node is very busy keeping the edits). Any
ideas on what I might be missing? --hiveconf
hive.execution.mode=llap --hiveconf
hive.llap.execution.mode=all --hiveconf --hiveconf
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