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Title | Views | Posted |
2355 | 09-16-2019 04:00 AM | |
2062 | 04-21-2017 01:43 PM | |
1470 | 03-30-2017 11:35 AM | |
4916 | 12-26-2016 10:19 AM |
06:04 AM
Hi @Shaun Michael You need to add the properties at the beginning of the JSON file where you are defining configuration for hadoop services. Below is the snippet from the json file which we used in our configuration. Make sure to validate the JSON before using it in Cloudbreak.
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05:42 AM
@anarasimham Thanks for the explanation.
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04:47 PM
1 Kudo
Hi, Is there a difference (in functionality) between %jdbc, %hive and %sql interpreter. If
Yes, what is the difference? We can access hive data by using all these interpreters. As per the documentation, we can achieve the same functionality by using %jdbc when compared to %hive and it (%hive) will be replaced in newer version of Zeppelin. Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Zeppelin
01:10 PM
Hi All, There was misconfiguration in our blueprint file which we rectified and fixed it. After that we were able to launch HDP cluster and start all hadoop services using Cloudbreak. Thanks all..
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11:29 AM
@rdoktorics @Sonu Sahi @rkovacs We are able to configure the properties in blueprint and launch HDP cluster but we came across an issue where hive metastore was not able to start. When we checked the hive configuration, we found that all the external DB properties was there for Hive metastore but Hive Database was pointing to "New MySQL Database" which supposed to be "Existing MySQL / MariaDB Database". After changing it manually and running the command "ambari-server setup --jdbc-db=mysql --jdbc-driver=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar", we were successfully able to start the hive metastore. Is there any way we can choose "Existing MySQL / MariaDB Database" during the launch of HDP cluster so that it will consider external DB as Hive Metastore. Thanks.
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11:16 AM
Hi @rkovacs, Thanks for your suggestions.
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08:36 AM
Hi @rkovacs, Thanks for your response but we are unable to find the options under "Advanced Options". Could you please guide us on the exact path or if you could provide any screenshot. We are using Cloudbreak Deployer 1.16.1.
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05:16 AM
Hi All, We are trying to use Cloudbreak for launching hdp cluster on EC2 instances. When we launch the cluster, by default it takes hostname as "ip-XX-XXX-XX-XX" for Instances. As per our understanding, we need two files (hostmap.json & cluster_config.json) to launch the cluster. In Cloudbreak, we don't have a provision to select two files. We can select only one file. Does Cloudbreak support launching instances with specific hostname? Thanks..
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- Labels:
Hortonworks Cloudbreak
02:30 AM
@rdoktorics Thanks for your response. At this moment, we are not using HDC. We will try to configure the properties in blueprint and give it a try. When we launch the cluster using Ambari, we can test the connection for external DB's for services like hive, oozie etc. but not sure how we can do this in Cloudbreak.
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05:10 PM
We want to use external hive metastore that is backed by Amazon RDS in cloudbreak. In cloudbreak UI -> Show Advanced Options -> we can configure DB properties for Ambari but not sure about hive.
Can we configure the properties(javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL, javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName, javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword) for external hive metastore in blueprint.json (hive-site.xml) or any other way we can configure it? Do we have any documentation on how to configure Amazon RDS in cloudbreak? As per the above link, we can add environment variables in cloudbreak deployer's Profile. But if we are putting the variables in Profile file then will it apply only for Hive Service? Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Hortonworks Cloudbreak