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Title | Views | Posted |
1290 | 04-21-2017 06:14 PM | |
4888 | 04-19-2017 05:59 PM | |
1143 | 04-11-2017 08:24 PM |
10:31 PM
I guess its something to do with zeppelin version. I didn't face the issue while running it in spark-shell programming. Thanks for the support as always when needed.
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07:47 PM
@Timothy Spann I am working on the hortonworks sandbox 2.4 on azure environment. Currently running the program in zeppelin. Your code as well threw the same above listed error. Please advice.
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07:15 PM
@Timothy Spann - I use 1.6 version sc.version res377: String = 1.6.0 I still face that error - Not sure why.
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05:58 PM
1 Kudo
I facing error while transform (tokenizer.transform) - Please advice ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import{HashingTF, IDF, Tokenizer} val sentenceData = sqlContext.createDataFrame(Seq(
(0, "Hi I heard about Spark"),
(0, "I wish Java could use case classes"),
(1, "Logistic regression models are neat")
)).toDF("label", "sentence") val tokenizer = new Tokenizer().setInputCol("sentence").setOutputCol("words") val wordsData = tokenizer.transform(sentenceData) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error message for reference --> import sentenceData: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [label: int, sentence: string]
tokenizer: = tok_6ac8a05b403d <console>:61: error: type mismatch;
found :
val wordsData = tokenizer.transform(sentenceData)
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- Labels:
Apache Spark
Apache Zeppelin
05:54 PM
While running over tutorial, I face issue in below line val header = flight2007.first val trainingData = flight2007
.filter(x => x != header)
unhandled exception while transforming <console>
error: uncaught exception during compilation: java.lang.NullPointerException
--------------------- Error message in detail after successful display of the header val. while compiling: <console>
during phase: specialize
library version: version 2.10.5
compiler version: version 2.10.5
reconstructed args: -classpath /usr/hdp/
last tree to typer: TypeTree(anonymous class $anonfun)
symbol: anonymous class $anonfun (flags: final <synthetic>)
symbol definition: final class $anonfun extends AbstractFunction1[Array[String],Flight] with Serializable
tpe: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[Array[String],Flight] with Serializable
symbol owners: anonymous class $anonfun -> value trainingData -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $read -> package $line568
context owners: anonymous class $anonfun -> value trainingData -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $iwC -> class $read -> package $line568
== Enclosing template or block ==
ClassDef( // final class $anonfun extends AbstractFunction1[String,Boolean] with Serializable
final <synthetic> @{ SerialVersionUID(0) }
Template( // val <local $anonfun>: <notype>, tree.tpe=scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[String,Boolean] with Serializable
"scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1", "scala.Serializable" // parents
// 2 statements
DefDef( // def <init>(): scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[String,Boolean] with Serializable
<method> <triedcooking>
<tpt> // tree.tpe=scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[String,Boolean] with Serializable
Block( // tree.tpe=Unit
Apply( // def <init>(): scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[T1,R] in class AbstractFunction1, tree.tpe=scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[String,Boolean]
$anonfun.super."<init>" // def <init>(): scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[T1,R] in class AbstractFunction1, tree.tpe=()scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[String,Boolean]
DefDef( // final def apply(x: String): Boolean
<method> final
// 1 parameter list
ValDef( // x: String
<param> <triedcooking>
<tpt> // tree.tpe=String
<tpt> // tree.tpe=Boolean
Apply( // final def !=(x$1: Object): Boolean in class Object, tree.tpe=Boolean
"x"."$bang$eq" // final def !=(x$1: Object): Boolean in class Object, tree.tpe=(x$1: Object)Boolean
Apply( // val header(): String, tree.tpe=String
$iwC.this.$VAL1317().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw().$iw()."header" // val header(): String, tree.tpe=()String
== Expanded type of tree ==
final class $anonfun extends AbstractFunction1[Array[String],Flight] with Serializable
unhandled exception while transforming <console>
error: uncaught exception during compilation: java.lang.NullPointerException
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- Labels:
Apache Spark
Apache Zeppelin
10:06 PM
You are right - its 0.3 and I see that in the properties file # Core Properties#
nifi.version=0.3.0-SNAPSHOT Please advice on steps for migration to latest version
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09:47 PM
nifi-ambari-stackversions.png @matt - Are you sure NiFi version is 0.3 as I see the amabari stacks and versions where its listed as 1.1. Please double check.
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09:40 PM
Hi Matt. Thanks and appreciate your response. I installed sandbox from microsoft azure and used ambari to install the NiFi service. Seems like it holds the outdated one - Could you please share me the steps to upgrade to latest NiFi version on this current HDP or any alternatives.
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07:25 PM
hdp-version.png nifi-version.png Can I know why HIVE related processors are not getting listed under my Apache NiFi Processors. I am looking for putHiveStreaming, putHiveQL, selectHiveQL. Please advice.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache NiFi
02:10 AM
Hi. Appreciate your answer. Sorry for delay in response - I was away for a while. ScanAttribute processor sounds to be the answer to my question and I did try a sample but its not picking up value and filtering the incoming tweets accordingly. Can you provide an example with snapshots. Incoming tweets via getTwitter Processor >> ScanAttribute processor. (dictionary file : <location of text file with keywords), attribute pattern - $.text, Match criteria - atleast one value must match)
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