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1663 | 07-13-2022 07:05 AM | |
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3770 | 06-07-2021 11:12 PM |
07:14 AM
Hello @usuario_hdp , thank you for reaching out to the Community! For HDP3.1.5 please find below the list of: Fixed Issues Known Issues Hope this answers your inquiry! Do you know the upstream Jira number of the Spark and - Hive metadata issue you are referring to, please? So I can look it up for you. Best regards: Ferenc
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05:20 AM
Hello @Mondi , thank you for your interest on trialing CDP. Based on this documentation: "You can try the CDP Private Cloud Base Edition of Cloudera Data Platform for 60 days without obtaining a license key file. To download CDP Private Cloud Base without obtaining a license key file, visit the CDP Private Cloud Base Trial Download page, click Try Now, and follow the download instructions." Hope this helps! Best regards: Ferenc
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05:17 AM
Hello @aryan_dear , thank you for reporting your observations on Impala UNION ALL returning wrong results up to CDH6. The issue you are facing with is most likely: The fix for this issue is implemented from Impala3.3., for example in CDP. Please let us know if you need more information on this topic! Kind regards: Ferenc
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05:38 AM
Hello @Yuriy_but , it is good to hear you found the solution and it works for you now! Best regards: Ferenc
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04:21 AM
Hello @Yuriy_but , thank you for the screenshots. Based on the log I would intuitively expect that if the agent was able to read the new configs, the "Agent config" section would reflect your TLS configuration however, it does not show the verify cert file neither the enabled TLS setting. I guess you've tried to restart the agent already. Would you mind attempting to hard restart the agent to see if it transitioned into a bad state, so the restart did not work? "Warning: The hard_stop and hard_restart commands kill all running managed service processes on the host(s) where the command is run." Please let us know if the agent is able to read the updated configurations after a hard restart. Thank you: Ferenc
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03:42 AM
Hello @Ananya_Misra , I was researching further your issue. Found a case in which the user did the below workaround after hitting the same exception: "unregister the version, register again the version to fix the issue" Also found AMBARI-23058 jira that seems to be related and it described: After cleaning up with 'yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only' still Ambari could not able to proceed further with same error. When user tried to do yum install it was going through successfully. Finally had to delete /var/lib/yum/transaction* manually for ambari to proceed further with installation. These transactions files were very old and nothing to do with any latest installation but still ambari does not proceed further. You can check with the below command if you have old transaction files on your node: ls -lart /var/lib/yum/transaction* Let us know, please if it helped you to overcome the obstackle! Kind regards: Ferenc
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02:42 AM
Hello @iEason8 , you've got a good point. The main page for the doc (which I've cited earlier) says you need authentication for API calls for CM6 however, the section you've found says explicitly it does not require authentication. So I've done some research in our records and found that the desired behaviour for CM6 is to enforce authentication for API calls (internal jira reference OPSAPS-44459) and that there is a bug in our doc (internal jira reference DOCS-4659) that explains "Doc wrongly suggests that clientConfig API call does not require any authentication" and this jira is unresolved at this moment. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. You need to get authenticated to be able to use the API in CM6. Kind regards: Ferenc
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01:47 AM
Hi @iEason8 , I've managed to get the config and the clientConfig too using curl. The cluster name in my case was "Cluster 1", the service name was "KAFKA-1", so had to URL encode the space. I've highlighted the parts in bold you will need to change. Make sure the user you use have the necessary privileges to get the configs: "The Cloudera Manager API uses HTTP basic access authentication. It accepts the same user credentials as the web interface. Different users may have different levels of access, as defined by their roles. (See the user management API calls for more.) With every authenticated request, the server returns a session cookie, which can be subsequently used for authentication." curl -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u [username]:[password] \ -d '{ "items": [ {"name": "enable_config_alerts", "value": "true"} ] }' \ 'http://[cm_address]:7180/api/v33/clusters/Cluster%201/services/KAFKA-1/clientConfig' Please let me know if it works for you too! Thank you: Ferenc
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01:23 AM
Hello @Yuriy_but , thank you for this information. Did you enable "Use TLS Encryption for Agents" on CM, please? Did you restart both CM and the agent on the host after making these changes? To verify if the configuration change worked the documentation describes: "In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, go to Hosts > All Hosts. If you see successful heartbeats reported in the Last Heartbeat column after restarting the agents, TLS encryption is working properly." Kind regards: Ferenc
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12:36 AM
Hello @Ananya_Misra , thank you for reaching out to the Community! Please check on the host where the installation fails if there is any package left from the old version. Please remove all packages that are for the 2.3.4 version and attempt the installation on this node again. Hope this helps! Kind regards: Ferenc
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