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Title | Views | Posted |
574 | 11-19-2023 11:07 AM | |
816 | 09-30-2023 09:10 AM | |
1077 | 03-20-2022 03:00 AM | |
1169 | 03-20-2022 02:47 AM |
12:10 AM
1 Kudo
Hi Loaimohamed79 I see you cannot create the topics after enabling the TLS and it failed with the TimeoutException. Since you have enabled the TLS, 'listeners' property must be using SASL_SSL or SSL protocol and hence with the 'kafka-topics' command you will need to use the argument --command-config and pass the file that includes the below properties, --- security.protocol=SASL_SSL OR SSL ssl.truststore.location=<truststore-location> --- So the command will look like, kafka-topics --create --topic demo --bootstrap-server --partitions 3 --replication-factor 3 --command-config <> Kindly follow these steps and let us know if it helps.
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11:07 AM
1 Kudo
After a thorough research on the space capacity and best practice. I have the recommendations to share and can conclude this as resolved. As a general recommendation, it is suggested not exceeding the data node DFS configured capacity for more than 100TB. Since our current setup is already at 87TB, It is recommended for scaling the cluster horizontally by adding more data nodes with homogeneous configurations. This way we can add more compute as well as additional I/O capacity to the cluster.
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07:32 PM
I do not want to be harsh, but I do not know better ways to show my disappointment with your support. All I wanted was to locate VMs for use with training and you failed on multiple occasions to point me to the site. Instead, I get links with limited explanations, or replied asking me if the problem was solved with no prior attempts to answer the questions. I did get that the training was relevant, but that was it and all that I now expect. I have no confidence that those who replied even checked the information about which I inquired. If there is not time to answer the question, then do not answer the question with half hearted responses. I looks bad for a company I once had interest and thought well of. You can mark this closed and unresolved as you have not answered the question and I no longer care to hear from your support team. I have wasted enough time for what should be a simple answer.
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12:49 AM
Hi hassan, Please check the yarn instance if any of those are down? if not please do rolling restart for yarn and then try running the same command and check if this message persist. Secondly can you share the roles you have assigned to all these 3 nodes.
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06:02 AM
1 Kudo
Thank you for posting your findings @HanzalaShaikh
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03:58 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @Noel_0317 I am sharing few hdfs commands to be checked on file system level of hdfs. hdfs dfs -df /hadoop - Shows the capacity, free and used space of the filesystem. hdfs dfs -df -h /hadoop - Shows the capacity, free and used space of the filesystem. -h parameter Formats the sizes of files in a human-readable fashion. hdfs dfs -du /hadoop/file - Show the amount of space, in bytes, used by the files that match the specified file pattern. hdfs dfs -du -s /hadoop/file - Rather than showing the size of each individual file that matches the pattern, shows the total (summary) size. hdfs dfs -du -h /hadoop/file - Show the amount of space, in bytes, used by the files that match the specified file pattern. Formats the sizes of files in a human-readable. fashion Let me know if this helps.
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02:48 AM
Thanks samanta
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10:00 AM
@nysq_sq this seems to be a timeout issue. Need to change the session time out. Can you check few parameters in HUE > Configuration > idle_session_timeout and share what's the value.
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12:04 PM
Welcome to the community @supersonic-2021 . As this is an older post, we recommend starting a new thread. The new thread will provide the opportunity to provide details specific to your environment that could aid others in providing a more accurate answer to your question.
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08:54 PM
Hi Hanzala, Thank you for raising concern in community. If the snapshot is moved then the info will not the show the below error:: -------------- Reading snapshot /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2/snapshot.6801207d537 There might some disk issue which cause the snapshot to be not end the file properly from the problematic zookeeper 1.move the ZK's Data Directory to backup Directory
2. Copy the transition logs and version-2/* from any running zookeeper to problematic zookeeper node
3. Then try starting problematic ZK node again And please update us the new log
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