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3428 | 06-17-2021 06:55 AM | |
2006 | 01-13-2021 01:56 PM | |
17441 | 11-02-2017 06:35 AM | |
19461 | 10-04-2017 02:43 PM | |
34899 | 09-14-2017 06:40 PM |
02:07 PM
@ebeb What you are describing would be a scenario for cross realm trust. In such a scenario you might have all of the cluster principals in realm A and all of the users in Realm B. With Trust established between A and B. Here is the doc for reference:
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02:04 PM
One specific issue with Impala connection pool timeout error got resolved by increasing in Impala configuration in CM and then restarting Impala daemon: fe_service_threads from 64 =====> increased to 128 as per recommendation below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Following are the recommended configuration setting for the best performance with Impala.,of%20concurrent%20client%20connections%20allowed. Set the --fe_service_threads startup option for the Impala daemon (impalad) to 256. This option specifies the maximum number of concurrent client connections allowed. See Startup Options for impalad Daemon for details. Below are the errors that got resolved by increasing Impala daemon pool size: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- com.streamsets.pipeline.api.StageException: JDBC_06 - Failed to initialize connection pool: com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolInitializationException: Exception during pool initialization: [Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](700100) Connection timeout expired. Details: None. SQL Error [3] [S1000]: [Cloudera][ThriftExtension] (3) Error occurred while contacting server: ETIMEDOUT. The connection has been configured to use a SASL mechanism for authentication. This error might be due to the server is not using SASL for authentication.
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04:06 PM
Thanks for the solution!! Same issue for me after enabling MIT Kerberos in the CDH 5.16.2 cluster zookeeper wouldn't start with the above message Message stream modified (41) I was using openjdk version "1.8.0_272". As per your solution commented the line in /etc/krb5.conf on all servers: #renew_lifetime = 604800 After that restart of cluster all services worked except Hue Kerberos Ticket Renewer which gives error Couldn't renew kerberos ticket in order to work around Kerberos 1.8.1 issue. Please check that the ticket for 'hue/fqdn@KRBREALM' is still renewable: The Kerberos Ticket Renewer is a separate issue and we need to run on the MIT KDC server: kadmin.local: modprinc -maxrenewlife 90day krbtgt/KRBREALM kadmin.local: modprinc -maxrenewlife 90day +allow_renewable hue/fqdn@KRBREALM for all hue servers fqdn After that Hue Kerberos Ticket Renewer restarted successfully.
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01:01 PM
2 Kudos
@ebeb Yeah, “Private Cloud Base” is the new name for CDP Data Center. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please use the same doc.
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08:16 AM
Thanks for the info. This is not well documented in the CM upgrade page which will be good to have this info how to generate credentials: However after clicking the Download Now option from your link I now get different error which means we need to work with Cloudera to get entitled for CDP Data Center license. Thanks! Access Restricted You must be a CDP Data Center customer to access these downloads. If you believe you should have this entitlement then please reach out to support or your customer service representative.
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09:58 AM
I did the following steps and it helped 1) [root@cm_scm_103 cloudera-scm-agent]# cp /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo/STREAMSETS_DATACOLLECTOR-3.14.0-el7.parcel.torrent /opt/cloudera/parcel-cache/ [root@cm_scm_103 cloudera-scm-agent]# ls -ltr /opt/cloudera/parcel-cache/STREAMSETS_DATACOLLECTOR-3.14.0-el7.parcel.torrent -rw-r----- 1 root root 211751 May 9 11:14 /opt/cloudera/parcel-cache/STREAMSETS_DATACOLLECTOR-3.14.0-el7.parcel.torrent You have mail in /var/spool/mail/root [root@cm_scm_103 cloudera-scm-agent]# 2) make sure enough free space in /opt/cloudera/parcels 3) Restarted cloudera-scm-agent in server_b01, server_b02 and cm_scm_103 [root@server_b01 parcel-cache]# systemctl restart cloudera-scm-agent 4) Restarted cloudera-scm-server in cm_scm_103 [root@cm_scm_103 cloudera-scm-agent]# sudo service cloudera-scm-server restart
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08:41 AM
You are absolutely right. After struggling with various syntax, realized CDH5.16 version impalad version 2.12.0-cdh5.16.1 doesnt support get_json_object(). So finally using json.dumps() removed all the unicode u' characters and also removed all strange characters in the json fields to normal characters like CH4_NO2_WE_AUX. After that ended up using Hive instead of Impala with a query like below to extract the values as columns. The json_column1 is a string datatype. -------------------------------------------- select b.b1, c.c1,c.c2,d.d1,d.d2 from json_table1 a lateral view json_tuple(a.json_column1, 'CH4_NO2_WE_AUX', 'CH7_CO_CONCENTRATION_WE') b as b1,b2 lateral view json_tuple(b.b1,'unit','value') c as c1,c2 lateral view json_tuple(b.b2,'unit','value') d as d1,d2 ;
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06:33 AM
Hi, This parameter spark.executor.memory (or) spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead can be set in Spark submit command or you can set it Advanced configurations. Thanks AKR
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02:04 AM
Dear Romainr: I follow your advise to modify the srcCode and made the hue3.9 notebook worked on my CDH5.7.1 Kerberized cluster with livy0.5.0.Now i can using spark-shell on notebook and its run well. but on yarn i saw the spark job user was always livy(i set livy be a haddop.proxyuser), seems its bind on the user which the keytab of livy-server-luancher. so i can't control the notebook authority by hue. i can see the hue set proxyuser on a the token, but the spark job's user was not be reset. livy-conf livy.impersonation.enabled=true
livy.server.launch.kerberos.principal=livy/ livy-log 19/04/12 14:48:14 INFO InteractiveSession$: Creating Interactive session 3: [owner: hue, request: [kind: pyspark, proxyUser: Some(baoyong), heartbeatTimeoutInSecond: 0]]
19/04/12 14:48:25 INFO LineBufferedStream: stdout: client token: Token { kind: YARN_CLIENT_TOKEN, service: }
19/04/12 14:48:25 INFO LineBufferedStream: stdout: diagnostics: N/A
19/04/12 14:48:25 INFO LineBufferedStream: stdout: ApplicationMaster host:
19/04/12 14:48:25 INFO LineBufferedStream: stdout: ApplicationMaster RPC port: 0
19/04/12 14:48:25 INFO LineBufferedStream: stdout: queue: root.livy
19/04/12 14:48:25 INFO LineBufferedStream: stdout: start time: 1555051701595
19/04/12 14:48:25 INFO LineBufferedStream: stdout: final status: UNDEFINED
19/04/12 14:48:25 INFO LineBufferedStream: stdout: tracking URL:
19/04/12 14:48:25 INFO LineBufferedStream: stdout: user: livy
19/04/12 14:48:28 INFO InteractiveSession: Interactive session 3 created [appid: application_1555044848792_0063, owner: hue, proxyUser: None, state: idle, kind: pyspark, info: {driverLogUrl=null, sparkUiUrl=null}]
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