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Title | Views | Posted |
14252 | 11-14-2017 01:11 AM | |
60652 | 11-03-2017 06:53 AM | |
4333 | 11-03-2017 06:18 AM | |
13578 | 09-12-2017 05:51 AM | |
1999 | 09-08-2017 02:50 AM |
01:33 AM
Hi, It's been a while ! If I remember correctly, we did not find any solution back then (with CDH5.3.0) - at least other than recreating the collection and re-indexing the data. But after upgrading the CDH version using a version of Solr supporting the "ADDREPLICA" and "DELETEREPLICA" functions in the API you can add an other replica and then delete the one which is down. regards, mathieu
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09:18 AM
2 Kudos
You can use PURGE option to delete data file as well along with partition mentadata but it works only in INTERNAL/MANAGED tables ALTER TABLE table_name DROP [IF EXISTS] PARTITION partition_spec PURGE; External Tables have a two step process to alterr table drop partition + removing file ALTER TABLE table_name DROP [IF EXISTS] PARTITION partition_spec; hadoop fs -rm -r <partition file path>
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12:05 AM
I think the keytab you used has expired. Try to kinit a new keytab for your code, and issue should be solved
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06:26 AM
Hi. Yes, jobs are scheduled as Oozie Coordinators. The problem is that job description say that the job will be executed at every even hour, but job starts executing at every odd hour. Do you know any other way to fix this, since this happened on our production environment and "reinstalling" would take a lot of time which could lead to downtime? Thank you in advance.
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11:31 AM
I continued the resolution of this issue in another thread specific to the error: ls: Operation category READ is not supported in state standby The solution is marked on that thread, however, a quick summary was that I needed to add the Failover Controller role to a node in my cluster, enable Automatic Failover, and then restart the cluster for it all to kick in.
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09:14 AM
Great ! Nice debug
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07:28 PM
@mathieu.d, Thanks for reply, will try this and let you know.
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06:53 AM
1 Kudo
The timestamp column is not "suitable" for a partition (unless you want thousands and thousand of partitions). What is suitable : - is to create an Hive table on top of the current not partitionned data, - create a second Hive table for hosting the partitionned data (the same columns + the partition column), - eventualy load the data from the first table to the second one using a query that will "parse" the timestamp column and extract what should be a suitable value for the partition column (for example the year or the year-and-the-month, ...). Example : INSERT INTO TABLE my_partitioned_table PARTITION (part_col_name) SELECT *, year(to_date(my_timestamp_column)) FROM my_not_partitioned_table; You don't have to put the partition value in the insert statement if you enable dynamic partition in Hive. set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; And on your sample it's not working properly because you didn't parse the timestamp column, you use it as is. Each unique value will create a partition. For a timestamps, it's almost each value that is unique.
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