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1391 | 07-13-2022 07:05 AM | |
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07:57 AM
1 Kudo
Hello @matagyula , thank you for your feedback on the proposed actions and for accepting the reply as the solution! It will help Community Members facing with similar issues to find the answer faster. Üdvözlettel: Ferenc
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02:02 AM
1 Kudo
Hello @matagyula , thank you for sharing with us the exceptions you are getting after enabling for "Kerberos Authentication for HTTP Web-Consoles" for YARN. You will need to configure SPNEGO [1] and enable authentication for HDFS too [2] to overcome the issues described. Please let us know if the proposed changes resolved your issue! Thank you: Ferenc [1] [2] CM -> HDFS service -> search for and enable "Enable Kerberos Authentication for HTTP Web-Consoles", deploy client configuration, restart HDFS and YARN services
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02:27 AM
Hello @Sergiete , thank you for raising our attention that there was an improvement point in Cloudera CDP documentation. We have added clarification in our CDP documentation about "Installing Hive on Tez" [1] and that the Spark execution engine is not supported, as it's been replaced by Tez [2]. Based on our updated documentation [1] the correct order of installing the Hive service is: Install the Hive service, designated Hive on Tez in CDP. HiveServer is installed automatically during this process. Install HMS, which is designated Hive. Best regards: Ferenc [1] [2]
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11:46 AM
1 Kudo
Hello @sh1vam , thank you for reporting that your HiveServer2 is not coming up and throwing the below exception: exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState.start( ... Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.registerAllFunctionsOnce( registerAllFunctionsOnce ... Caused by: javax.jdo.JDOUserException: ... The query returned more than one instance BUT either unique is set to true or only aggregates are to be returned, so should have returned one result maximum at ... at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ObjectStore.getMRole( I found that your issue is resolved now. Therefore I would like to add here the strategy that might be helpful for someone to troubleshoot similar issues: Start reading the stacktrace from bottom-up. Read the last "Caused by:" section first. We can see "QueryNotUniqueException". Now start reading the lines after the Caused by to see if you can find a some meaningful classname that is coming from hive. The first one is: org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ObjectStore.getMRole( Google "org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ObjectStore.getMRole" for the source code. The very first match was this one, which was OK for our purpose. The number in brackets is the line number that we should look up. Since we do not know the exact version you are using, we just search for the term getMRole in the hope we will get the clue what it is. Based on the context it seems to be a Metastore Role that we are trying to fetch. So far we know that a metastore role is not unique. Now we start reading further the caused by sentences and find that this caused that the SessionHiveMetaStoreClient could not be instantiated. Based on your report you found out that the metastore.ROLES table had two admin roles and this was causing the issue and you were using the below commands for your troubleshooting: mysql> select * from metastore.ROLES; You identified that the role with id 3 is not required, hence deleted the role: mysql> delete from metastore.ROLES where ROLE_ID=3; In production environment, please do not forget to create a backup or to have a means of recovery before issuing delete command. Kind regards: Ferenc
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11:26 AM
Hello @SwasBigData , just would like to check with you if you tried the below: remove HiveServer2 then install Hive service first (without choosing HS2), and then install Hive on Tez. Did it work? Thank you for pointing out the lack of documentation. Following up this internally. Kind regards: Ferenc
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07:07 AM
1 Kudo
Hello @sinhapiyush86 , thank you for raising the question about getting Unsupported JDBC protocol: 'null' exception in PySpark. Please make sure you have initialised HWC in the session, otherwise you will get the below exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported JDBC protocol: 'null' You can initialise HWC by the below code segment [1]: from pyspark_llap import HiveWarehouseSession hive = HiveWarehouseSession.session(spark).build() Please let us know if it resolved your issue. Thank you: Ferenc [1]
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06:59 AM
Hello @SwasBigData , thank you for raising the question about why HiveServer2 is failing to start in CDP. This issue occurs because HiveServer2 has been moved outside of Hive Service in CDP. To resolve this issue, simply remove HiveServer2 from Hive Service and install Hive on Tez service. Tez is the only engine that is supported in Hive in CDP environment. Please let us know if we answered the enquiry by accepting the answer as a solution. Best regards: Ferenc
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06:47 AM
Hello @gtmanoj23051988 , thank you for the detailed issue description. It seems to be similar that was described in this thread, hence just summarising here the solution for your convenience: Impala/Hive Driver tries to transform queries that were already in the Impala/Hive native form when UseNativeQuery is set to zero or not set at all causing the syntax error. You can overcome this exception by adding UseNativeQuery=1 in the JDBC query string parameter. Kind regards: Ferenc
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07:37 AM
1 Kudo
Hello @amol_08 , thank you for raising your question about why a hive select query with limit fails, while without limit isn't. Can you please specify the Hadoop distribution and the version you are using? E.g. CDH5.16, HDP3.1. what is the platform you are using, please? E.g. Hive, HiveServer2, Hive LLAP? I am asking these clarification questions to rule out any known issue you might hit. For this general problem statement I would like to raise your attention to our Cloudera Documentation [1] that describes the same type of query of "SELECT * FROM <table_name> LIMIT 10;" that will cause all partitions of the target table loaded into memory if the table was partitioned resulting memory pressure and how to tackle this issue. Please let us know if the referenced documentation addresses your enquiry by accepting this post as a solution. Thank you: Ferenc [1]
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06:59 AM
Hello @gmalafsky , thank you for raising this question about how to configure Impala JDBC driver from a Windows machine. Although the original question was raised some time ago, I would like to update this thread with the latest information. For the latest Impala JDBC driver release the installation guide can be found under [1] in a PDF format. Page 8. describes that "Before you use the Cloudera JDBC Driver for Impala, the JDBC application or Java code that you are using to connect to your data must be able to access the driver JAR files. In the application or code, specify all the JAR files that you extracted from the ZIP archive." For Java7, please follow the guide under [2] to configure the classpath correctly. For the detailed instructions, please follow [1] section "Installing and Using the Cloudera JDBC Driver for Impala". For release notes, please navigate to [3]. Please let us know if there is any additional information is required for this thread to be marked as solved. Kind regards: Ferenc [1] [2] [3]
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