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04:53 PM
Hi @gtopolyai, Please have the log attached. Thank youcloudbreaklog.txt
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07:43 PM
Hi @gtopolyai,
Thanks for the update. Yeap, restart works better than only start.
But still "UI is not able to connect Cloudbreak."cbd-error.jpg In the credential section there is no credential available, where there was one before restart cbd-error4.jpg. Here is the cbd ps stratus: Is it because of cbreak_cloudbreak_1 is not in start state? I have tried to run the script " sh " in that location. But it did not work. cbd ps
Name Command State Ports
cbreak_cloudbreak_1 / bash Exit 1
cbreak_commondb_1 /bin/bash -c cd /var/lib/p ... Up>5432/tcp
cbreak_consul_1 /bin/consul agent -server ... Up 8300/tcp, 8301/tcp, 8301/udp,
8302/tcp, 8302/udp,>8400/tcp,>8500/tcp,86000/tcp,>8600/udp
cbreak_haveged_1 haveged -F Up
cbreak_identity_1 /tmp/ Up>8080/tcp
cbreak_logrotate_1 / Up
cbreak_logsink_1 socat -u TCP-LISTEN:3333,r ... Up>3333/tcp
cbreak_logspout_1 /bin/sh -c sleep 1; (ROUTE ... Up>80/tcp
cbreak_mail_1 /bin/sh -c /opt/ ... Up>25/tcp
cbreak_periscope_1 / Up>8080/tcp
cbreak_registrator_1 /bin/registrator consul:// ... Up
cbreak_smartsense_1 /var/lib/smartsense/start- ... Exit 1
cbreak_sultans_1 /hortonworks-cloud-auth/st ... Up>3000/tcp, 3001/tcp
cbreak_traefik_1 / --debug --w ... Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp,>8080/tcp
cbreak_uluwatu_1 /hortonworks-cloud-web/sta ... Up>3000/tcp
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04:36 PM
Hi @gtopolyai, Thanks a lot for your response. The script is working. Thanks for the help. But Having the same issue with the 2nd one. Cloudbreak UI is showing an error: please check the screenshot. cbd-error2.jpg and the password is not working initially. when resetting the password through Azure portal cbd-error3.jpg Then password works with error "The UI could not connect to cloudbreak "cbd-error.jpg. But last 3 weeks when i did not try restart my cloudbreak VM everything was working fine without any issue. what might be the problem here? please suggest. Thank you.
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07:39 PM
Everyday in the evening i stopped my cloudbreak VM and restart next morning while i start working. MY cloudbreak VM's Public IP is static, even though every time while starting cloud break VM, I am not able to access the cloud break UI. Then i need to execute cbd restart or cbd start. Sometimes before these two commands I need to execute cbd update . Then in azure I need to reset password . after all these i am able to see cloud break UI in browser. My question: 1. How can i resolve this issue? Restarting cloud break VM do i always need to to execute those commands everytime? 2. Today though i am able to access the UI, but its saying error "UI is not able to connect cloudbreak". Please see the snap shot.cbd-error.jpg how to resolve this issue? FYI: I am using cloudbreak 2.5.0 on Azure. Thank you
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- Labels:
Hortonworks Cloudbreak
02:15 AM
Issue resolved by reset password. 🙂
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08:35 PM
Hi @pdarvasi, Can I create role based multiple users for Cloudbreak UI in cloudbreak 2.5.0?
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04:20 PM
@pdarvasi, UI is working now, But my password is not working in login. getting error "Login failed: Client cannot access resource server. Check that UAA server is running." I am using the same password what i used to use for login before. Please check the screen shot of ps command. should i hard code password in export UAA_DEFAULT_USER_PW="" it was empty after restart cbd. i harcoded my old password(which was being used) but still not working.Getting error "Login failed: Cannot retrieve token." what should i do now?cbdui.jpgcbdui1.jpgcbd-ps.jpg
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02:41 PM
Yeap. it worked with this commands. 🙂 Thanks a lot for your help. start/stop automation script is nothing but a resource in Azure by which we can automate stoping all the HDP/HDF cluster VMs during offpick hour and again can start automatically during working hour.
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06:22 PM
I have deployed cloudbreak 2.5.0 in MS Azure couple of days ago. Since the deployment I did not restart my cloudbreak VM but frequently restared cluster VMs of HDP and HDF. Everything was fine. Yesterday I added start/stop automation script. And after execution of the automation script all VMs are running as expected but not able to access cloudbreak UI.Access from putty is also working except UI. What should i do now?IN browser its showing: "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" Please check the attached image. cbd.jpg
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- Labels:
Hortonworks Cloudbreak
09:22 PM
Hi @milind pandit, @AnjiReddy Anumolu, I am facing the same issue. Would you please share how did you resolve this issue? I am confused about the GetFile and PutHDFS processor configuration. let me explain a little more: I just want to setup a data flow with nifi for now to test whether i can transfer files from HDF cluster to HDFS of HDP cluster.For that I am just using two processor "GetFile" and "PutHDFS". I deployed 2 clusters with 2 nodes of each- HDF 3.1(2 nodes-Nifi and services) and HDP 2.6.4(2 nodes- Master and worker). Now I want to transfer files through Nifi and write those data in HDFS . How can I do that? Please share your experiences how you resolved this. Thank you.
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