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Title | Views | Posted |
2034 | 05-09-2024 02:50 PM | |
5635 | 09-13-2022 10:50 AM | |
2649 | 07-25-2022 12:18 AM | |
4707 | 06-24-2019 01:56 PM | |
2290 | 10-13-2018 04:40 AM |
03:09 PM
I assume raw data is in text & u want to convert & load the data into avro tables. If so, u can create another identical text table & specifiy the delimiter in data.. i.e., create table staging(id struct<tid:string,action:string,createdts:timestamp>, cid string, anumber string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' collection items terminated by '|' stored as textfile; sample text data can be as below 1|success|150987428888,3,12345 insert into testtbl select * from staging; If kafka or flume is generating avro files directly, then those files can be written into table path directly. Its better to create external table if source files are written directly on table path.
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03:01 PM
Its not possible to use functions in insert into table values statement.
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01:10 PM
Try below insert statement 0: jdbc:hive2://abcd:10000> with t as (select NAMED_STRUCT('tid','1','action','success', 'createdts',current_timestamp) as id ,'1' as cid,'12345' as anumber)
0: jdbc:hive2://abcd:10000> insert into testtbl select * from t;
No rows affected (20.464 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://abcd:10000> select * from testtbl;
| | testtbl.cid | testtbl.anumber |
| {"tid":"1","action":"success","createdts":"2018-09-12 15:06:27.075"} | 1 | 12345 |
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07:14 AM
Can you check what is the value for tez.runtime.unordered.output.buffer.size-mb ? I think its configured to an higher value.
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03:01 PM
I am thinking of solution for the jira.. This needs to be implemented in code. There is no config to do this for now.
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07:09 AM
Concatenation depends on which files are chosen first. The ordering of the files not deterministic with CombineHiveInputFormat, since grouping happens at hadoop layer Concatenation will split or combine files based on orc file size > or < maxSplitSize. for eg.,
say if you have 5 files.. 64MB, 64MB, 64MB, 64MB, 512MB & mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=256mb this can result in 2 files 256MB, 512MB.. or it may result in 3 files 256MB, 256MB, 256MB. I raised a jira for the same Easy solution for this would be to add a path filter to skip files > maxSplitSize.
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07:10 AM
In beeline or cli, after creating table, u can either do show create or describe to know the table path in hdfs. After exiting from beeline or cli, u can use below command to see the table folder & files inside it hadoop fs -ls -R <tablePath>
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07:18 AM
This validation is intentionally added in spark with SPARK-15279. As it doesn't make sense to provide DELIMITERS for ORC | PARQUET files.
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05:37 AM
After create external table with location, can you run "msck repair table data" ? It should automatically update partition information from folder path to hive metadata.
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04:26 PM
1 Kudo
@cskbhatt, i assume external table location is "hdfs://<emr node>:8020/poc/test_table/" This issue is happening because hdfs://<emr node>:8020/poc/test_table/.metadata/ is not a Parquet file, but exist inside table folder. When Hive ParquetRecordReader tries to read this file, its throwing above exception. Remove all non parquet files from table location & retry your query.
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