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08:28 PM
Hi, I have a NiFi instance running on a Docker container and, and I'd like to get some information about it through its API. To do so, I have followed the steps indicated here:, using this command: curl 'http://<my_nifi_ip>:<my_nifi_port>/nifi/nifi-api/access/token' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' --data 'username=<my_user>&password=<my_password>' --compressed But, when launching this command, it redirects me to the login page of NiFi <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>302 Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Found</h1> <p>The document has moved <a href="/login.html">here</a>.</p> </body></html> How can I solve my problem to get the token? Thank you for your help. Regards.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
02:16 AM
Hi, I've a table countries with the following structure: CREATE TABLE countries(
id INT,
code CHAR(2),
name STRING,
continent CHAR(2),
wikipedia_link STRING,
keywords STRING)
ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; My objective is deleting the wikipedia_link column with the following command: ALTER TABLE countries DROP COLUMN wikipedia_link But, when viewing the contents of the table, I realise that, now, the column keywords contains the wikipedia links for each country, instead of the values of the keyword for each country. It seems that only the column is being removed, but not the content of it -my objective is removing both- . To sum up: only the header is being removed, and the following one (keywords) is being shifted to the left. I've tried, too, altering the columns of the table with this command: ALTER TABLE countries REPLACE COLUMNS (
id INT,
code CHAR(2),
name STRING,
continent CHAR(2),
keywords STRING)
But the result is the same: I'm still seeing the values of wikipedia link for each country in the column "keywords". Any idea on how to solve this problem? Regards!
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- Labels:
Apache Hive