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3226 | 03-17-2017 06:10 PM |
03:10 PM
A year ago I implemented a HDP platform. Soon after NiFi was established as the defacto way for integrating external data flows into the cluster. A year on I'm reimplementing the architecture and now HDF is available. So is the assumption now that HDF runs on a node outside of the HDP and pushes data to it, as opposed to how I had it before where NiFi was installed on a node within the HDP cluster.
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12:01 PM
Hi Chris, my cluster was hacked and the HDFS data was deleted (includ /user/ and the trash files). I can see in /hadoop/hdfs/namenode the fsimage_ file before the deletes were applied. Could you explain how I would go about reverting to the older fsimage_ file?
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05:58 PM
ps - i tried pickling the model object but that didnt work
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05:40 PM
Hi, I need to save a model in python spark 1.6.0. I know save()/load functions are available in 2.0 but I'm not in a position to upgrade our HDP cluster at this current time and need a hack. I know Scala 1.6 does support saving of models. Is there some way I could share my model object from python to scala. Im using zeppelin so this might work between paragraphs? Any help much appreciated
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- Labels:
Apache Spark
12:21 PM
..I found that in my ambari settings this was not specified - on setting this to 0 and setting to a smaller amount gave me the behaviour i was looking for.
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04:58 PM
@Sunile Manjee I checked this and it is false. The remaining container seems to be the application master. When I run the Hive jobs via MapReduce2 they complete fine, its just when they are run in Tez I see this behaviour.
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02:40 PM
1 Kudo
Hi, When I run an insert into command through beeline Hive/Tez requests 2 containers. Once beeline reports that the row was successfully inserted in to the table I see that the job created (seen in the YARN Manager UI) is still running and holds on to one of the two containers, when I terminate beeline the job listed in the Manager UI then lists as completed. Why is this happening and how can I change my hadoop configuration to stop this happening? Thanks, Mike
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache YARN
05:05 PM
running on HDP2.4
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03:45 PM
Its 0.6.0 >
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11:57 AM
..also is there a way in SparkR to check first if the sparkcontext and hivecontexts are running?
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