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3231 | 08-25-2017 03:09 PM | |
2075 | 08-22-2017 06:52 PM | |
3590 | 08-09-2017 01:10 PM | |
8298 | 08-04-2017 02:34 PM | |
8341 | 08-01-2017 11:35 AM |
09:47 PM
@lgeorge Excellent. Thank you. I noticed also that 2.4 had %psql also but 2.5 did not. Thoughts or comments?
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09:35 PM
In the 2.4 sandbox, Zeppelin interpreters include %hive and %phoenix (but not %jdbc) but in the 2.5 TP sandbox there is a %jdbc interpreter (but not %hive and %phoenix). 2.4 sandbox uses Zeppelin whereas 2.5 sandbox uses Zeppelin Is this just the way Zeppelin 0.6.0 minor versions were packaged for the sandboxes? Or does the Zeppelin GA (which is 0.6.0) only use %jdbc. NOTE that in 2.5 sandbox I was able to create hive tables with %jdbc identically as creating them with %hive.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Phoenix
Apache Zeppelin
09:24 PM
🙂 understood. One of those ease of development ( a few quick pig lines) vs highly optimized (custom m-r program) questions. Should still be relatively performant in pig. Above code I think is the only way to do it in pig.
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08:54 PM
Good question: you can use multiple conditions in parens. eg SPLIT A INTO X IF f1 < 7, Y IF f2 == 5, Z IF (f3 < 6 OR f5 ==0);
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08:45 PM
2 Kudos
This should work -- split into 2 datasets
SPLIT Input_data INTO A IF Field > 0, B if Field <= 0;
-- count > 0 records
A_grp = GROUP A ALL;
-- count <= 0 records
B_grp = GROUP B ALL;
B_count = FOREACH B_grp GENERATE COUNT(B); See (note the use of ALL here instead of a particular field)
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01:14 PM
1 Kudo
For profiling data off Hadoop, see For profiling data on Hadoop, the best solution for you should be: zeppelin as your client/UI spark in zeppelin as your toolset to profile Both zeppelin and spark are extremely powerful tools for interacting with data and are packaged in HDP. Zeppelin is a browser-based notebook UI (like iPython/Jupyter) that excels at interacting with and exploring data. Spark of course is in-memory data analysis and is lightening fast. Both are key pieces in the future of Big Data analysis. BTW, you can use python in spark or you can use scala, including integration of external libraries. See the following links to get started:
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06:10 PM
Glad I could help 🙂
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12:51 PM
2 Kudos
@Mohan V I would:
Land the data in a landing zone in hdfs. Decide to keep this going forward or not (you may want to reuse the raw data). Then use pig scripts to transform the data into your hbase tables as tab-delimited output (see next step). Importantly, this involves inserting a key as the first column of your resulting tsv file. HBase of course is all about well-designed keys. You will use pig's CONCAT() function to create a key from existing fields. It is often useful to concatenate fields into a key with a "-" separating each field in the resulting composite key. A single tsv output will be used to bulk load a single hbase table (next step). These should be outputted to a tmp dir in hdfs to be used as input in the next step. Note: you could take your pig scripting to the next level and create a single flexible pig script for creating tsv output for all hbase tables. See . Not necessary though. 3. Then do a bulk import into your hbase table for each tsv. See the following links on bulk imports. (Inserting record by record will be much too slow for large tables. I have used this workflow frequently, including loading 2.53 billion relational records into a HBase table. The more you do it, the more automated you find yourself making it.
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03:05 AM
3 Kudos
S3 is slower than HDFS for Map-Reduce jobs. Besides that, are there any special considerations or optimizations for ORC files on S3, compared to HDFS? Do they achieve all the benefits on S3 that they do on HDFS? If not, why?
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
12:09 AM
@D Srini You have provided the error but not the code itself. Based on the error, it looks like your code did not use SUM in caps. SUM is a built in function of pig. It is a java static method called SUM in the package org.apache.pig.builtin which is packaged in the pig jars. Bottom line is that this function is case sensitive. I think instead of writing e =foreach d generate groupas driverid, SUM(c.occurance)as t_occ; you wrote e =foreach d generate groupas driverid, sum(c.occurance)as t_occ; See to learn more about pig functions, both builtin functions (where you do not need to register them in your code because pig dynamically finds the function in the pig jars) and user-defined functions (where you create the jar and register it in the pig code). If this was indeed the problem, let me know by accepting the answer.
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