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3480 | 06-28-2017 12:24 PM | |
2645 | 06-09-2017 07:20 AM | |
7275 | 08-18-2016 11:39 AM | |
5509 | 08-12-2016 09:05 AM | |
5642 | 08-09-2016 09:24 AM |
02:02 PM
Yes, your guess is right ! There was an upgrade from 1.1 The tip seems crucial, will try that ...
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02:56 PM
2 Kudos
I answered this question on stackoverflow:
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05:12 PM
You can put sqljdbc42.jar somewhere else and point to it in the Database Driver Location property. There might be issues with backslashes and/or Windows pathnames, I think there are other HCC questions/answers that address this.
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04:22 PM
1 Kudo
All Property Descriptors (required or optional) must have a Validator set explicitly, otherwise it will return the error you are seeing. It appears you are not looking to perform validation, but you still must set a validator, so on your optional properties add the following to the builder: .addValidator(Validator.VALID)
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09:00 AM
Hi @Kaliyug Antagonist, NiFi provides a State API that allows you to do what you are looking for (using Zookeeper). Have a look here: There is a lot of existing processors using this state management and I believe this is the best way for you to understand how it works. For example all ListX processors should store a state to be sure they pick up at the right position in case of restart. Hope this helps.
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12:03 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @Kaliyug Antagonist. This is a bit of a philosophical question. The issue above occurs because the IN statement appears to do an implicit conversion of 0552094 to a numeric datatype and the IN statement does not find the row for 0552094. This implicit conversion is not what you want the IN statement to do. By explicitly quoting the numeric value, we do not allow the IN statement to do an Implicit conversion. IMHO I would recommend that you *never* allow implicit conversions to take place - whether in the RDBMS world (SQL Server, Oracle) or in Hive. By always quoting string/date values (OR using CAST function to ensure the correct datatype) you will get the correct/optimal results and you will never be affected by an implicit conversion. In the RDBMS world there are good of discussions about avoiding implicit conversions. RDBMSs do a much more thorough job of handling conversions, but even they are far from perfect when doing implicit conversions. An example of this - please see the Green/Yellow/Red chart of allowable conversions in this blog post by Jonathan Keyahias...
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11:22 AM
The command that worked : *Most conservative, takes the least cluster /usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/bin/spark-submit --class samples.FuelModel--master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --executor-memory 4g--driver-memory 8g spark-assembly-1.0.jar The time taken is too long(40+ minutes) to be acceptable, I tried increasing the no. of cores and executors but it didn't help much. I guess the overhead exceeds the performance benefit due to the processing a small file(< 200MB) on 2 nodes. I would be glad if you can provide any pointers.
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09:15 PM
@Kaliyug Antagonist I like Tom's suggestion and will it try myself. Otherwise, if you wish to create your local cluster with Vagrant: I use Eclipse and Vagrant cluster. I share a folder between my local machine and the cluster where I place the output jars and then submit them for execution. I followed instructions published here: here: I am not sure why you are against of the idea to use the sandbox. The code you develop can be at most tested functionally, locally. I get it that you want more debugging capabilities locally. A true load testing still needs to happen in a full scale environment.
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09:58 PM
Applying patches is technically possible though not supported by HWX. you will have to fetch the right build of Hive, compile, deploy and update symlinks. HDP 2.5.x is right around the corner, cross your fingers that the said patch is included. I'd love to confirm it but latest release notes have not been published.
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07:05 PM
@Kaliyug Antagonist You may find Gobblin helpful: Gobblin It comes from LinkedIn. Here is the Hive Avro to Orc Converter:
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