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Title | Views | Posted |
3787 | 07-23-2024 11:49 PM | |
542 | 05-28-2024 11:06 AM | |
972 | 05-05-2024 01:27 PM | |
633 | 05-05-2024 01:09 PM | |
650 | 03-28-2024 09:51 AM |
12:48 AM
1 Kudo
@HareshAmin As you correctly said, Impala does not support the mentioned OpenCSVSerde serde. So, you could recreate the table using CTAS, with a storage format that is supported by both Hive and Impala. CREATE TABLE new_table
SELECT * FROM aggregate_test;
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01:31 PM
1 Kudo
@hxn Could you enter the password here instead of the the path to keystore pass file? > SSLKeyStorePwd=/var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/
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04:19 AM
@lucid will the column changes be consistent across all the tables? We could try "select * from <tbl1>", however it would require the schema of the table same in all the tables, else it will return semantic exception.
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02:46 PM
@lucid Do you mean, the position of the columns or the names of the columns change, or the data? As long as we are aware of the column names(data types should be consistent as well), we should be good to write our UNION statement. Please clarify if my understanding is wrong. As you want to write the physical data into a table, you could consider using Hive Materialised view. If your tables tab1, tab2 are ACID(transactional) tables, every time the data changes in those tables through any INSERT operation, the MV data also get refreshed.
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11:18 AM
@Glive I couldn't test it right now, but could you try the following? beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://;user=bob;password='is your uncle'" Within single quotes try to escape white space with a back slash(\), if it does not work. Else, let beeline prompt you for the password: beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://" -n bob -p When it prompts you, enter the password. This was introduced in HIVE-13589
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10:24 AM
2 Kudos
@Shab Set client socket timeout to 300( 5 mins). The value for "hive.metastore.event.listeners" needs to be set to blank(no value).
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01:12 AM
1 Kudo
@Shab no, those warn messages are not related. Did you try setting 'hive.metastore.client.socket.timeout' value to, 5 mins, under the "Service Monitor Client Config Overrides" in Hive configuration? We can completely disable Hive metastore canary, but I won't advise that. if Hive is working as expected, we could safely ignore these canary warnings, however, try setting the aforementioned socket timeout parameter, and that could help the canary tests perform without fail. If you use Sentry in your cluster, sometimes it blocks HMS, which in turn affects Metastore Canary. You could add the following property to overcome that. Navigate to Cloudera Manager > Hive > Configuration > "Hive Metastore Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml" > add the following:
<description>This will stop HMS blocking by Sentry</description>
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11:57 PM
1 Kudo
@hxn We should not have any hiveserver2 under "Hive" service. hiveserver2 should be present only under "Hive on Tez". If you have a hiveserver2 instance under "Hive" service, please delete it.
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10:45 AM
@dr If it's a managed table, you could get its size from TABLE_PARAMS table: e.g. SELECT a.TBL_NAME AS `TABLE`, b.PARAM_VALUE AS `SIZE` from TABLE_PARAMS b INNER JOIN TBLS a where a.TBL_ID=b.TBL_ID and b.PARAM_KEY='totalSize'; You could change the you need it. But, if there are external tables, or the table stats are not generated regularly, then you might not get the correct data. You could get the table size using HDFS file system commands as well: hdfs dfs -du -s -h <path to the table location> This will give you more accurate data.
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10:05 AM
1 Kudo
@hxn It seems like hive on Tez service is not up. Please go through Hive on Tez logs, and you should see more info around the error 'Error stopping schq'. We need to bring Hive service up first, and then we can approach the Hue issue, or Hue might start working after fixing Hive.
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