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2179 | 02-18-2016 04:34 PM |
05:45 PM
Actually slightly different issue now though. some other error.
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04:34 PM
1 Kudo
Ok might have solved my own issue. This looks to be a problem with the http request/response header size. This defect is here and was fixed in 1.3.0 and 2.0.0. Other than upgrading Hive is there anyway I can set these values?
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04:26 PM
2 Kudos
Using HDP 2.3.2 sandbox. I have an external table defined over a folder that contains XML documents. There is 1 column in this table with the column containing each documents data as a string.
I am trying to create a view on top of the XML data with xpaths. So for example,
CREATE VIEW myview (column1,...Column N) AS SELECT xpath_string(rawxml, '/my/xpath/to/value'), xpath_string(rawxml, '/another/xpath') FROM myxmltable;
The XML document has 400+ xpaths that I want to grab and put into the view. I can do about 60 columns worth of xpaths before I get this error. FAILED: Hive Internal Error: com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException( Authentication failed, status: 413, message: FULL head) com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: Authentication failed, status: 413, message: FULL head
I disabled authentication in Ambari, restarted and changed http to binary. So I removed authentication temporarily to confirm that was causing the issue. After doing so, I am now getting a completely different error message. FAILED: Hive Internal Error: com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException( Error writing to server)
com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: Error writing to server
at com.sun.jersey.client.urlconnection.URLConnectionClientHandler.handle(
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- Labels:
Apache HCatalog
Apache Hive
11:34 PM
3 Kudos
I am having trouble finding any documentation on being able to access webHDFS from a C# app (not much of a surprise). I'm simply struggling with knowing how to pass the password to authenticate. Any suggestions?
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
Apache Knox
05:22 AM
. ...Now that I understand that, I see what you mean by using http headers. Assuming the SSO we use supports SAML 2.0 (e.g. I am guessing ADFS which does), I would need to configure my ODBC DSN as "no authentication" and then use the thrift transport http section to specify the http path and "header: SM_USER: XYZ" information? Does that sound about correct? I these instructions on ODBC configuration but the ODBC DSN interface looks old in those screenshots.
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05:22 AM
So I have been doing some more research for my understanding and I was clearly confused on my part. I wasn't making the distinction that there is a difference between SSO and the AD. I was just thinking in my head "central login storage place". I know you linked to the wiki page with paid SSOs but in my mind I just saw "Active Directory Federation Services" and just thought "ok, AD is on the list". It didn't click that AD != ADFS. Me being stupid......
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07:44 PM
Thanks! That looks and appears to be a lot easier than dealing with Knox and Ranger initially. I still need to do a lot of reading on Ranger/Knox/Kerberos and how they all interact. I haven't messed with any of them to much of an extent on the sandbox.
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12:50 AM
Thanks! I was actually looking for instructions on how to configure Knox to work with Active Directory Federation Services. This is the best information that I can find. but still doesn't answer the question on what I need to change on the application side (ODBC) to get it to work without the user having to login (other than using their windows login). Or am I missing/missunderstanding something?
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06:21 PM
Single Sign On sounds like what I am wanting. However, I am having trouble finding any documentation on setting Single Sign On up. Could you possibly point me towards some documentation to start reading?
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04:04 AM
2 Kudos
I am wanting to be able to automatically authenticate a Windows users that is in Active Directory through an app that is using an ODBC connection. So for example with MSSQL Server when I login to Windows with my AD account and I pull up SQL Server Developer Studio I get an option to use "Windows Authentication" (e.g. I would like to do this same exact thing through my application, except to Hive/HDFS/etc. I found this article where I could use Knox/Ranger to authenticate to the AD but it still requires the user to put in their login information. Is it possible to do what I am asking? Or is it only possible to require the user to put in their login information to the AD again?
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Knox
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