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15672 | 11-22-2016 06:57 PM | |
8898 | 09-08-2016 09:32 PM |
05:30 PM
mvn --batch-mode release:prepare release:perform -Darguments="-Dmaven.deploy.skip=true" -Dgpg.skip Nope. It still looks like it's trying to run it. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-gpg-plugin:1.5:sign (default) @ nifi-mycompany-bundle --- [INFO] gpg: no default secret key: No secret key [INFO] gpg: signing failed: No secret key ....[snip] [INFO] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-gpg-plugin:1.5:sign (default) on project nifi-mycompany-bundle: Exit code: 2 -> [Help 1]
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04:41 PM
Hi, I created a maven project using the nifi-processor-bundle-archetype that contains some custom processors for my company. The problem I'm having is when I want to use the maven release plugin to create a release version and deploy it to our local repository I'm getting gpg errors. Is there any way to skip the gpg step? I don't need to sign my release for local use... Thanks!
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
05:51 PM
No, not from what I was able to find. If you want to start all processors in a processor group, you need to get the list of all processors in that group by calling GET /process-groups/{id}/processors and then one by one set them to RUNNING or STOPPED by doing PUT /processors/{id} Hope this helps!
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05:46 PM
1 Kudo
@Gayathri Rajendran My processor update json looks like this: {
"status": {
"runStatus": "RUNNING"
"component": {
"state": "RUNNING",
"id": "01571000-f7fb-1da4-7d70-b6be89100354"
"id": "01571000-f7fb-1da4-7d70-b6be89100354",
"revision": {
"version": 1,
"clientId": "c4cd2dc5-a57f-4025-aa4b-7e29118ce795"
You may need to add the separate "status" object in there. Also, I've never specified a parentGroupId so I'm not sure if that is necessary. Lastly, you may need to add a -H 'Accept:application/json' to your curl command as well. Hope this helps!
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07:02 PM
1 Kudo
You will need to do a Get on that processor first. The revision/version is contained in that json and you just pass it thru for your Put request. GET /processors/{id} returning json will have something like this: {
"status": { ... },
"component": { ... },
"revision": {
"version": 1
} So you would just take that whole revision element and add it to your Put payload. clientId is any string that identifies your tool/app. In my example above, I was just generating a random uuid. Hope this helps!
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06:27 PM
1 Kudo
Sure! The endpoint for updating a processor is a PUT request against /processors/[processor_id] where you would post json similar to what I have above. The runStatus should be either "STOPPED" or "RUNNING". You have to include the clientId or the version in the request. The 'component' field is also required. I discovered all this by reading the code since there really isn't a user guide on how to use these endpoints. As part of my script, I was getting to the list of processors by the name of the process group. So my flow is: GET /flow/search_results?q=[process_group_name] Then I get a list of processors for that group with: GET /process-groups/[process_group_id]/processors I loop through each of those results with the PUT request I mentioned above. Hope this helps!
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06:57 PM
4 Kudos
ok I figured it out. Since I was taking the processor object returned from my 'get' call and just modifying a few fields, it thought I was trying to do an update on the object. You cannot do this while it is running so that was the error message. I modified my request to only contain the minimum number of fields (i think) to stop the processor. I'm still unclear whether I need to set status.runStatus and/or component.state to STOPPED to get what I want as they both seem to indicate the same thing. Anyway, the below request works: modified_processor = {
'revision': {
'version': processor["revision"]["version"],
'clientId': str(uuid.uuid4())
'status': {
'runStatus': status
'component': {
'id': processor['id'],
'state': status
'id' : processor['id']
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05:37 PM
2 Kudos
Hi, I'm trying to start and stop processors via the nifi api version 1.0.0. I'm getting status code 409 returned and the message is "afb7dcf1-0157-1000-9450-ea0931a67e0f is not stopped." I have read previous articles about the optimistic locking and I am supplying the version and client id but I'm still getting this error. Any ideas? Here is a snippet of my python code: process_group = nifiapi.find_process_group(process_group_name)
if process_group is None:
return None
processors = nifiapi.get_processors_by_pg(process_group["id"])
if processors is None:
return None
for processor in processors['processors']:
processor["revision"]["clientId"] = str(uuid.uuid4())
processor["status"]["runStatus"] = "STOPPED"
logging.debug("Updating processor: {}".format(json.dumps(processor)))
nifiapi.update_processor(processor) # this makes the put request
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
02:54 PM
Thanks @Andy LoPresto. If I go the flow.xml.gz route, it looks like I have to shut down the currently running nifi instance, then copy the flow.xml.gz file to the conf directory and then restart the server. Is that right? When I tried to copy it over while the server was running it didn't appear to pick up the changes. The variable registry page you linked didn't really have much content at all. Is that under development or still just being discussed?
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05:43 PM
3 Kudos
What are people doing as far as version control and automated deployment for Nifi workflows? What I'd like is to develop or modify the workflow in a dev environment, check it in to git, then import this workflow into the QA environment. After testing is complete, deploy this to the production nifi instance(s). It would be best if this process: 1) is able to be automated 2) would replace the existing workflow without needing to manual intervention; i.e. re-enter sensitive values like I have to do when importing templates. thoughts?
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Apache NiFi
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