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06:35 PM
Sorry, @Subramaniam Ramasubramanian. You cannot connect to your Spark-shell via JDBC.
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10:11 AM
5 Kudos
1. Introduction 1.1 HDP 2.6.3 provides Apache Spark 2.2 with Apache ORC 1.4 Since Apache Spark 1.4.1, Spark supports ORC as one of its FileFormat . This article introduces how to use another faster ORC file format with Apache Spark 2.2 in HDP 2.6.3. First, in order to show how to choose a FileFormat , Section 1.2 will show an example which writes and reads with ORCFileFormat . Section 2 shows a brief performance comparison, and Section 3 explains more use cases and ORC configurations. Section 4 summarizes ORC-related Apache Spark fixes included in HDP 2.6.3. 1.2 Usage Example: Write and Read with ORCFileFormat
// Save 5 rows into an ORC file.
// Read a DataFrame from the ORC file with the existing ORCFileFormat."orc").load("/tmp/orc").count
// Read a DataFrame from the ORC file with a new ORCFileFormat."org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.orc").load("/tmp/orc").count
res4: Long = 5
res7: Long = 5
2. Performance Comparison Here, I’ll show you a small and quick performance comparison to show difference. For TPCDS 10TB performance comparison, please refer the presentation at DataWorks Summit in Reference section. 2.1 Prepare a test data (about 100m rows)
val df = spark.range(200000000).sample(true, 0.5)
df: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[Long] = [id: bigint]
2.2 See the difference in 10 seconds
// New ORC file format
// Old ORC file format
Time taken: 345 ms
res10: Long = 100000182
Time taken: 3518 ms
res12: Long = 100000182
3. How does it works? 3.1 Vectorization New ORC file format in HDP 2.6.3, org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.orc , is faster than old ORC file format. The performance difference comes from vectorization. Apache Spark has ColumnarBatch and Apache ORC has RowBatch separately. By combining these two vectorization techniques, we achieved the performance gain like the above. Previously, Apache Spark took advantages of its ColumnarBatch format with Apache Parquet only. In addition, Apache Spark community has been putting efforts on SPARK-20901 Feature parity for ORC with Parquet. Recently, with new Apache ORC 1.4.1 (released 16th Oct), Spark becomes more stable and faster. 3.2 Do you want to use new ORC file format by default? Here is `spark.sql.orc.enabled` for that.
sql("SET spark.sql.orc.enabled=true")
sql("SET spark.sql.orc.enabled=false")
res13: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
Time taken: 273 ms
res14: Long = 100000182
res16: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
Time taken: 4083 ms
res17: Long = 100000182
3.3 Does it work with SQL, too? Yes, it does!
sql("SET spark.sql.orc.enabled=true")
spark.time(sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1").collect)
sql("SET spark.sql.orc.enabled=false")
spark.time(sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2").collect)
res21: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
Time taken: 404 ms
res22: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([100000182])
res24: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
Time taken: 4333 ms
res25: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([100000182])
3.4 How can I create a table using new ORC file format only?
sql("CREATE TABLE o1 USING `org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.orc` AS SELECT * FROM t1")
sql("SET spark.sql.orc.enabled=false")
spark.time(sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM o1").collect)
res26: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = []
res27: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = []
res28: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
Time taken: 213 ms
res29: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([100000182])
3.5 Do you want to read existing Hive tables created by `STORED AS`? Here is `spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc`
sql("SET spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc=true")
sql("SET spark.sql.orc.enabled=true")
spark.time(sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM h1").collect)
res30: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = []
res31: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = []
res33: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
res34: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
Time taken: 227 ms
res35: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([100000182])
3.6 ORC Configuration To utilize new ORC file format, there are more ORC configurations which you should turn on. The followings are the summary of recommended ORC configurations in HDP 2.6.3 and the above. spark.sql.orc.enabled=true enables new ORC format to read/write DataSource Tables and files. spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc=true enables new ORC format to read/write Hive Tables. spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown=true enables filter pushdown for ORC formats. spark.sql.orc.char.enabled=true enables new ORC format to use CHAR types to read Hive Tables. By default, STRING types are used for performance reason. 4. More features and limitations 4.1 Fixed Apache Spark issues
SPARK-14387 Enable Hive-1.x ORC compatibility with spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc SPARK-16060 Vectorized Orc Reader SPARK-16628 OrcConversions should not convert an ORC table represented by MetastoreRelation to HadoopFsRelation if metastore schema does not match schema stored in ORC files SPARK-18355 Spark SQL fails to read data from a ORC hive table that has a new column added to it SPARK-19809 NullPointerException on empty ORC file SPARK-20682 Support a new faster ORC data source based on Apache ORC SPARK-20728 Make ORCFileFormat configurable between sql/hive and sql/core SPARK-21422 Depend on Apache ORC 1.4.0 SPARK-21477 Mark LocalTableScanExec’s input data transient SPARK-21791 ORC should support column names with dot SPARK-21787 Support for pushing down filters for date types in ORC SPARK-21831 Remove spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc config in HiveCompatibilitySuite SPARK-21912 ORC/Parquet table should not create invalid column names SPARK-21929 Support ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMNS(..) for ORC data source SPARK-22146 FileNotFoundException while reading ORC files containing special characters SPARK-22158 convertMetastore should not ignore table property SPARK-22300 Update ORC to 1.4.1 4.2 Limitation Schema evolution and schema merging are not supported officially yet (SPARK-11412). Apache Spark vectorization techniques can be used with a schema with primitive types. For more complex schema, Spark uses non-vectorized reader. Old ORC files may be incorrect information inside TIMESTAMP. Filter Pushdown will be ignored for those old ORC files. 5. Conclusion HDP 2.6.3 provides a powerful combination of Apache Spark 2.2 and Apache ORC 1.4.1 as a technical preview. In Apache Spark community, SPARK-20901 Feature parity for ORC with Parquet is still on-going efforts. We are looking forward to seeing more improvements in Apache Spark 2.3. Reference ZEPPELIN NOTEBOOK for this article. PERFORMANCE UPDATES: WHEN APACHE ORC MET APACHE SPARK, DataWorks Summit 2017 Sydney, Sep. 20-21 Appendix - How to reset to default options %spark2.spark
sql("SET spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreOrc=false")
sql("SET spark.sql.orc.enabled=false")
sql("SET spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown=false")
sql("SET spark.sql.orc.char.enabled=false")
res36: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
res37: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
res38: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
res39: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [key: string, value: string]
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04:42 PM
Please create a Hive table on those Parquet files. If Hive can access them securely with Ranger, Spark also can via SPARK-LLAP.
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06:39 PM
1 Kudo
Could you try the following SPARK-LLAP? It uses Hive LLAP and Ranger inside Spark. Row/Column-level Security in SQL for Apache Spark
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07:16 PM
Unfortunately, it's Spark 2.1.X behavior. You need to use Hive. BTW, which `ALTER TABLE` do you need? In HDP 2.6.3, Spark 2.2 supports `ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS` via the following two issues. - -
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06:29 PM
1 Kudo
That is a valid warning. Old Hive ORC writer doesn't save the correct schema into ORC files. They wrote dummy column names like, `_col1`. You are using that old ORC file. If you generate new ORC file with Hive 2, then you can not see that warning.
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06:29 PM
Hi, @chenhao chenhao As you can see in the image, the error comes from Hive side, "Invalid function `get_splits`". You seems to use some old Hive. Please use the correct version of Hive in HDP.
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07:24 PM
If you want to write in a single file, could you try to repartition `new_df` before making temp table? new_df.repartition(1).registerTempTable("new_df")... According to your situation, you may choose a different number of partitions instead of 1.
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06:45 PM
For your emails, I already answered your email questions personally, and Hortonworks support team can help you for the further professional advice and help.
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01:09 AM
That's an assembly jar location for Spark `--packages`. If you want to a standalone jar for no-internet connection, please look at this.
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