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Kudos Received
05:30 AM
2. usersync-install.txt
3. ldapsearch -x -b "dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org"
ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)
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01:59 AM
I am configuring ldap in usersync file, attached here install.txt. My user ldif file is attached here: users.txt I am not able to see any errors in usersync logs: 2018 01:34:38 INFO UnixAuthenticationService [main] - Starting User Sync Service!
20 Feb 2018 01:34:38 INFO AbstractMapper [UnixUserSyncThread] - Initializing for ranger.usersync.mapping.username.regex
20 Feb 2018 01:34:38 INFO AbstractMapper [UnixUserSyncThread] - Initializing for ranger.usersync.mapping.groupname.regex
20 Feb 2018 01:34:38 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder created
20 Feb 2018 01:34:38 INFO UserGroupSyncConfig [UnixUserSyncThread] - Sleep Time Between Cycle can not be lower than [3600000] millisec. resetting to min value.
20 Feb 2018 01:34:38 INFO UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] - initializing sink: org.apache.ranger.ldapusersync.process.LdapPolicyMgrUserGroupBuilder
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO AbstractMapper [UnixUserSyncThread] - Initializing for ranger.usersync.mapping.username.regex
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO AbstractMapper [UnixUserSyncThread] - Initializing for ranger.usersync.mapping.groupname.regex
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder created
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] - initializing source: org.apache.ranger.ldapusersync.process.LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder initialization started
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder initialization completed with -- ldapUrl: ldap://localhost:33389, ldapBindDn: uid=admin,ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org, ldapBindPassword: ***** , ldapAuthenticationMechanism: simple, searchBase: dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org, userSearchBase: [ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org], userSearchScope: 2, userObjectClass: person, userSearchFilter: (uid=*), extendedUserSearchFilter: null, userNameAttribute: uid, userSearchAttributes: [uid, uSNChanged, modifytimestamp], userGroupNameAttributeSet: null, pagedResultsEnabled: true, pagedResultsSize: 500, groupSearchEnabled: true, groupSearchBase: [ou=groups,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org], groupSearchScope: 2, groupObjectClass: groupofnames, groupSearchFilter: (cn=*), extendedGroupSearchFilter: (&null(|(member={0})(member={1}))), extendedAllGroupsSearchFilter: null, groupMemberAttributeName: member, groupNameAttribute: cn, groupSearchAttributes: [uSNChanged, member, cn, modifytimestamp], groupUserMapSyncEnabled: true, groupSearchFirstEnabled: false, userSearchEnabled: false, ldapReferral: ignore
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] - Begin: initial load of user/group from source==>sink
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder updateSink started
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - Performing user search first
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - extendedUserSearchFilter = (&(objectclass=person)(|(uSNChanged>=0)(modifyTimestamp>=19700101120000Z))(uid=*))
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder.getUsers() completed with user count: 0
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - extendedAllGroupsSearchFilter = (&(objectclass=groupofnames)(cn=*)(|(uSNChanged>=0)(modifyTimestamp>=19700101120000Z)))
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder [UnixUserSyncThread] - LdapDeltaUserGroupBuilder.getGroups() completed with group count: 0
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] - End: initial load of user/group from source==>sink
20 Feb 2018 01:34:39 INFO UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] - Done initializing user/group source and sink
20 Feb 2018 01:34:43 INFO UnixAuthenticationService [main] - Enabling Unix Auth Service!
20 Feb 2018 01:34:43 INFO UnixAuthenticationService [main] - Enabling Protocol: [SSLv2Hello]
20 Feb 2018 01:34:43 INFO UnixAuthenticationService [main] - Enabling Protocol: [TLSv1]
20 Feb 2018 01:34:43 INFO UnixAuthenticationService [main] - Enabling Protocol: [TLSv1.1]
20 Feb 2018 01:34:43 INFO UnixAuthenticationService [main] - Enabling Protocol: [TLSv1.2]I have configured ldap as sync_source in I have attached the config file. Still no user or group synching in ranger ui. Please help!
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- Labels:
Apache Ranger
09:38 PM
@Kit Menke could you please explain why we cann't use FileSystem API? I went through the link you provided above (More info here) but didn't quite understand. I am specifically looking to use Java Api for Knox instead of HTTP client.
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06:57 PM
I have user as 'knox' on hadoop cluster (Kerberos enabled). I am running Demo LDAP for Knox authentication. My proxy settings in core-site.xml: hadoop.proxyuser.knox.groups = users hadoop.proxyuser.knox.hosts = [myhadoopMasterNode_Hostname] Now I am trying to run curl command using username 'guest' and pwd 'guest-password' from users.ldif file. This is giving error: knox is not able to impersonate guest. Then I changed this property: hadoop.proxyuser.knox.groups=*. I am able to run curl command successfully. Please help me understand two things: 1) How this property(hadoop.proxyuser.knox.groups) setting is working> 2) Can identity-assertion property in topology file can help resolving this same issue?
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- Labels:
Apache Knox
04:34 PM
I am running below command on ubuntu node where my single node hadoop cluster(kerberized) with existing Active Directory: root@host1:~# kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/hdfs.headless.keytab hdfs-testcluster@SRV.COM Where, hadoop_cluster_name = testcluster, Realm=SRV.COM I am trying to access hdfs with hdfs service-principal name. But I am not sure in this command what is the user-principal who is requesting this service. Is it the "kadmin Principal" which I set during configuration setting of Kerberos?
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04:43 AM
I am specifically looking for what commands on terminal I should run to create file in hdfs and get files in hdfs.
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
03:53 AM
Thanks, @Aditya Sirna, hostname fix worked for me. All services started, but I am getting few alerts 1) HDFS; alert name=NameNode Blocks Health: Total Block:[11], Missing Blocks[11] 2) YARN; alert name=NodeManager Health: Connection refused for port 8042 3) YARN; alert name=NodeManager Web UI: Connection refused for port 8042 4) YARN; alert name=Percent NodeManagers Available affected:[1], total:[1] Do you have any suggestions?
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08:22 PM
@Geoffrey Shelton Okot
I copied and pasted this ->
sudo su - hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave
It says "cannot execute afemode"
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08:03 PM
@Geoffrey Shelton Okot Since I am running ambari-server in non-root mode I ran below command for leaving safemode: sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave And this got me the error "Connection Refused" error : safemode: Call From nhknox-virtual-machine.mad.lab/ to nhknox-virtual-machine.mad.lab:8020 failed on connection exception: Connection refused Yes, this is a single node cluster as I mentioned in my starting post. I have pasted the error log which I am seeing while Namenode getting restarted in the starting post. Please let me know what more details I need to paste. **Note: I also tried "telnet localhost 8020" or "telnet server-hostname 8020" and "netstat -atn | grep 8020" seems 8020 port is not Listening mode.
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07:31 PM
@Geoffrey Shelton Okot This gives me below error on terminal : safemode: Call From nhknox-virtual-machine.mad.lab/ to nhknox-virtual-machine.mad.lab:8020 failed on connection exception: Connection refused; For more details see:
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