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3541 | 12-03-2018 02:26 PM | |
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01:13 PM
1 Kudo
It should be in nifi-app.log... in the code it does: context.getBulletinRepository().addBulletin(bulletin);
logger.warn(message); The logger is a standard SLF4J logger which ends up being logback controlled by the logback.xml in the conf directory: Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MonitorDiskUsage.class);
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02:23 AM
@Michael Sobelman That DNS is not detectable by the node you are trying to access from. You can be fancy on aws and configure through routing tables by setting up a proper vpn between the EMR and NiFi nodes. Another option I used is route53 which will give you DNS publicly available. Lastly you can put a ELB infront of your EMR HBase master node. You may have to script it up (via boot scripts) to configure your ELB to point to new internal IP.
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05:57 PM
I've had zero success trying to get NIFI installed via Ambari. When it throws the recommended settings screen, it won't let me proceed. Additionally, I tried the above steps to rm the files, I consistently get cannot remove `/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.5/services/NIFI/package/scripts': Invalid argument I seem to get the invalid argument "feature" whenever I try and remove stuff from this docker package. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks,
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11:02 AM
Yes @sujitha sanku. Nifi was running fine and I have create twitter id as well. Actually there was a firewall problem, now I am able to run it through my personal internet. Thanks for your response.
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03:48 PM
It Worked. 🙂
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12:39 PM
@AnjiReddy Anumolu Just to add a little more detail to the above response from @zblanco. When NiFi ingest data, that data is turned in to NiFi FlowFiles. A NiFi FlowFile consists of Attributes (Metadata) about the actual data and the physical data. The FlowFile metadata is stored in the FlowFile repository as well as JVM heap memory for faster performance. The FlowFile Attributes includes things like filename, ingest time, lineage age, filesize, what connection the FlowFile currently resides in dataflow, any user defined metadata, or processor added metadata, etc....). The physical bytes that make up the actual data content is written to claims within the NiFi content repository. A claim can contain the bytes for 1 to many ingest data files. For more info on the content repository and how claims work, see the following link: Thanks, Matt
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01:21 PM
@vlundberg This has nothing to do with being installed via Ambari. If the core-site.xml file that is being used by the HDFS processor in NiFi reference a Class which NiFi does not include, you will get a NoClassDef found error. Adding new Class to NiFi's HDFS NAR bundle may be a possibility, but as I am not a developer i can't speak to that. You can always file an Apache Jira against NiFi for this change. Thanks, Matt
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05:23 PM
3 Kudos
Hi @Kirk Haslbeck, You can use "Process Groups" to groupe several processors in one unit. You can then click to zoom in and out. You can also use labels to visually differentiate between each part with background colors
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01:48 PM
Hello, this post is for ListenUDP, ListenTCP, ListenSyslog, and ListenRELP. The ListenWebSocket processor is implemented differently and does not necessarily follow what is described here. I'm not familiar with the websocket processor, but maybe others have experience with tuning it.
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01:50 PM
Thank you! @bbende
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