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08:24 AM
Hello Everyone, May I please know server configuration to setup NiFi cloud instance? Thanks
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:53 AM
Hello everyone, We have Ambari enabled HDF 2.0.1 with NiFi I would like to upgrade NiFi to 1.1.2 in Ambari enabled HDF. Please suggest how we can do this. Thanks
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10:31 AM
Hello @Binu Mathew Thanks for the tutorial. I need your help with Kite API. I get "Descriptor location not found" when I try to use below dataset dataset:hdfs:// . And I get an exception "java.lang.noclassdeffounderror org/apache/hadoop/hive/conf/HiveConf" when I execute below similar command in hadoop server. ./kite-dataset create dataset:hdfs:// --schema sample.avsc --format parquet
Can you please suggest the configuration I am missing here? Please suggest Thanks
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04:43 PM
Yes Raj, I went through all related questions here in HCC. I implemented tail file with nifi-app.log file but we need to process each row from this log as a flowfile and route it based on error/warn/exception keywords in it. And parse it for pushing it to each column of the Postgres table. Moreover in Ambari enabled NiFi nifi-app.log doesn't contain error messages but only heartbeat log, I couldn't figure out which log file have the errors as of now. To avoid the above-mentioned way I wanted to make use of Rest-API using which we can pick up the bulletins. This seems much easier way.
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08:31 AM
@Sunile Manjee Yes Sunile I have created a scenario to get an error and I see the error bulletin. PFB. When I start the above invoke-http processor I get an HTML file without error log, I couldn't infer anything from it. PFB. And I don't see the error in Ambari solr infra webpage which I see in bulletin OR in /var/log/ambari-infra-solr . Can you please suggest how to grab errors/warnings from ambar-infra? Thanks.
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02:32 AM
I would like to capture error messages from bulletin in NiFi and store them in Postgres for audit purposes. I tried with InvokeHTTP processor and NiFi Rest-API end points available but couldn't fetch any error message. Am I missing any step here? Suggest how to get this done.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:52 PM
Even though nifi-app.log contains every log, the bulletin message is small and precise. The idea is to capture the error message from bulletin and store it in table/file for auditing purposes. We have new versions since a year, hoping we have some way for this. Please share if there is any way to capture the error messages from the bulletin.
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11:42 AM
This link shares the code of it, I wanted to know how to configure nifi processors (flow) and where/how to use the endpoints in those processors to capture the bulletin.
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10:14 AM
May I know which NiFi processor should we use here? and In which fields we need to add these endpoints. Please share an example template if you have. Thanks
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12:17 PM
1 Kudo
Two servers A and B are in NiFi Cluster (HDF 1.0) . I installed Ambari server with mpack in A to have enterprise features ( HDF 2.0 ) . Installed ambari agent and had setup password less SSH setup in A and B servers. I am trying to register A and B hosts in ambari (running on A) but I get "Host checks were skipped on 2 hosts that failed to register." 1. Anything wrong in what I did above? Please guide me if something went wrong. 2. I couldn't figure out why I get above error message even after setting up ipassword less SSH and installed ambari agent in both the servers. thanks
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