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5667 | 02-22-2024 12:38 PM | |
1389 | 02-02-2023 07:07 AM | |
3085 | 12-07-2021 09:19 AM | |
4205 | 03-20-2020 12:34 PM | |
14160 | 01-27-2020 07:57 AM |
09:07 PM
@Matt Burgess Any insights about how you expect the behavior with "Maximum Timer Driven Thread Count = 1" and two processor with (Max Concurrrent Tasks = 1) ? Any pointers will be greatly appreciated
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09:28 PM
Thanks Matt! Good to know that!
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07:33 PM
3 Kudos
You have a few different kinds of transformations going on there: 1) Value -> Category, such as is_rain, season, and is_rushHour 2) Hoisting values from nested fields (possibly renaming the field), such as wind_speed 3) Fetch on match, such as PM10 and sensor_id, using nested values when a particular value is P1) In NiFi, some processors are better at different transformations than others. For the first kind, I was able to achieve this with EvaluateJsonPath followed by two UpdateAttribute processors: - EvaluateJsonPath extracts the "timestamp" field into an attribute called "dt". I couldn't use the actual "dt" field because it appears to be number of seconds since midnight or something, the date evaluates to 1/18/1970: - UpdateAttribute 1 extracts the hour and month values from the timestamp. Note the use of GMT timestamp in the functions, you may need to set that to something different (or exclude it altogether): - UpdateAttribute 2 performs the categorization logic, by checking if the month is between 12 and 2 (1 = winter), 3-5 (2 = spring), 6-8 (3=summer), 9-11 (4=fall), and also if the hour of day is between 8-9 AM or 5-6 PM for is_rushHour: The Expression for rush.hour is as follows: ${hour:ge(8):and(${hour:le(9)}):ifElse(1,${hour:ge(17):and(${hour:lt(19)}):ifElse(1,0)})} The Expression for season is as follows: ${month:gt(11):or(${month:lt(3)}):ifElse(1,
${month:ge(6):and(${month:lt(9)}):ifElse(3,4)})})} - JoltTransformJSON performs the other two types of transformation (with a "shift" spec), along with injecting the categorical fields using Expression Language (in a "default" spec), combined as a "Chain" spec: [
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"timestamp": "timestamp",
"wind": {
"deg": "wind_deg",
"speed": "wind_speed"
"main": {
"humidity": "humidity",
"pressure": "pressure",
"temp": "temperature"
"location": {
"longitude": "long",
"latitude": "lat"
"sensordatavalues": {
"*": {
"value_type": {
"P1": {
"@(2,value)": "PM10",
"@(2,id)": "sensor_id"
"cod": {
"200": {
"#1": "isRain"
"*": {
"#0": "isRain"
"operation": "default",
"spec": {
"season": "${season}",
"is_rushHour": "${rush.hour}"
] Note that I am assuming a "cod" value of 200 is rain and everything else is not. If there are other codes, you can add other blocks to the "cod" section of the spec after the 200 block. The * block handles anything not matched (basically an "else" clause). The flow is put together in the aforementioned order:
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03:58 PM
2 Kudos
@balalaika For that case you need to specify Demarcator property as Shift+enter Configs:- For merge content reference
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06:40 AM
We are facing another issue regarding the hive connection pool of which screenshot is attached below and in this we are using HDF version of Nifi. Can you help with this?
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05:47 AM
thanks, it works for me and also install nifi 1.1.0 version, in that I have the PutElasticsearch5 processor.that also works well with transport client.
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03:05 PM
It is highly recommended to not put your JDBC driver JAR(s) in NiFi's lib/ directory, as they can disturb the behavior of the other components in the system. I recommend a separate path containing the driver JAR and all its dependencies in a flat directory. Also on Windows you may need to use the URL style "file://C/" or just "/" instead of "C:\" but I'm not sure about that part. Another caveat with Hive drivers is that some (including the official Apache Hive JDBC driver that comes with NiFi's Hive bundle) do not support all JDBC methods, such as setQueryTimeout(), or have different mechanisms for getting at table metadata (from the ResultSetMetaData rather than DatabaseMetaData or vice versa) than what is used by ExecuteSQL. Those reasons are why there are SelectHiveQL and PutHiveQL processors, so the Hive driver could be included and the processors can perform any driver-specific functions/workarounds as necessary. So you may find that the SQL processors do not work with your Hive driver, but I am not familiar with that driver so I can't say for sure. If you see errors such as "Method not supported", then this usually indicates the scenario I'm talking about.
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02:55 AM
Precisely what I needed. Thanks!
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12:18 AM
@Matt Burgess JDBC spec does state that REAL maps to (single-precision) float; FLOAT maps to double precision, thus the mapping to in avro should be to double not float, reference table B-1 page 190: So the following code fix resolved the issue. original case FLOAT:
case REAL:;
case DOUBLE:;
break; Modified case REAL:;
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:;
break; Thanks to @Ron Mahoney for finding this issue.
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07:01 PM
One silly question plz.. where can I find the below import source files ? which folder if I need to check the content or add more imports to them ? import org.apache.nifi.controller.ControllerService
import groovy.sql.Sql
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