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1609 | 06-15-2020 05:23 AM | |
11729 | 01-30-2020 08:04 PM | |
1751 | 07-07-2019 09:06 PM | |
7275 | 01-27-2018 10:17 PM | |
4052 | 12-31-2017 10:12 PM |
10:22 AM
1 Kudo
@uri ben-ari One approach will be to use a Shell Script and make an Ambari API call as following and then grep the config types: Example: ("/tmp/" create a file like following) for CONFIG_TYPE in `curl -s -u admin:admin | grep '" : {' | grep -v Clusters | grep -v desired_configs | cut -d'"' -f2`; do
echo "Config_type: $CONFIG_TYPE"
done . Replace the following values in the above script based on your environment: "" with your Ambari Server Hostname "plain_ambari" with your ambari cluster name 8080 with the port of your ambari server. Output: # chmod 755 /tmp/
# /tmp/
Config_type: admin-log4j
Config_type: admin-properties
Config_type: ams-env
Config_type: ams-grafana-env
Config_type: ams-grafana-ini
Config_type: ams-hbase-env
Config_type: ams-hbase-log4j
Config_type: ams-hbase-policy
Config_type: ams-hbase-security-site
Config_type: ams-hbase-site
Config_type: ams-log4j
Config_type: ams-logsearch-conf
Config_type: ams-site
Config_type: ams-ssl-client
Config_type: ams-ssl-server
Config_type: atlas-tagsync-ssl
Config_type: beeline-log4j2
Config_type: capacity-scheduler
Config_type: cluster-env
Config_type: core-site
Config_type: hadoop-env
Config_type: hadoop-policy
Config_type: hbase-env
Config_type: hbase-log4j
Config_type: hbase-logsearch-conf
Config_type: hbase-policy
Config_type: hbase-site
Config_type: hcat-env
Config_type: hdfs-log4j
Config_type: hdfs-logsearch-conf
Config_type: hdfs-site
Config_type: hive-env
Config_type: hive-exec-log4j
Config_type: hive-exec-log4j2
Config_type: hive-interactive-env
Config_type: hive-interactive-site
Config_type: hive-log4j
Config_type: hive-log4j2
Config_type: hive-logsearch-conf
Config_type: hive-site
Config_type: hivemetastore-site
Config_type: hiveserver2-interactive-site
Config_type: hiveserver2-site
Config_type: kafka-broker
Config_type: kafka-env
Config_type: kafka-log4j
Config_type: kafka-logsearch-conf
Config_type: kafka_client_jaas_conf
Config_type: kafka_jaas_conf
Config_type: livy2-conf
Config_type: livy2-env
Config_type: livy2-log4j-properties
Config_type: livy2-spark-blacklist
Config_type: llap-cli-log4j2
Config_type: llap-daemon-log4j
Config_type: mapred-env
Config_type: mapred-logsearch-conf
Config_type: mapred-site
Config_type: pig-env
Config_type: pig-log4j
Config_type: pig-properties
Config_type: ranger-admin-site
Config_type: ranger-env
Config_type: ranger-hbase-audit
Config_type: ranger-hbase-plugin-properties
Config_type: ranger-hbase-policymgr-ssl
Config_type: ranger-hbase-security
Config_type: ranger-hdfs-audit
Config_type: ranger-hdfs-plugin-properties
Config_type: ranger-hdfs-policymgr-ssl
Config_type: ranger-hdfs-security
Config_type: ranger-hive-audit
Config_type: ranger-hive-plugin-properties
Config_type: ranger-hive-policymgr-ssl
Config_type: ranger-hive-security
Config_type: ranger-kafka-audit
Config_type: ranger-kafka-plugin-properties
Config_type: ranger-kafka-policymgr-ssl
Config_type: ranger-kafka-security
Config_type: ranger-logsearch-conf
Config_type: ranger-site
Config_type: ranger-solr-configuration
Config_type: ranger-storm-audit
Config_type: ranger-storm-plugin-properties
Config_type: ranger-storm-policymgr-ssl
Config_type: ranger-storm-security
Config_type: ranger-tagsync-policymgr-ssl
Config_type: ranger-tagsync-site
Config_type: ranger-ugsync-site
Config_type: ranger-yarn-audit
Config_type: ranger-yarn-plugin-properties
Config_type: ranger-yarn-policymgr-ssl
Config_type: ranger-yarn-security
Config_type: slider-client
Config_type: slider-env
Config_type: slider-log4j
Config_type: spark2-defaults
Config_type: spark2-env
Config_type: spark2-hive-site-override
Config_type: spark2-log4j-properties
Config_type: spark2-logsearch-conf
Config_type: spark2-metrics-properties
Config_type: spark2-thrift-fairscheduler
Config_type: spark2-thrift-sparkconf
Config_type: sqoop-env
Config_type: sqoop-site
Config_type: ssl-client
Config_type: ssl-server
Config_type: storm-cluster-log4j
Config_type: storm-env
Config_type: storm-logsearch-conf
Config_type: storm-site
Config_type: storm-worker-log4j
Config_type: tagsync-application-properties
Config_type: tagsync-log4j
Config_type: tez-env
Config_type: tez-interactive-site
Config_type: tez-site
Config_type: usersync-log4j
Config_type: usersync-properties
Config_type: webhcat-env
Config_type: webhcat-log4j
Config_type: webhcat-site
Config_type: yarn-env
Config_type: yarn-log4j
Config_type: yarn-logsearch-conf
Config_type: yarn-site
Config_type: zeppelin-config
Config_type: zeppelin-env
Config_type: zeppelin-log4j-properties
Config_type: zeppelin-logsearch-conf
Config_type: zeppelin-shiro-ini
Config_type: zoo.cfg
Config_type: zookeeper-env
Config_type: zookeeper-log4j
Config_type: zookeeper-logsearch-conf .
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06:43 PM
every thing is ok now thx
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12:10 PM
Hi @uri ben-ari, You can find the display-names and the property names in the xml configs like hdfs-site, hadoop-env.xml, core-site.xml, etc. for example: <property>
Specifies the maximum number of threads to use for transferring data in and out of the datanode.
<display-name>DataNode max data transfer threads</display-name>
<on-ambari-upgrade add="true"/>
If you can't find something under the common-services then go the appropriate stack directory: ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/<STACK>/<STACK_VERSION>/services/<SERVICE_NAME>/configuration
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10:08 PM
These attributes are available in the blueprint.json file: DataNode failed disk tolerance - Described as dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated DataNode maximum Java heap size - Described as dtnode_heapsize DataNode max data transfer threads - Described as dfs.datanode.max.transfer.threads I retrieved the full blueprint by using the following cURL statement: curl -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -X GET -u admin:admin <URL>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<CLUSTER_NAME>?format=blueprint > out.blueprint
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07:10 PM
Could you give me an example? It sounds like you just want to be able to read the values for a property inside of the JSON file - could you explain why specifically you need it in a CSV format? For nested data like this it is usually better to have it in a JSON format.
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06:01 PM
Example: If i want to add a parameter "" to some config ... then i will need to know about it. I found in the following link that it can be applied to "core-site" , So i will need to add it to that config in ambari.
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07:06 AM
yes by mistake - how to remove this one?
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11:47 AM
dear Geoffrey Shelton Okot you right , but during all my process I noticed about little issues that need to resolved , I am new in hadoop world , but any way I choose to work with other approach in order to configure the ambari cluster - see this
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03:56 AM
1 Kudo
@uri ben-ari In One of your Yesterdays Post we discussed about the Blueprint JSON parsing issue . - In the above thread on the second last update we see your issue was resolved you were able to post the blueprint properly. Your new query was to be able to modify / update the blueprint. If you have some new queries to be asked which is related to the blueprint parsing then you can continue on one thread. Or Close the previously opened threads. Where you agreed to get the issue resolved which was mentioned originally during the thread creation. .
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01:45 PM
I just thinking to do the same steps on a other ambari cluster , do you sure that this steps are safe , or maybe you already test it on your LAB?
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