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744 | 10-23-2024 11:21 AM | |
683 | 10-22-2024 07:59 AM | |
661 | 10-22-2024 07:37 AM | |
388 | 10-21-2024 09:25 AM | |
2181 | 06-16-2023 07:23 AM |
10:55 AM
@cotopaul I have verified that the same command works from the command line. I think the executeStreamCommand must be doing some sort of formatting prior to sending the request to the Streams Message Manager Server. A GET request works using the ExecuteStreamCommand because there is no payload. I can't use the invokeHTTP because it currently doesn't have configuration to authenticate using kerberos which is why I fell back on using ExecuteStreamCommand.
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06:35 AM
I am trying to use NiFi to make a CURL call to SMM. Because SMM is using kerberos authentication I want to make a POST request to the SMM API using Kerberos. I am now at the last step where I need to sent a POST request to create a Kafka topic. I am having a problem where when I send the request using the ExecuteStreamCommand I think some formatting happens to the payload before the call gets sent to the SMM API. I tried escaping the quotes in the payload but still no luck. Here are my configurations for the ExecuteStreamCommand: Command Arguments Strategy: Command Arguments Property Command Arguments: -X POST -H referer:${Referer} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"newTopics\": [{\"name\":\"testing123\",\"numPartitions\":3,\"replicationFactor\":3}], \"allTopicNames\":[\"testing123\"]}' --negotiate -u : -b /tmp/cookiejar.txt -c /tmp/cookiejar.txt http://SMM-HOSTNAME:8585/api/v1/admin/topics Command Path: curl Ignore STDIN: false Argument Delimiter: " " (Space) Right now it's giving me a 415 - Unsupported Media Type Error. Can someone please help.
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06:28 AM
Switching to a new version of NiFi solved the problem.
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10:09 AM
@MattWho We have two separate CDP clusters set up. One cluster is our administration cluster (ie source of truth) that houses things like all of our NiFi Flows in the NiFi Registry. We want the other cluster or clusters to get access to these flows from their NiFi environments. However, the only way to get access to that administration NiFi Registry externally is through Knox. Right now I set up all the topologies and authentication/authorization needed to do so but on restart of NiFi it strips the URL path in the Registry Client for Knox endpoint which I have to manually add back each time.
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05:32 AM
Can anyone help with this? I am using NiFi v1.16.
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01:23 PM
I had a 3 node NiFi cluster and created a NiFi registry client with this a URL that goes through Knox and looks something like this However, when I restart NiFi the registry client in NiFi strips the URL path so it comes back as which isn't correct and can't connect to the registry. Has anyone experienced this before and/or solved this issue?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
NiFi Registry
07:21 AM
I am trying to use kerberos authentication to hit a CM REST API endpoint. It keeps responding back with 401 Unauthorized and all the examples I have seen uses basic auth. Does anyone know if this possible and give an example of how it could be done?
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- Labels:
Cloudera Manager
07:11 AM
Every minute there is an annoying ranger audit log in our current cluster where anonymous is trying to access the /flow. The client IP address is the same address as the NiFi node itself so it seems like the server itself is trying to access /flow but can't. Has anyone seen this before?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
NiFi Registry
01:51 PM
Where can I see a list of all the processors that will load NiFi's content into memory?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:20 AM
I understand NiFi stores its FlowFile attributes in memory and large attributes are not recommended because it takes up space in the JVM. What I am having trouble grasping is the consequences. Can someone explain different use cases what could happen and also, how long those attributes are stored in memory for?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
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