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Title | Views | Posted |
2485 | 06-12-2024 06:43 AM | |
3979 | 04-12-2024 06:05 AM | |
2611 | 12-07-2023 04:50 AM | |
1537 | 12-05-2023 06:22 AM | |
2544 | 11-28-2023 10:54 AM |
05:13 AM
@FediMannoubi Get the required response data that you need from flowfile to an attribute with EvaluateJsonPath. Do this for user, password, and token. Once these data values are attributes, you can use them in the header, or write them back out to the flowfile content when appropriate.
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05:04 AM
@harry_12 I believe that users which are created in Ambari are for logging into ambari UI. If you need an SSH user for a particular host, you should create that user in the node(s) operating system directly.
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05:02 AM
@JagadeeshJinka I believe the solution here is an entry in the /etc/hosts file on all nifi nodes. Based on above that could possible be: es-saas-es-http.saas.svc.cluster.local However i would recommend fully qualified domains (FQDNS. for example with matching DNS entries, and SSL certs
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07:43 AM
@YasBHK HDP is no longer supported, there will be no releases and no upgrades. I highly recommend not solutioning or training on the HDP Sandbox. I would recommend that you investigate the modernized alternatives to HDP, such as CDP Private Cloud Base or CDP Public Cloud.
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09:28 AM
1 Kudo
@kishan1 If you click into any property in the NiFI ui, it will indicate if parameters are accepted or not. This SAS Token does accept params. Reference:
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04:53 AM
1 Kudo
@udayabaski This sounds like a job for DistributedMapCache. Using this, you can set key/value pairs for start and end time at one point in the flow, and access them in other parts of the flow. Here are some important docs to get you started :
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08:59 AM
1 Kudo
@cotopaul - Thanks for being such a community superstar!! @swanifi in addition to above, In the future please be sure to include screen shot of the processor property and configurations. One thing that i think you could achieve is some type of an upstream gate on the flow files, so that they are released in blocks that satisfy the expectation of 1000 records per operation. I am not aware if this is configureable within the processor.
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06:24 AM
@bennour This error is an issue with your database endpoint ssl. My first suggestion is to use the following arugment in your sqoop command: useSSL=false then if this doesn't work, focus on getting a proper ssl certificate for the host.
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06:10 AM
The file you need to send or upload to the api, should be the content of your flowfile that routes into InvokeHttp. So some upstream process should read the file, and send the content through success relationship to InvokeHttp. For example if this file is json, I use GenerateFlowFile processor, put the json contents in there, then send to InvokeHttp.
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05:46 AM
@Techie123 to add headers in invokeHttp just click the + sign to add a new dynamic property, and set key to "Content-Type" and value to "multipart/form-data". You will also need to make sure the rest of your invokeHttp is confirmed correctly. Depending on your version, you can also create and send an attribute called "Content-Type" of the same value. Newest versions of NiFi will see a default property "Request Content-Type" which can also be set to attribute $mime-type which you can also define to suit your API. One other suggestion, make sure you are testing remote API Calls with something like postman to confirm all the required values. Then, work with NiFi after you have a known operational understanding for the api.
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