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01:26 PM
yes but it isn't my whole response i mean i have copied only the part in which is count tag
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09:52 AM
I have nifi processor EvaluateXpath and i want to get tags value from xml response , for it i use expression like this //count/text() but my count attribute is still empty , what should i change? my xml reponse is something like this, AND I WANT TO GET THIS 72 AND WRITE IT IN MY COUNT ATTRIBUTE . <SendMessagexmlns=""><EnvelopeVersion>2.0</EnvelopeVersion><Header><MessageDetails><Class></Class><Qualifier>response</Qualifier><Function></Function><CorrelationID></CorrelationID><ResponseEndPoint/></MessageDetails><SenderDetails><IDAuthentication/><EmailAddress/></SenderDetails></Header><MessageDetails/><Body><Messagexmlns=""><getEventDataResponsexmlns=""xmlns:ns2=""xmlns:ns3=""xmlns:ns4=""><count>72</count></Message>
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:23 AM
I want to use routeonContent and put my response in deifferenct directories based on the method names they consist i have attribute '$message.body' and use expression( in routeonContent) ${message.body:contains('<person>')} . But it doesn't work for me do you have any better idea how can i do this? I need to check if it conatains tag with name person and if it does o will route it to certian direction. I have replaced ${message.body:contains('<person>')} with this ${message.body:contains("<[^>][+ person+^>]*>")} but it still doesn't works.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
07:07 AM
I want to use routeonContent and put my response in deifferenct directories based on the method names they consist i have attribute '$message.body' and use expression( in routeonContent) ${message.body:contains('<person>')} . But it doesn't work for me do you have any better idea how can i do this? I need to check if it conatains tag with name person and if it does o will route it to certian direction
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
05:14 AM
should i change correlation attribute name with something else?( i mean with different attribute)
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05:12 AM
Ok ,but as i guess i will havee to add one routeOnAttriute for each fileaname what can i do if i have more than 100 filenames?
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05:45 PM
I have flowfiles named as (1,3,4,5 and etc) i use this ${filename} attribute for invoking online service, then i got big response and split it line by line but at the end i need to merge my flowfiles based on their name i think mergecontent doesn't work prperly i use Correlation atribute name -filename and i have also increased minimum and maximum number of entries but nothing helped me here is my workflow: also there is several subject i am interested in:
I think that main reason my mergecontent doesn't work properly is that my file names don't go one after another , can this bean real reason? Can you reccomend me any better solution for such task?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
08:45 AM
I have xml response similar to this : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DayInfo><TalkMessagexmlns="***"><EnvelopeVersion>**</EnvelopeVersion><Header><MessageDetails><Class>****</Class><Qualifier>*****</Qualifier><Function>***</Function><CorrelationID>*****</CorrelationID><ResponseEndPoint/></MessageDetails><SenderDetails><IDAuthentication/><EmailAddress/></SenderDetails></Header><TalkDetails></TalkDetails><Body>
with message like
<contact>...</contact><data>... </data></Body></DayInfo> and in my evaluateXpath processors i want to extract data so that i got 3 different xml file with three different message data i used expressions like this ://*[local-name()='person'] for each messages and i got xml response with only person data but i need this data in my xml too: <TalkMessagexmlns="***"><EnvelopeVersion>**</EnvelopeVersion><Header><MessageDetails><Class>****</Class><Qualifier>*****</Qualifier><Function>***</Function><CorrelationID>*****</CorrelationID><ResponseEndPoint/></MessageDetails><SenderDetails><IDAuthentication/><EmailAddress/></SenderDetails></Header><TalkDetails></TalkDetails> what should i change to get appropriate response(i mean person message data with TalkMessage data)? good reponse example for person message is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DayInfo><TalkMessagexmlns="***"><EnvelopeVersion>**</EnvelopeVersion><Header><MessageDetails><Class>****</Class><Qualifier>*****</Qualifier><Function>***</Function><CorrelationID>*****</CorrelationID><ResponseEndPoint/></MessageDetails><SenderDetails><IDAuthentication/><EmailAddress/></SenderDetails></Header><TalkDetails></TalkDetails><Body><person><id></id><name></name></person></Body></DayInfo>
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
06:37 PM
I want to replace <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> tag by <DailyData></DailyDate> I used to replace text nifi processor with this search value: ^<[^>]+>(.*)<\/\w+>$ and I put replace value like this in replace value <DailyData>$1</DailyData> but I got error like this inside xml file:
This page contains the following errors: error on line 1 at column 4081: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error. what should I change?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:08 PM
I have tried it but it didn't help me can you reccomend me any nifi processor whcih can help me or i should make it by groovy code?
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