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156 | 01-09-2025 11:14 AM | |
885 | 01-03-2025 05:59 AM | |
438 | 12-13-2024 10:58 AM | |
484 | 12-05-2024 06:38 AM | |
392 | 11-22-2024 05:50 AM |
01:43 PM
2 Kudos
@mayki wogno The reported error message is a little misleading, but the key to your issue is reported in the "Caused by" portion of the stack trace: Causedby: org.apache.nifi.controller.UninheritableFlowException:ProposedAuthorizerisnot inheritable by the flow controller because of Authorizer differences:ProposedAuthorizationsdonot match current Authorizations Verify that the authorizers.xml file on your new node matches the configuration on your other existing connected nodes. Remove the users.xml and authorizations.xml files from your new node as well be restarting. The new Node should be getting these files from the cluster when it joins. If you continue to see the same error message on restart, try copying the users.xml and authorizations.xml files from one of your existing connected nodes to this new node and restart again. Thanks, Matt
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01:22 PM
1 Kudo
@Saikrishna Tarapareddy S2S will not use LDAP for authentication. It uses the DN from the client side cert you created/obtained. If the Identity mapping properties @Koji Kamimura mentioned above are configured on the receiving side NiFi, they will be applied against that client side certificate DN that is presented. The resulting mapped value is what will need to be authorized to access S2S details and any input ports you wish to post to. If the identity mapping stuff is not configured, the full DN will need to authorized. Thanks, Matt
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09:54 PM
Only the NiFi 0.x or HDF 1.x versions of NiFi use a NCM. NiFI 1.x or HDF 2.x versions have moved to zero master clustering and do not have an NCM anymore (HA control plane). The routing of data you are referring to is specific to data being sent to your NiFi cluster via Site-to-Site (S2S). S2S does make sure that data continues to route to only the available destination nodes. Matt
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09:49 PM
I believe the process you have is spot on and keeps the number of processors to a minimum. Matt
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09:47 PM
1 Kudo
@ambud.sharma Each Node in a NiFi cluster runs its own copy of the dataflow and works on its own set of FlowFiles. Node A for example is unaware of the existence of Node B. NiFi does persist all FlowFiles (attributes and content) in to local repositories on each node in the cluster. That is why is is important to make these repo fault tolerant (For example using RAID 10 Disk for your repos). Should a node go down, as long as you have access to those repos and copy of the flow.xml.gz, you can recover your dataflow where it left off, even if that means spinning up a new NiFi and pointing it at those existing repos. NiFi comes with no automated built in process for this. While Nodes at this current time are not aware of other nodes or the data the currently have queued, This is a roadmap item for a future version of NiFi. At this time the HA Data plane stuff has not been committed to any particular release to the best of my knowledge. Thanks, Matt
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09:38 PM
1 Kudo
@Saikrishna Tarapareddy
S2S does not use LDAP for server authentication. S2S uses the keystore and truststore provided in the file to establish a secured mutual authenticated connection between two secured NiFi instances/clusters. The destination NiFi dictate whether the S2S connection will be secure or not. If you have secured your destination NiFi, then only a source NiFi (one with the RPG) that has been configured with its own server keystore and truststore will be able to connect. Since S2S relies on certificates for mutual authentication. The user authentication you choose to use can be different on each NiFi installation. LDAP on one, certs on another, etc... Thanks, Matt
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08:06 PM
Also recommend against putting the quotes around your folder names ('MS1' should be just MS1).
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08:04 PM
1 Kudo
@Saikrishna Tarapareddy Sounds like your Conditional EL statements are not resulting in a boolean true in your UpdateAttribute processor.
After some FlowFiles get routed through the UpdateAttribute let them queue on the outbound connection (Stop the next processor). Right click on the connection and select "List queue". Click on the "view details" icon to the far left of a FlowFile and look at the Attributes on that FlowFile. Do you see the expected "Folder" attribute? is it set to the correct value? If it does not exist, does the filename match exactly one of the provided strings in your EL condition statements? Thanks, Matt
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01:09 PM
1 Kudo
@Lucas Alvarez The SplitJSON processor splits an incoming JSON on to multiple output JSON messages. You should use the EvaluateJSONPath processor to extract the URL from your splits and ssign them to a FlowFIle attribute you acn then use in your InvokeHTTP processor. Thanks, Matt
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05:06 PM
1 Kudo
@Raj B The toDate NiFi expression Language function expected the input to this function to define the current format of the value it is being passed. The result is the number of milliseconds since Jan. 1st 1970. The Format function will take a standard date of format number milliseconds since Jan 1st 1970 and convert it into the desired output format as defined in teh function. Assuming you have an attribute Abc.DateTimeOfMessage with a value of 20161011075959, teh following NiFi EL statement will produce the output '2016/10/11 07:59:59': ${Abc.DateTimeOfMessage:toDate('yyyyMMddHHmmss'):format('yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss')} The above EL statement firs convert the dat you have into the standard date format (milliseconds since 1/1/1970) using the toDate function and then pass that result to the format function which converts a standard dat format into the desired output string you are looking for. *** An alternative EL that will yield the sam result is: ${Abc.DateTimeOfMessage:replaceAll('^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})','$1/$2/$3 $4:$5:$6')} The above uses the EL replaceAll function uses java capture groups to break apart the incoming function and then uses the values of those 6 capture groups to reconstruct the output in the format you want. There are even more ways, but I figured this is good enough. Thanks, Matt
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