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Title | Views | Posted |
14273 | 11-14-2017 01:11 AM | |
60671 | 11-03-2017 06:53 AM | |
4335 | 11-03-2017 06:18 AM | |
13583 | 09-12-2017 05:51 AM | |
2006 | 09-08-2017 02:50 AM |
09:48 AM
Yes, not suprised by the outcome of your test since the issue is about "read" permission on the temporary table and not the target table. If you try the following, it should work for your test : Give "SELECT" permission on the database and retry. This time it should work and confirm the "problem". And since you wonder, the problem isn't on the HDFS permission part. It's sentry side permissions issue. The user that is accessing and writing the data on HDFS is "hive" anyway (since the impersonification should be disabled).
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09:38 AM
I have run some tests. And indeed, the problem seems to be around the temporary table (at least, it is failing here before anything else). The query you make with the "VALUES" part work like this : - it create a temporary hive table with the line to be inserted - it query that temporary table for inserting the data into the target table From what I see, the temporary table is created. But the user do not have "select" permission on it. Surprisingly sentry allow for the creation but not the select. I guess that a workaround would be to grant "SELECT" on the database "default" but this could bring some issues for you (since the user will have read permission on all the tables inside "default"). Seems like a defect to me.
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08:56 AM
From the error message I understand the issue is more about the temporary table created for selecting the data (and not about read permissions on the folder of the target table). Not sure "how" sentry is supposed to handle this case. Guess I'll run some test since I'm curious about this.
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05:53 AM
solrctl allow you to "update" the config stored in ZK. Maybe after that you could call a "RELOAD" of that collection using Solr collection API ? I have not tried it, but I would definitely investigate on that direction if I had this kind of requirement.
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04:01 AM
Well, the lock is stored in zookeeper. So you can search in zookeeper if the lock exists and delete it if yes. But I would advise you not to do so. Locks exist for data integrity. If you remove them while you should not it could lead to some "odd results". Maybe you could add some error management in the workflow in order to "retry X times" before failing the whole workflow ? You could also better "communicate" with the users in order to reduce the likely hood of having your scheduled queries running concurrently with "users" queries.
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03:56 AM
I am getting error as
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/dmishra
mkdir: Cannot create directory /user/dmishra. Name node is in safe mode. When your namenode is in "safe mode" it means it is in "read only". You need to exit the safe mode before writing to HDFS. If the namenode enter safe mode without you telling him, it also means you have an issue (disk space ?, configuratoin issue ? ...) some time I get
mkdir: Permission denied: user=cloudera, access=WRITE, inode="/user":hdfs:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x That error is pretty straight forward. It mean the user "cloudera" do not have "write" permission on the HDFS folder "/user". This works exactly like a linux box. Also, it tells you that the folder "/user" is owned by the user "hdfs" and the group associated is "supergroup" with the following permission ( read write cross for the owner. read and cross for the group. read and cross for "others"). If you want to create a folder inside "/user" you need to be the owner with the current sets of permissions.
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04:41 AM
What is the exception / error message shown in the logs when you try to start a new job ?
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05:30 AM
Give us your indexer_def.xml and morphline conf. There should be an "id" field somewhere. And I guess you will find it in the indexer_def.xml file. For example : <indexer table="<hbase_table_name>" mapper="com.ngdata.hbaseindexer.morphline.MorphlineResultToSolrMapper"
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01:14 AM
The property you have set is the default replication factor for new blocks. This do not alter existing blocks. So if you have under-replicated blocks asking for 3 replica then you need to alter these blocks directly. Check the command line "hdfs dfs -setrep"
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01:37 AM
Hi, If you are using the KRB5CCNAME variable it should not target the keytab file. That is the reason you cannot kinit twice with the same keytab. That variable should target the Kerberos ticket cache generated using the keytab or login/password. Also, you need to get a valid Kerberos ticket using the same Kerberos REALM as your Hadoop cluster is using.
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