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Title | Views | Posted |
2075 | 03-09-2018 05:31 PM | |
2640 | 03-07-2018 09:45 AM | |
2535 | 03-07-2018 09:31 AM | |
4398 | 03-03-2018 01:37 PM | |
2468 | 10-17-2017 02:15 PM |
03:48 AM
What if I need to send a binary file? I have a zip file that needs to be sent
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10:59 PM
Hi, I can see significant impact on the hive query after implementation of Ranger and using mysql 5.7. How can we reduce the response time added due to the Ranger.
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06:44 AM
@Mostafa01 The link in Tim's reply above has been updated and should correctly resolve now.
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01:50 PM
why do I have "LogAttribute" with QueryDatabasetable processor? its showing a red block on the corner which normally indicates issues I think. from QueryDatabaseTable there are two relations one going to PutHiveStreaming and one going to LogAttribute . why do I need two relationships for success ? (please see attached) capture.jpg
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04:34 AM
This seems to have resolved the problem, thanks again!
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07:12 PM
@John Carter Would you accept the answer so that others know it resolved your issue?
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12:24 PM
Hi @Pierre Villard , The GET request for /nifi-api/flow/process-groups/{id}/controller-services is returning all Controller Services, not only the ones for the Process Group {id}. Do you mean I need to parse the returned JSON and look only for the ones with parentGroupId = {id} ? Thanks in advance.
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07:19 AM
Hi, New question added here: Hope you can help me. Jon
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05:35 PM
For first error,try to increase the operation system's buffer size sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2097152 wmem_max
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12:42 AM
Hi, @Shu, Can you please help me to find the value from xml file, below is the xml and i want to retrieve href value in bold/underlined, below is my response after invokeHttp. Here my requirement is to get next page URL and invoke next url to get new data and i get this new url at the end of xml flow-file. I want to loop into new URL until there is no data present in the source. <feed xmlns="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:d="" xml:base="https://xxx/"> <id>...</id> <title type="text">PartnerContactCollection</title> <updated>2019-05-17T04:28:07Z</updated> <author>...</author> <link href="PartnerContactCollection" rel="self" title="PartnerContactCollection"/> <entry m:etag="W/"datetimeoffset'2019-04-04T17%3A54%3A50.1540090Z'""> <id> https://xxx('00163E07D') </id> <title type="text"> PartnerContactCollection('00163E07D') </title> <updated>2019-05-17T04:28:07Z</updated> <category term="c4codata.PartnerContact" scheme=""/> <link href="PartnerContactCollection('00163E07D')" rel="edit" title="PartnerContact"/> <link href="PartnerContactCollection('00163E07D')/PartnerContactSalesResponsibility" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="PartnerContactSalesResponsibility"/> <link href="PartnerContactCollection('00163E07D')/PartnerContactBusinessRoleAssignment" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="PartnerContactBusinessRoleAssignment"/> <content type="application/xml"> <m:properties> <d:UserID/> <d:CreateUser>false</d:CreateUser> <d:BusinessPartnerID>xxxx</d:BusinessPartnerID> <d:Z_CMAT_ID>xxxx</d:Z_CMAT_ID> </m:properties> </content> </entry> <link rel="next" href="$skiptoken=1001%20 "/> </feed>
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