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03:35 PM
Worked like a charm! Could you please also leave a short comment so that I could understand what was happening and how this setting fixed it? Much appreciated!
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10:54 AM
This did the trick: curl -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-by:ambari" -i -k -X DELETE http://<host>/api/v1/clusters/<cluster>/services/ZEPPELIN
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10:20 AM
I tried installing Zeppelin notebook, but somehow chose the wrong node which didn't have the the Spark client. So the install failed and the node started showing Zeppelin with status "Install Failed". Since the "Actions" dropdown next to the component didn't have any "Remove" option, I used the REST API to delete the host component and service for Zeppelin. Having successfully done this, the Zeppelin component vanished from the list of components of the particular node BUT continues to show with a yellow question mark on the Ambari homepage. No details show when I click on it and when I do Actions -> Add Service, Zeppelin Notebook has a check mark next to it. I am unable to install Zeppelin on another node now. What do I need to do? Thanks in advance!
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Zeppelin
02:22 PM
No, I added the partition using: ALTER TABLE mytable
ADD PARTITION (partitioncolumn="2016-04-30")
LOCATION '/user/data/partitioncolumn=2016-04-30'
By the way, splitting the file into two and adding to the same partition folder works. When I put the complete file in the folder, it always gave me this exception.
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12:39 PM
Hi, I have an external partitioned table and the partition is based on 4 CSV files of < 2GB each. One file causes the problem as soon as added to the partition directory. Splitting the file into two equal parts (based on row count 4071510/2) using the command line "split" command solves the problem. I am completely unable to figure out what the problem is. Here's the stack trace: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TezTask. Vertex failed, vertexName=Map 1, vertexId=vertex_1461850869883_0002_6_00, diagnostics=[Task failed, taskId=task_1461850869883_0002_6_00_000000, diagnostics=[TaskAttempt 0 failed, info=[Error: Failure while running task:java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
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- Labels:
Apache Hive