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8162 | 12-01-2022 05:40 PM | |
2164 | 11-24-2022 08:44 AM | |
3085 | 11-12-2022 12:38 PM | |
1045 | 10-10-2022 06:58 AM | |
1558 | 09-11-2022 05:43 PM |
06:48 AM
@hbenner89 ,
In addition to what @ChethanYM wrote above, you should also share the file size that you are attempting to upload.
As a general matter, you can't expect a web browser to enable you to upload a file with arbitrarily large size, so the perhaps unstated reason the Jira issue you pointed to was resolved with the status "won't fix" is because this is not a limitation that is specific to Hue.
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05:42 PM
Hi @JoseCosio
You didn't say where you were attempting to download the Cloudera Quickstart from or what site was denying your access, or what version you were attempting to access. May I ask why you were attempting to download a Cloudera Quickstart? Is this a classroom assignment?
As a general matter, Cloudera is no longer updating or making the Cloudera Quickstart VM available for download (and hasn't since March of 2020) because it was outdated and obsolete as it was based on CDH 5.13, which went out of support in the Fall of 2020.
I'm curious as to why anyone would ask you to download a Cloudera Quickstart VM at this point in time, or why you are interested in a data platform distribution which does not include the up-to-date releases of the various Hadoop ecosystem components. Cloudera's current distribution, since the Fall of 2020, is Cloudera Data Platform (or CDP); a Trial Version of CDP Private Cloud Base Edition of Cloudera Data Platform can easily be downloaded and installed from the "downloads" section of Cloudera's website.
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09:26 PM
Hi @humberto5213
It would be helpful to community members inclined to answer your question if you included a link to what set of instructions you are following to "install everything into a docker container." What constitutes "everything"? What data platform are you working with? The specific version of Docker (Docker Desktop for Mac?) you're using would be helpful, as well.
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11:43 AM
Hi @hooneybadger
It appears from the screen shot you've provided that you're using Hue in the Cloudera Quickstart VM on top of Oracle VirtualBox. Can you tell us a bit more about why you're attempting to use the Cloudera Quickstart VM? Can you specify which set of instructions you are following or which Hue tutorial is guiding you?
Cloudera is no longer updating or distributing the the CDH 5-based Quickstart for VirtualBox (or any other virtualization platform, for that matter) because it was old and outdated. The last version was based on CDH 5.13, which went out of support in October 2020. Your screen shot indicates that you're using an even older version, version 5.12.
As of this writing, I don't believe that there are many people still running the Cloudera Quickstart VM, and for that reason, I think it's unlikely that anyone will be able to help you with the specific error you're encountering while attempting to create your desired dashboard. While we welcome your question, and it will remain visible here in the hope that some member of the Cloudera Community will answer it, you would be much more likely to obtain a suitable solution if you focus your efforts around a more up-to-date data platform.
The new, updated data platform from Cloudera for on-premises use is Private Cloud Base Edition of Cloudera Data Platform. There is extensive and thorough documentation on installing the CDP Private Cloud Base Edition of Cloudera Data Platform (the "free trial" for which is available via Cloudera's web site) on a non-production environment for demonstration and proof-of-concept use cases. That version does not come "pre-packaged" for deployment on a VM platform such as VirtualBox, however.
One alternative you might consider if you're already familiar with Vagrant, is @carrossoni's community article outlining how to create a Centos7 CDP Trial VM for sandbox/learning purposes, which is intended for use on VirtualBox.
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09:26 AM
You didn't indicate whether you're planning to use NiFi using an on-premises installation or at at cloud services provider, but in general, yes someone with a sufficient understanding of how to set up NiFi should be able to migrate data from one RDBMS, such as DB2, to another RDBMS, such as SQL Server with a bit of effort. You say you don't know anything about NiFi, so you probably won't be able to achieve your goals without some preliminary learning of the fundamentals on your part, but it will prove to be well worth it.
There are a wealth of resources on the Internet for learning NiFi. I'd personally recommend that you start by downloading the e-book Apache NiFi for Dummies and reading it. Then, you can dive deep by viewing the recording of Apache Nifi Crash Course from the Spring of 2018.
If that's not enough, you can review the links offered in response to a previous time when the second part of your question was asked and answered on the cloudera community here:
How to learn NiFi practically for beginners…Please send me any books or links of blogs.
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10:00 AM
Hi @AnasF
Whose course on big data are you taking? Can you supply a link here to the webpage describing the course and who is offering it?
When you write that the course is "using Cloudera", what do you mean? Did the instructor give you specific directions on downloading a specific software package and if so, which one? Can you share a link to a site describing what specific software the course is using? What operating system did you install said software on, and whose instructions did you follow to install it?
What command are you attempting to use and why? The bash shell has a built-in command named 'command', so the message you included above is probably not enough for any members of the Cloudera community inclined to answer your question to offer a helpful response.
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11:30 AM
2 Kudos
@BigDataAvengers can you tell us a bit about why you're installing this six year old image? Does what you've already installed work with acceptable responsiveness? You didn't say:
where you retrieved the docker quickstart image from
how much RAM your mac m1 has available
whether or not you were actually able to successfully start up the services, beginning with the Cloudera Manager user interface, that were already present in the cloudera quickstart vm image you installed
The docker image you've installed appears to be based on CDH 5.7, which went out of support at the end of August in 2019 and is even older than the most recent version of the CDH Quickstart, which was based on CDH 5.13, which itself is already out of support. Cloudera Enterprise 5.13 reached it's end of support date in October 2020 (open that link and then expand the section labeled "Cloudera Enterprise products" underneath Current End of Support (EoS) Dates). For this reason, Cloudera is no longer distributing the CDH 5-based Quickstart. It is also why this hyperlink:
…to the appropriate documentation results in an HTTP 404 error.
And Kafka was never bundled and delivered with the cloudera quickstart; it always required a separate installation.
Next, it's not at all certain that your M1 Mac has enough RAM available in total to be able to run the services you are attempting to run within the container (or containers) without consuming so much of the host machine's memory that OS X starts killing processes to free up memory, and Docker is very much one of the processes subject to being killed. IIRC the memory recommendation for the Docker version of the Quickstart VM itself was about 10 GB, so on a 16GB Mac, with the overhead for Docker and other running applications (such as a web browser), things will be running pretty tight as far as memory goes. Even if you were able to install the docker image that @ckumar pointed you to in another container alongside the quickstart's container, that does not mean that it would provide a useable system, because the HDF NiFi container called for at least 8 GB.
So while it is possible that someone with the requisite knowledge of the Linux command line and Docker combined with sufficient skill and abilities with the various required development tools could update the last, outdated cloudera quickstart image to add Kudu and then subsequently figure out how to run it alongside containers for some version of NiFi and Kafka (and indeed, some member of the Cloudera Community may have already done so and be willing to share their method in response to your question), it doesn't mean you'd have the necessary hardware resources to run it on your M1 Mac, or that it would produce acceptable results.
You should ask yourself whether or not this would be worthwhile.
The current Enterprise Data Platform offered by Cloudera as of this writing is Cloudera Data Platform (CDP), which in it's on-premises "form factor" is now called CDP Private Cloud. CDP supersedes CDH and the components are at the appropriate versions that enable them to work together.
If you're just looking to evaluate a data platform, you can currently do so without a Cloudera subscription by downloading and installing the Trial Version of CDP Private Cloud Base Edition of Cloudera Data Platform. Cloudera has an extensive tutorial on installing CDP Private Cloud Base in an Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) fashion using AWS on its website. This approach allows you to leverage machines which have hardware resources, such as plentiful RAM, that your laptop might not have available. And CDP Private Cloud Base Edition ships with Kudu.
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08:22 AM
Hi @BalajiS
From the photo you posted, it appears that you are attempting to install version 3.0 of the HDP Sandbox. It would be helpful to those community members inclined to answer your question if you included:
What set of instructions or tutorial you are following to complete the installation
What host OS Version you are attempting to install the sandbox on
What version of Virtualbox you're using
How much memory you've allocated to the virtual machine
Another approach would be to skip installing the HDP 3-based Sandbox because HDP is no longer current. If you're just looking to evaluate a data platform, you can currently do so without a Cloudera subscription by downloading and installing the Trial Version of CDP Private Cloud Base Edition of Cloudera Data Platform. Cloudera has an extensive tutorial on installing CDP Private Cloud Base in an Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) fashion using AWS on its website.
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11:17 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @nivanecu
You didn't say what set of instructions you were following in order to do the installation, so this is going to be somewhat difficult to troubleshoot…but from what I've gathered from the output you've provided, you're attempting to install the HDP Sandbox. It seems like the problem here is not any issue with the HDP Sandbox, but with your use of Docker. Just picking up on the error message you've emphasized here:
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/sandbox-hdp" is already in use by container "b1c48478c7d48e681a706f86de84fd23978be91001aef9efc6da18a24f99c21f".
It appears that you have a pre-existing container that is causing a conflict. As a first stab at a solution, you could try removing that other container.
First, you're going to want to get a listing of all the containers you have. Issue the command docker ps -a at the command line. The output will give you a list of all the containers you have in use and their status. Confirm for yourself that the container identified by the error message is not in the 'running' status.
Then you can remove the container by issuing a command something like:
MBP15:~ ask_bill_brooks $ docker container rm -v \ b1c48478c7d48e681a706f86de84fd23978be91001aef9efc6da18a24f99c21f
Which will allow you to reuse the name that is causing the conflict you're encountering.
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01:28 PM
I take it from your response (the screen shot you uploaded was not legible) that you were ultimately able to access Ambari via the URL and port number available on your machine.
The behavior you are now describing could be due to lack of memory available to the virtual machine. Note that the Sandbox Deployment and Install Guide calls for at least 10 GB RAM dedicated to the virtual machine, but that doesn't mean it will perform acceptably at that level, more RAM is better. Those instructions were written against Virtual Box version 5.1. If you have it available, you might want to try shutting everything down gracefully, allocating more memory to the virtual machine and then starting everything up again and seeing if responsiveness improves.
Another approach would be to give up on using the HDP 3-based Sandbox because it is no longer current (for example data analytics studio is on it's way out and Ambari is already dead). If you're just looking to evaluate a data platform, you can currently do so without a Cloudera subscription by downloading and installing the Trial Version of CDP Private Cloud Base Edition of Cloudera Data Platform. Cloudera has an extensive tutorial on installing CDP Private Cloud Base in an Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) fashion using AWS on its website.
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