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11:19 AM
Hi Guys, I have a group "Marketing" and it has 3 users 1. Mark1 2. Mark2 3. Mark3 and other group is "Account" and it has also 3 users 1. AC1 2. AC2 3. AC3 my questions are : 1. How i get the list of all user in any group ? I have tried below command it give me all users and all groups but not specifically. "cat /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '{ print $1}' | xargs -n1 groups" . 2. I want to set the ACL in such way, In first scenario, User "AC1" (group: "Account") will have the Right "Read/Write/Execute" in Group "Marketing". 3. In second scenario, User Mark1 not able to copy the file into "Account" user. Please guide me in details. NOTE : I have been using Amazon Machine. Thanks,
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
05:58 AM
Thanks a lot @Geoffrey Shelton Okot for brief answer. I am sorry i am totally new to this so even i did not know where to write these command. i am using Amazon machine. I create a new user "toto" at "Node2". but not know how i view the all user at "Node2" including "toto". and then i go to "NameNode" and view the file "hdfs-site.xml" . but did not found property "dfs.namenode.acls.enabled". actually i need to know which command write on which "node" in Amazon machine environment. Thanks again
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12:40 PM
can you please give me some kind of web link which will help me. Thanks
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12:26 PM
@Aditya Sirna Thanks for your prompt reply. Also i need to add new users on that Amazon Machine. and then change their right etc.
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12:26 PM
@Aditya Sirna Thanks for your prompt reply. Also i need to add new users on that Amazon Machine. and then change their right etc.
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11:29 AM
Hi Guys, I have started topic "Configure HDFS ACLs". I am using Amazon Machine. How i create a new user ? and other configurations ? Thanks
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
04:53 AM
Thanks @Jonathan Hurley got your point regarding raising question. My @Namenode was on Safemode that time when i was facing this alert. i put the @namenode into Normal mode. now the alert Purge. is this exactly the reason ? whats your views Thanks
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10:21 AM
I have purge some alerts by Enalbe/Disable. but one alert appeared again after Enable/Disable. How to purge it ? Please see the image : Thanks
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07:55 AM
Thanks a lot @Erkan ŞİRİN it works 🙂 How i put the @namenode into normal mode ? and what is the reason to put the @namenode into safe mode ?
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